☁️Heathers☁️ StaticLoveTune

Victor Maxwell couldn't help but stare as he watched the most infamous group in Hazbin high school passed him by. Charlie Magne, the typical teachers pet you would expect from the principals daughter and her easily angered girlfriend Vagatha. With them was the typical bottle blonde Anthony, nicknamed Angel Dust off the drug he was know for inhaling behind Charlie's back like it was air. Then there was what the school knew as the big three. Nickie was the only female of the three, an energetic and short red-head with an extreme hatred for dirt. Hank was second in command when it came to the three, he had a drinking and gambling addiction and everyone knew it, but no one could do anything since the black haired guys parents ran the only casino in town and could easily bribe the principal. Then...there was him, the boss himself Alastor. Alastor was a brown haired, tan skin mixed guy with a fake transatlantic accent and some red tinted glasses perched snuggly on his nose and a smile always present on his face. You would think that being the principals daughter that Charlie would hold the most power in the group, but that was far from the truth as Alastor was very persuasive and easily manipulated Charlie.

  Victor couldn't help but be envious of the group who went on many adventures and got into so much trouble but always ending up unscathed, the worst being Alastor receiving another scolding from Vaggie at the end of it all. Meanwhile, here he was, a typical play it safe good boy whose parents raised him to unquestionably follow the will of God. What has that gotten him though? He was sixteen and what did he have to show for it? Friends who treat him like crap, sub-par grades, they were the worst behaved in school and they had everything! So why did he feel like life had conned him from what he truly deserved? Like everything they had should have been his! When he got home that day, he took his bibles and threw it in the trash before promptly setting it ablaze, setting his old self ablaze with it as he had decided. He'd be a teen idle.

First of all, no one got to talk to Alastor without first addressing his "handler" Hank, this should be easy enough, "Hank! I have an offer for you" Victor called out. "The fuck do you want student pres?" Hank scoffs rubbing his tremble, probably having a hangover from drinking to much again. "I'll give you fifty bucks right here and now if you let me talk to Alastor" Victor said with a grin, Hank glaring Victor down before holding out his hand for the payment. Victor happily put the fifty in his hand and followed Hank as he lead the way to Alastor, as predicted of the theater lover, he was in the theater room rehearsing for the next show, Heathers the musical if he remembered right. The theater lover seemed to be having trouble as he would repeat 'darling' or other terms he used in his regular speech at some point in his lines, his singing was perfect though. Victor felt his face heat up as Alastor looked over, eyes looking over Victor's body like he couldn't maintain eye contact for more than a moment.

His face only got redder as Hank held up his hand, Alastor taking it so he can jump down. Alastor was apparently playing the part of Veronica Sawyer, since he was wearing the characters signature blue dress suit and a pencil skirt. Victor would be lying if the way the skirt fluttered when he hopped off the stage didn't get his attention, the way the stockings hugged the Creole man's thighs didn't exactly help. "Well if it isn't the student president! How can I help you Victor darling?" Alastor greets with his usual permanent smile. Victor rubs the back of his neck nervously, his confidence suddenly completely gone as he's suddenly in front of the most popular boy in school-with boys and girls. "I want to join your group!" Victor blurts out suddenly, Hank looking at him wide-eyed and slack jawed and Alastor's eyes were equally wide, but his were in more surprise than complete shock like Hank. "Well...that's certainly interesting, you may! If...you'd be willing to make a deal with me" Alastor grins. He really should have expected this, the southerner loved to make-typically-very shady deals. "What kind of deal...?" Victor asked carefully, looking deep into Alastor's unfocused eyes. "If you can get the part of JD in the musical, I'll be happy to more than happy to welcome you in the group!" Alastor cheers thrusting his arms out to offer his hand. Victor looked down at the others hand for a moment, staring at it for awhile before slowly shaking his hand, "it's a deal".

