Chapter 57 : Victoria Rivera

Areson :

''Oh you've got to be kidding me...'' Victoria says with an unprecedented look on her face as soon as she noticed the person at the door...

''Oh c'mon...'' I hear Nathaniel say in disappointment...

''Damn it now I need a drink.'' John comments right after.

''This just got interesting...'' Avery adds as he gets up from his chair and heads for the door.

''Oh great. Perfect.'' Sebastian ironically says as he breathes out in exhaustion...

''Alright are you all done?'' I ask.

''Now let me continue...Why the hell are you here?'' I ask, almost angry...

''Oh hell, first I find out that I am going to die and now this motherf*cker appears in front of me. John pour me a drink too, or maybe give me the whole damn bottle.'' Victoria interrupts, still in shock and disappointment...

''Well hello to you too. Pretty welcoming I have to admit.'' he ironically says...

''What brings Alastair Moreno here?'' Sebastian says as he approaches him...

''I'd be glad to explain, but it seems that you all have more important issues right now. I am feeling a little...left out.'' he jokes...

''Oh he's making jokes now. Oh screw you.'' Victoria says as she throws a whiskey bottle at him, which he manages to dodge successfully...

''Damn it John hold the psycho.'' I almost yell at him.

''No, I get it why this terrible mess was just created. Because you are all men. No, you know what I am leaving, bye.'' Victoria says as she heads for the door and pushes Alastair out of the way...

''What has gotten into her...'' Nathaniel says with a confused look on his face...

''Hello? Somebody explain?'' Alastair asks...

''Oh you want explanations? Fine then. A group of assassins is going to kill us all and they have a list, in which you are first and Victoria is third. I got a call yesterday from an unknown number which just said 'three'. So we suppose Victoria is going to be murdered first, since she's third on the list.'' I explain as I hand him over the list.

''Oh so now everything is clear...'' he says as he realizes something...

''I came here because I know this is where you hold your meetings. And two days ago I got a call from an unknown number and when I picked up they simply said 'four'.'' he continues...

''That doesn't make any sense at all...'' Sebastian says...

''You are fourth and you are here, not dead.'' Alastair says as he gives a look at the list...

''Kasity Damassiel?'' Alastair reads her name, obviously shocked...

''Why is she in here?'' he asks.

''Oh Kingstone is going to give you the answer.'' Sebastian replies with an evil smile...

''Yeah, continue guilt tripping me.'' I comment.

''This is ridiculous...'' Alastair add as he slightly laughs...

''Okay so, all this was happening and nobody told me anything? My name is included you know. You didn't even care to tell me?'' he asks in disappointment...

''Of course we don't care Romeo, don't be stupid, none of us is romantic enough to care about you.'' I say, giving him a weird look...

''I am going to find Victoria.'' he says after some moments of silence and then heads out...

''Yeah I think she made it pretty clear that she doesn't even want to see you.'' Sebastian shouts behind him as Alastair gets out and closes the door.

''So, where were we?'' I ask.

In the meantime...

Alastair :

''So you didn't exactly leave...'' I say as I approach her...

She doesn't answer...

''Victoria...It's been such a long time since I last saw you... Where have you been?'' I ask her and she tries to look away as she takes a sip from her drink, her hands slightly shaking...

''What makes you think that I will even waste my time to answer you?'' she ironically asks...

''I'm not here to start a war.'' I continue.

''Understandable. Now leave.'' she coldly answers.

''After all this time you are mad at me...Why?'' I ask her, not knowing the real reason behind all this behaviour of hers...

''Oh so we are going to do the talking now? Fine. I talk, you listen.'' she angrily replies...

''After all this time, you appear in front of me. And now you are asking me where have I been? First of all, I get it, I am the psychotic b*tch here. And why? Because I am selfish? Yes, because I actually care about myself. Now, if you haven't noticed already, all I can see around me is a bunch of men, trying to prove who's the most powerful... And surprisingly these men are acting like they have amotions and they actually care about people... You asked me where have I been? After the deal with the Castellos ended, one year later, I was kept hostage by them to draw your attention. To draw Areson's and Alastair's attention, because they were my lovers. I suffered tortures you can't even imagine, because they wanted you and him and all I could thing about was how to save myself.'' she reveals as she takes another sip of her drink...

I need a gangsta
To love me better
Than all the others do
To always forgive me
Ride or die with me
That's just what gangsters do

''The Castellos wanted you to show up to save the girl, but did you? As soon as you both got what you wanted from me, you never cared again about me. Instead of asking me where have I been Alastair, I need to ask you, where were you when I was suffering? You knew about it. Still neither you nor Areson made even the slightest effort to save me. Where were you Alastair when I needed you? Oh and don't tell me 'it was over between us'... Yes we were over, the relationship was over. But honestly how easily did you both stop caring about me? You hear that Victoria Rivera is kept hostage because they want you and Areson and you don't even care?'' she says in disappointment...

