Chapter 10 : Play with Fire

Areson :

I could see people coming in the court. When we all had taken our seats, the judge appeared, having a serious look on his face, of course.

I could see Kasity fight like a demon. She was so smooth, clear and very good at her job. She always had that devilish look and would often address us questions even I couldn't answer.

I could see Nathaniel starting to sweat as even he could not deal with her anymore. Everything she mentioned was true, she was only based on facts and proof. That scared me the most. The fact that she had no mercy on me. She gave me some confident looks. Sometimes her eyes would just stare at me as I could see fire in them. She was so graceful but so evil.

It was hard.

In the end, the judge said it would be a tough decision. He scheduled the next court date. The final court date, actually. Then, he would make his desicion, based on mine and Sebastian's answers to our opposite lawyers' questions. This means Ms. Kasity is going to interrogate me, trying to prove me guilty.

When we were finished and everybody left, me and Damassiel were the only ones left. Purposefully of course.

"Your confidence is going to sabotage you" I say clearing my throat and heading for the door.

Then I heard her follow me.

"I will win, Kingstone, that's what you don't want to admit" she responded. She sounded tired but arrogant as usual.

We went outside and I headed for my car. A pale blue and grey Lamborghini.

"You're always showing off" she said rolling her eyes and laughing.

"I can see it in your eyes that you're dying to drive this" I tease her.

"Hm. I've got mine, sweetheart." She says with a devilish smile while heading for her own car.

She'd never mentioned this but... She's got a Chevrolet Corvette.

"Who's showing off now, darling?" I say while slightly grining.

She rolles her eyes again and then enters her car.

We were driving on the same road. It was afternoon near evening.

Suddenly I notice her speeding up. A lot.

'So that's what she wants now? A car race? I will show you baby' I think and immediately speed up.

A noticed her smiling ambitiously a few times. She's that kind of dangerous woman who knows exactly what she wants.

It's only been about a couple of days
You must've gone and put a spell on me
I can't get you out from under my veins
Singin', "Oh my lord, she'll be the death of me"
I'm not the one to normally play the fool
So tell me brother, what's a man to do?
Half mad, half mad
Going crazy over you
Singin', "Oh my god, if you're the fire, I'm the fuel"•

Kasity :

All of a sudden we were racing like crazy. What game are we playing here?

Thank God there were no other cars on the road. He's now in front of me.

"He's crazy" I mumble while smiling and trying to pass by him.
I could feel the adrenaline in my veins. I haven't done something like this before.
It's worth the risk. There's something about this man making me feel he's worth all the risks.

Areson :

I really struggled speeding up. She's so crazy, we can both get killed.

•Well, my mama, yeah, she'd always say it's stupid to get in between a woman who knows what she wants
Well, I guess I made that mistake
I'm young and foolish or brave and she's made her way into my heart•

•I'm like the gasoline, you light the match
Ain't no one else who can burn me like that
So I cross my heart, kill my desire
This is what you get when you play with fire•

•I'm a pyromaniac, it ain't safe
'Cause you've got trouble written over your face
You say, "Lover, gotta have a little faith"
Thinking I'd have mercy but I know you ain't a saint
And daddy used to warn me 'bout your kind
I read the book maybe a thousand times
Somewhere, somehow
Missed the warning signs 'cause I'm calling up to see if you're around tonight•

'There's something about this woman' I think, speeding up even more.

Kasity :

'There's something about this man' I think, trying hard not to let him pass by me.


This is what you get when you play with fire...

Soundtrack : Play with fire - Nico Santos

