Chapter 29 : Mutual

Areson :

While we were racing I felt she was back...

It seemed that she was finally back.

That's what I wanted. That's the woman I want to love.

That's the woman I'm afraid to fall in love with...

I tried to win, but there's no use. When it comes to racing she's the only winner.

We stop our cars, and she gets out, slowly, in a provocative way - she's doing it on purpose of course.

"Speechless" I say.

"Please speak" she says while laughing and leaning towards me.

"You really know how to drive a car with a dress and heels miss Damassiel, I'm surprised" I tease her.

"And you really know how to win cases in the court, on your very high heels" I say, while approaching her face.

"Are you implying that my looks are inappropriate Areson?" She starts to get angry.....

"Not only your looks" I whisper.

"Oh I'll kill you" she answers loudly and hits my chest.

"No kiss after this fiery race?" I ask her...

•I want you close to me
I want you close, I want you closer
But when you're here with me
It's hard to tell just what you're after•

She stares at me with wonder, and dedication I'd say...

Then she approaches her lips to mine, touches them slowly, smiles, and then... she moves back...

"No Areson, not yet" she answers...

I cannot describe my feelings when she does that...

"Okay Ares, are we going home now?" She asks...

"I've got one more surprise for you" I answer, taking her hand and leading the way...

You say, you want all of me today
But tomorrow's not the same
My feelings never change
What do you want from me?
What do you want?•

Kasity :

After some minutes of walking, we finally reached the place he was talking about, and of course, I was left speechless....
It was a beautiful garden, with small lights hanging from some trees...
The way he always managed to organise such romantic places...

"As you can see, Kasy, there isn't a small table and two chairs, for us to have a 'romantic' dinner, because that would be boring and also I've got plans for when we get home" he says...

I gave him a surprising innocent look, raising one eyebrow...

"You and your plans, I know what you are thinking about, I know who Areson Kingstone is" I say as I put on my devilish smile...

He nods slightly...

I approach him and put my hands over his shoulders.

"Areson..." I say, my facial expression changing, as I became serious...

"We're going home tomorrow, and we will continue our own lives...You're going to run your company,  as you used to, and I'm going to finish my job with Sebastian, then..." I felt my sadness becoming more obvious towards him...

I saw in his eyes, the same thing I felt that moment...

I need to know
If this is mutual
Before I go
And get way too involved
I want you bad
Can you reciprocate?
No, I don't want to have to leave
But half of you's not enough for me•

"Are we toxic Areson?" I make him the question and focus on his eyes...

"Toxic... That's a weird word..." he says, as he tries several times to look away, because maybe he didn't know what to do...

"Kasity... Even if we continue our lives, I need you to know, that you are the woman I've always dreamed of... You are so independent and strong and that makes me feel good because I know that wherever you go, you'll be safe..." he answers...

'Is he trying to tell me something?' I wonder...

"Even if I've hurt you, I want you to know you became one of the most important people of my life...I...I can't do this..." he tries to say something, but then, looks away...

This inconsistency
What doesn't mean? You got me questioning
The way you act and take it back, do I mean anything?
Just tell me honestly•

"Finish your sentence, Areson" I say, as I touch his face, catching attention of his eyes again...

"Kasity, I'd like to give you this" he says, showing me a small box, with a diamond necklace in it...

I smile...but still, he didn't finish what he wanted to say...

"Areson, you and your diamonds" I roll my eyes, still smiling...

"With your name on them..." he says, going behind me to put the necklace on my neck...

"Let's go home Areson" I tell him, as I slightly touch his hand...

You say, you want all of me today
But tomorrow's not the same
My feelings never change
What do you want from me?
What do you want?•

We went back to our apartment...

I went to the kitchen for a glass of water and when I returned, I saw him changing his clothes.

He tried to remove his tie but he couldn't.

"How hard can that be Areson?" I ask him, as I approach him and grab his tie...

I remove his tie, but my hands remained on his chest...

"What were you planning Areson?" I ask him, slightly lifting my gaze up to his...

"I was planning to kiss you, at first" he says and immediately kisses me slowly...

My hands moved on his shoulders to pull him closer...

"Areson...i need to know if this is mutual" I whisper...

I need to know
If this is mutual
Before I go
And get way too involved
I want you bad
Can you reciprocate?
No, I don't want to have to leave
But half of you's not enough for me•

He gives me a questioning look...

"Me wanting to be with you all the time, but not admitting that there can be strong feelings between us" I continue...

"Mutual feeling" he whispers and kisses me again...

"I want you, Kingstone" I say, as he breaks free from the kiss and stares at me closely...

"I know" he chuckles, then kisses me again...

"Last time, Ares" I tell him as he puts his hands around my waist...

"Agreed" he answers and continues...

•Are you playing me?
Is this a game?
When you show up late
Say love at 2 a.m.
Then tell me you can't stay
What do you want from me?

I need to know if this is mutual...



Soundtrack : Mutual by Shawn Mendes

