Chapter £9

"Fine then." He spoke with a simper on his lips.

Kyoinor aimed at the ankles of one of their pursuers. He shot them in which they fell roughly onto the ground. The mercenary pulled the trigger once again, another bullet penetrating through the leg of one of their pursuers.

Kyoinor continued to shoot at the lower limbs of their pursuers, four more of them falling down due to their crippled state. Clair ran after Kyoinor as they turned right in an alleyway.

The remaining four chasing after them started shooting after them as they turned right to follow them. Blazes of raging fire greeted Kyoinor as he exited from the confined space of the alleyway with Clair.

The mercenary was suddenly shot on the side of his upper body, but it not affect his performance in combat. He retaliated back by shooting the assailant in their foot- which they had an abrupt fall.

They all ran through the streets, avoiding multiple debris caused by the explosions and fire inflicting destruction upon the city. Kyoinor was able to shoot down two more assailants. He was unable to shoot the last one as his gun needed reloading.

He went to reload his firearm by getting some ammunition from a pouch attached to his belt. However, the assailant was able to shoot the ammo out of his hand.

Clair determined what was happened from the series of sounds she heard. She took her revolver from her belt and handed it to Kyoinor as they continued running. "Use this instead."

Kyoinor quickly took the revolver from her hand as it was a quicker alternative. The change of weapon did not hinder him as he was trained to handle and use a variety of weapons.

He quickly fired at the remaining assailant. Unfortunately, the assailant was able to barely dodge the bullet and fire one of their own.

The shot pierced through Kyoinor's shoulder, causing his grip on the revolver to weaken slightly. He persevered through the pain he felt in order to fire another shot at the assailant. He was able to shoot them in the arm, but the gang member was persistent to keep on hunting them.

As they ran, multiple streetlights and destroyed buildings on the sides of the street could be seen as mere blurs to them. Kyoinor caught eye of a museum and decided to run inside as the confined space could prove to be useful.

He and Clair quickly hid behind a large pillar as they saw their assailant enter the building. Blood leaked from both of their wounds, staining the floors of the museum.

Dreaded silence filled the museum as both combatants were cautious for each other. They paid attention to any slight detail or movement that occurred within their vicinity.

The mercenary decided to break the silence by shooting at the assailant with Clair's revolver. The gang member quickly saw the bullet coming towards her and fell to the side to avoid it. She ran towards the direction where the bullet came from. Kyoinor and Clair started running once again, traversing around the displays and pillars.

Multiple bullets flew towards them, Clair getting shot in the lower back while in the midst of them. The pain slowed her down but she retained the perseverance and determination to keep running.

The mercenary then shot at an object that was on display. The object flew towards the assailant, which they barely dodged in response. The gang member became infuriated with his attempt in throwing her off. She took a nearby object and threw it at the two in retaliation.

The two were able to avoid the object while Kyoinor attempted to shoot her in the leg. That proved unsuccessful as she moved to the side. Both of them took up their arms and shot each other at the same time.

She shot at his lower body while he shot at the side of her waist. They stopped their movements as they held their empty firearms at each other.

"Damn it." she cursed. "I run out of ammo when I have my gun aimed perfectly at you."

"I'm sure I can reload my gun faster than you." he taunted. "I'll be the one getting the finishing blow."

"Even if you do kill me, the rest of the gang will you hunt you down to no end. You tried shooting our boss and you're going to pay for that." she said. "Or we might both die because of the fire burning this museum down."

"May I ask why your gang has terrorized the city of Westminister?" Clair questioned. "From what we've heard, you want to bargain with the British government. But what are you trying to achieve with all this chaos?"

The assailant's gaze shifted towards Clair. "Independence."

Her answer surprised Clair. "We want to leave Britain and become our own countries- I speak for the Irish, Welsh, and the Scots. We were ignored and humiliated from our countries' defeat. England killed so many Irishmen during the Troubles. And the damn English killed the Welsh and Scots in the civil war. Don't even get me started on those damn Yanks who helped.

Our boss rounded up us all together so we can get our counties' independence. This city has a lot of important people and buildings in it- burning it and getting some hostages will get the government to notice us unless they want this precious city to perish."

"Violence has not worked for you in past events in achieving independence. What makes you think repeating a futile past decision will make you successful?" Clair questioned.

"Shut your mouth, do you really think the English would willingly give us what we want? Like hell." she spat. "All we want is our independence but everytime we try to obtain it, we are shamed. We'll use any means necessary to get it."

'War is truly cruel.' Clair thought. 'That's always been the case ever since I started studying many of them.'

"You dared to kill the boss who brought us together, you dared to sever us." she spoke furiously. "But I won't let you make another attempt."

She took some ammo from her pouch in order to reload her gun. However, she was shot in the ankle before she could insert it into her firearm.

Kyoinor was seen holding up a M1911 pistol, smoke coming from within the barrel. "I was lucky that I got a gun that was loaded. Fortunate of me to find a war museum in the area."

The mercenary wiped the firearm with his jacket and put the pistol back onto the display. He started walking towards the exit while Clair followed after the sounds of his footsteps. He gave Clair her revolver back before reloading his own firearm.

The two left the museum, leaving the gang member distraught and crippled from her loss.