I'm f*cked up, I'm black and blue
I'm built for it, all the abuse
I got secrets
That nobody, nobody, nobody knows
I'm good on, that p*ssy shit
I don't want, what I can get
I want someone, with secrets
That nobody, nobody, nobody knows

She left me speechless... 

''Victoria... I loved you like crazy back then and you know it...But if I didn't completely leave you, then Areson would hurt you... To keep you on his side.'' I try to explain...

''No. Stop talking.'' she says as she approaches me until we were too close.

''I am experiencing a total lack of emotions towards you and Areson. The pain you caused me is unmeasurable. And there's no thing in the world that you can do about it. Stop trying to find excuses and do not appear in front of me ever again.'' she says with tears in her eyes and a frustrated look on her face.

I need a gangsta
To love me better
Than all the others do
To always forgive me
Ride or die with me
That's just what gangsters do

Areson :

I went outside. And overheard most of the conversation...

''Victoria.'' I say...

She turns around and notices me from a distance...

''I know. I heard it all.'' I say.

''I am not going to add anything.'' I continue...

''Well, I have some things to add...'' she answers with an evil look on her face as I approached them...

''What kind of lies did you feed her? Damassiel.'' she asks as she starts walking towards me...

''I genuinely need to know how did you both manage to play the victim with her to the point that she actually hates me like crazy.'' she says as she looks me straight in the eyes...

''I know that you Alastair told her the story, when she ran away with you back then and before you start calling me a stalker or whatever, Sebastian was there and he found out about it.'' she reveals...

''He saw her coming out of one of your bedrooms when he came to meet you.'' she says with an evil smile...

I laugh in disppointment as I give Alastair a murderous look...

''But I really wonder...What parts of the story didn't you both tell her?'' she asks suspiciously.

''Areson, did you tell her about that time when you grabbed my neck, pushed me against the wall and yelled 'sign the damn papers' right on my face?'' she asks giving me an evil look and smiling...

My freakness is on the loose
And running, all over you
Please take me to places
That nobody, nobody knows

''Or you Alastair, did you tell her that you left Victoria Rivera suffer even if the Castellos took her because of you?'' she asks turning around to face him...

You got me hooked up on the feeling
You got me hanging from the ceiling
Got me up so high I'm barely breathing
So don't let me, don't let me
Don't let me, don't let me go

We both remained silent.

''Pathetic.'' she adds...

''I wonder how this is going to end up... Kasity loving Areson like crazy, but being in love with Alastair.'' she says with a malicious laugh...

''You wanna prove your love to her?'' she asks, her face dead serious...

''Then save her, take her out of this mess, grant her a normal life and then disappear from her eyesight. She will hurt, but she is going to be okay. She will find a man who won't keep secrets from her, who will take care of her when she comes home tired from work... A man who will help her build a loving family. She won't be at stake anymore... She won't need to carry a gun with her everytime she goes out...'' she says while wandering around us...

''Or you can fight for her love.'' she simply says...

''Like you did with me. And as you can see, now you have a living example of how her life will be if you don't disappear from it.'' she says as she gestures herself.

''I am not ashamed though, I love myself.'' she adds.

''But she won't love herself like that. If she sides with you, she'll eventually have to kill people and do much worse things. And she won't handle that.'' she reveals and she's right...

''No if you'd excuse me, I am probably going to die soon so that's why I am going to pack my things and get ready for a bachelorette party tomorrow. At least I will have fun.'' she says as she heads towards her car, after dropping the whiskey glass behind her on the ground...

I need a gangsta 
To love me better 
Than all the others do 
To always forgive me 
Ride or die with me 
That's just what gangsters do

''Victoria you are not going to die-'' Alastair tries to explain...

''I don't want to listen to you, I don't care bye.'' she says as she waves her hand...psycho wave and leaves...

We stood there in silence...

I took a deep breath and headed for the door when suddenly Sebastian stormed out...

''Where the heck are you people?'' he angrily says...

''What happened?'' Alastair asks...

''Victoria forgot her phone inside.'' he continues.

''Someone called... They said 'Two' and hung up...'' he announces...


Soundtrack : Gangsta by Kehlani


Victoria Rivera

She said it all don't you think? 

[Pictures taken from pinterest, I do not own them.]


Lies...Everybody has lied at least once in their lives, either for a good reason or a malicious purpose. You answer ''yeah I'm fine.'', a lie. But a lie which doesn't negatively affect anybody, except you. People consider lying as something negative, something that shades honesty, and they are right... But sometimes, a lie is needed, either to protect somebody or to achieve something good. The thing is that once lies get on somebody's way, it is so hard to escape from them.

Every lie can haunt you and not let you live peacefully, every lie can make you question your honesty towards other people. But if those lies don't hurt anybody, then why be honest? Because by being honest, you acually show vulnerability, something I personally always hated. 

Sometimes you have no choice either than to lie. And sometimes, you may feel glad that you lied about something, because it helped you out of a difficult situation. But you should manage to handle your lies...Use them when needed, conceal them properly and always think about the person to whom you are going to direct your lies... Lies are dangerous, if you are not a good liar.

Anyway people, just be honest when you can, it's better.


