Chapter 32 : His Darkness Is Back

Kasity :

I enter my house silently, thinking about all what happened...

I was wrong about us, we could never be together.

Right now, I want him out of my life. I've suffered enough.

Although I can't deny the fact that...

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door...

"Kasity are you home?" Vanessa asks from outside...

"Yes come in" I respond.

She gives me a big hug as she comes in...

"Vanessa I'm so happy you're here, really you're the only one I need right now" I say as I try not to look sad because I don't want to ruin her mood.

Speaking of moods, she seems very happy...

"Okay Vanessa take a seat I'm just going to order something because I'm starving." I say...

After I order, I sit next to her on the couch...

"So? What is it?" I tease her...

"Oh Kasity I've got so much to tell you..." She says, looking very excited...

"Listen, do you remember that guy Jason?" She asks...

"Yes..." I answer as I was trying to sort my confusion out.

"So... While you were away with Areson, we started talking with each other, like, really often and then we started dating..." She manages to say...

"What?!" I react, obviously surprised...

"Why didn't you mention it to me, at least once????" I ask her as I throw a pillow at her...

I could notice her happiness in her eyes... It really has to be something serious...

"Well, you were going through a hard time and I didn't want to bother you..." She tries to explain...

"Ugh I'm so happy for youuu!!!" I say as I hug her tightly...

"So tell me more about him..." I ask curiously...

"Well when we met, he was trying to find a way to protect you from Sebastian when you were threatened and somehow we started meeting each other almost everyday... And what can I say... He's kind, handsome, smart, bossy... Ugh i think I've fallen in love..." She answers, obviously blushing...

"Oh my god" I show my surprise once again...

"Well I think he's a nice guy, I really hope he won't hurt you, because if he does..." I tell her and we burst into laughter together.

"Uhm Kasity..." She starts saying...

"Yes..?" I answer...

"Listen, Jason has organised a ... ball and I think that he is going to propose..." She announces and I'm left speechless...

"Wait what?!" I react, surprised once again...

"Oh my god Vanessa where was I all this time... A ball? I love it!....But are you sure about this?" I ask her...

"Yes Kasity, I've never been so sure about something... I really love him... And I know he loves me too... It's just so amazing..." She replies and I can say I was satisfied with her answer.

We spent the day together, relaxing and sharing news, as well as trying to find the perfect ball dresses...

Areson :

"Now how is this possible boys?????!!!!!!" I ask them angrily while looking at the papers...

"Areson first of all, calm down, because it's your fault. All this time you were trying to sort things out with Perez and you completely forgot about your unfinished businesses" Nathaniel responds...

I sit down on my office chair and throw the papers violently on my desk.

"What does he want?" I ask...My gaze turning dark...

"He learned that you had complications with Sebastian. And now, he believes you are skilful enough to conduct this particular business he has assigned to you." Tristan answers calmly...

I punch the desk, roll the chair to turn my back at them and them turn around to face them again.

"Alright, I think Areson Kingstone has tolerated everybody enough" I answer, obviously still angry.

"Ares, we have no choice, we'll have to agree" John tries to convince me...

"Not this time. As you know, we've been underestimated. From now on we are going to fight back. And may the devil have mercy on them" I say, coldly, my face serious, my eyes dark.

Insane, inside the danger gets me high
Can't help myself got secrets I can't tell
I love the smell of gasoline
I light the match to taste the heat•

I've always liked to play with fire
Play with fire
I've always liked to play with fire•

"Please Areson, we are calmer than you now, and we can judge things better. We should cooperate and not start those businesses again..." John tells me once again...

•I ride the edge
My speed goes in the red
Hot blood, these veins
My pleasure is their pain
I love to watch the castles burn
These golden ashes turn to dirt•

"If we lower our heads once again, if we lift our heel off their necks...They are going to do it again and again, they are going to come at us again and again... They think we are weak and that they can break us, but in reality, they have no idea who they are messing with." I answer, raising my voice, as I felt irritated and underestimated...

I've always liked to play with fire
Play with fire
I've always liked to play with fire•

"And whoever does not agree with this, shall leave now, I always give you the chance to quit this organisation and I respect your desicion" I continue after I got up...

"You know very well Areson, that we stay by your side. We will always be by your side... But if things exacerbate, we'll have to clear your thoughts so you cannot start all those crimes of yours again" Avery answers, looking straight in my eyes, implying that I was not alright...

"I'll speak with him today and I will announce you my strategy tomorrow" I say and then sit down again to study the papers thoroughly...

"See you tomorrow Areson. And whatever is bothering you, do not let it get in your head and intoxicate you" Tristan says, as the four of them walk out of my office...


"He is having his blues again, we should keep an eye on him, because he has turned dark again and we do not know the reason..." Avery whispers to the others at they left Areson's office...

"Is it her? Did she mess up his mind again?" Nathaniel asks...

"I'm afraid yes..." John answers...

"And by the time he realises the great impact she has on him, it will be too late for him to recover again. His darkness is back..." Avery continues....

I'm finally alone, sitting on my dark office chair, trying to think...

I should call him...

I dial his number, preparing myself...

"I see you've received my offer" he answers...

"I did" I say...

"How does it look like? I thought Mr Areson Kingstone could handle it" he continues...

"For your information, yes I am able to handle this" I reply.

"We shall meet to discuss the details Mr. Kingstone don't you think so?" he asks...

I hesitated...

This man is nothing like Sebastian Perez... He's worse, much worse...

But I should meet him...

"Yes, we will meet. Tomorrow, Suarez Mansion II, 6.00 pm" I answer shortly...

"Good" he said and hung up...



Soundtrack : Play with fire by Sam Tinnesz