Victor clutches his leather coat that he bought specifically for this, Alastor would be one of the judges, and he was hoping showing up in costume would help score him some extra points. He walks up to the stage and bows, "my name is Victor Maxwell, and I'm auditioning for the part of JD" Victor announces to the judges, the judges being the principal, Alastor, and the theater teacher. "What song will you be performing for us my dear?" Alastor asked with a large smirk, leaning forward with a look of confidence. Victor knew exactly why, Alastor wasn't going to be harder on Victor just because of their deal, no, he didn't need to, Alastor was extremely hard to please when it came to theater, especially musical theater. Thankfully, Victor knew just what to do to win Alastor's favor, play to his narcissism. "Actually Alastor, I was hoping you come up here and sing 'Our Love Is God' with me" Victor says with a sly grin, bowing down and holding out his hand, everyone was taken off guard, especially Alastor. Eventually, Alastor took his hand, Victor pulling him up to the stage as the two finally made full eye contact. The music fades into existence as Victor kept eye contact, gently caressing Alastor's cheeks as the other began to fake tears.

(V=Victor A=Alastor)

They made you cry
But that will end tonight
You are the only thing that's right
About this broken world
  Victor proceeds to twirls Alastor before pulling him close to his chest, wiping the fake tears with his thumb as he caressed the others cheek.

Go on and cry
But when the morning comes
We'll burn it down and then
We'll build the world again
Our love is God

  Victor pulls away and turns his back to Alastor with a frown etched on his face. Alastor frowns in concern and places a hand on his shoulder.

Are you okay?
I was alone
I was a frozen lake

Victor turns back and cups Alastor's cheeks, tears steadily streaming down his own as he looks in the chocolate eyes of the center of his affection.

But then you melted me awake
See, now I'm crying too
You're not alone

You're not alone
And when the morning comes
When the morning comes
We'll burn away that tear, and raise our city here
Our love is God

  Victor smiles as he pulls Alastor to his chest, the other softly smiling back at their cheeks each tint a shade of red.

We can start and finish wars
We're what killed the dinosaurs
We're the asteroid that's overdue

  Victor twirls and dips Alastor as the duo sang to their hearts content. The world around them blending into a mess of colors, only the background was visible as they truly became Veronica and JD.

The dinosaurs choked on the dust
They died because God said they must
The new world needed room
For me and you

  Their eyes locked and their bodies were pressed close together, lips centimeters apart as Vox looked at Alastor with adoration.
I worship you
I'd trade my life for yours
They all will disappear
We'll plant our garden here
Plant our garden here
Our love is God
Our love is God
Our love is God
Our love is God

  The two look at each other with devil like grins.

And when the morning comes
They'll both be laughing stocks
So let's go hunt some jocks!

  Victor suddenly grips Alastor's wrist as he looks at Alastor with an insane desire, something that truly unsettled Alastor.

We can start and finish wars
We're what killed the dinosaurs
We're the asteroid that's overdue
The dinosaurs will turn to dust
They'll die because we say they must

  Victor sees the real fear reflecting in the typically chipper man's eyes, his expression softening as he rest his forehead in Alastor's as he softly brushed his hair with his finger tips.

I worship you
I'd trade my life for yours
We'll make them disappear
We'll plant our garden here
Our love is God
Our love is God
Our love is God
Our love is God
Our love is God
Our love is God
Our love is God...!

  Alastor pulls away looking into Victor's eyes for the insanity he saw before, but it was gone, instead replaced with sweet adoration and devotion. Alastor was taken aback, his fear slowly melting away, the emersion of their roles being broken as the theater room was filled with loud clapping. Alastor reluctantly took Victor's hand and the two bowed up on the stage, and of course, Victor was ultimately picked to play the part of JD, it was no contest. Back stage, Victor thought he'd be double crossed by Alastor and wouldn't get in, he'd scared the young man after all, it would make sense he'd never want to see him again. In his self pity, he didn't notice Alastor until he felt something be placed in his palm by light and soft hands, "good work out there darling" Alastor laughed, then placed a small peck to his cheek as he walked off. Victor touched his cheek as his face heated up immensely, he could have sworn an angel kissed him just now. As he opened his palm, he grinned as he looked at the scrap with ten digits written on it, maybe it wasn't the popularity he wanted after all.
