Chapter £7

"Oh goodness, I simply cannot take any of this chaos anymore." Alastair exasperated as he witnessed the sight.

Olivia was shocked by the sight of the explosion that had recently occured. "What's happening?" Clair asked as she heard the sound of the explosion.

"A building exploded nearby and now a fire has started to spread around the city." Olivia informed.

'Who would set off an explosion? And why?' Clair thought.

The sight of the explosion and fire did not phase nor startle the mercenary on the other hand. 'The shootings that have occurred in the past week. They all had something in common; they all took place in public places or social events. It seems that all of the shootings were committed by the same group of people.' Clair deducted. 'Would this explosion be their doing as well..?'

"It's only a hypothesis, but throughout the week, multiple shootings have occurred in populated areas. So perhaps, this explosion may be the doing of those committing the shootings." the historian spoke.

"You really think so, Clair?" the archivist spoke.

"It's certainly a possibility." Clair stated.

Kyoinor sighed out of annoyance. "This fire is sure to hold transportation up to get the earl to his destination. What a hindrance."

"Then we shall attempt to save civilians!" the earl declared.

"That's absurd." Kyoinor said in response. "Law enforcement and the fire department will take care of the fire. It's unnecessary to endanger our lives."

"How can you be so dismissive of the lives of others? I am well informed that you are capable of saving many with your skill and prowess. Why not use your practicality to save civilians as much as you can?" the earl questioned.

"Because that wasn't my job." the mercenary simply answered.

"I'm the one compensating you, I demand that you make an attempt to save the innocents." Alastair demanded.

Kyoinor sighed. "As you wish."

Clair then felt an obligation to assist them as she remembered the blood on her own hands. The blood that couldn't simply be washed away.

"I will also try to save civilians." Clair declared.

"Are you sure about this?" Olivia asked. "Being blind in a fire might prove difficult when trying to save others."

"I'll rely on my senses." the historian claimed. "Olivia, I don't think you should stay in the hospital. Your health care was delayed and the fire may spread here if you stay."

Olivia nodded in agreement. "I guess we'll find another hospital instead that isn't completely occupied."

The four proceeded to walk into the burning city, intending to save lives amongst the fire. They walked into several buildings to retrieve people from the blazing fire.

However, they could not save everyone as agonized screams could be heard from unfortunate civilians who suffered burns. They were attempting to save lives, but death stubbornly lingered throughout the city.

Clair started to remember flashbacks of her sins as she heard and sensed death around her. The raging flames that were burning all around her  reminded her of the demise of many back then.

She shook her head as she refused to reminisce over those dreadful memories of her crime. However, if she wanted to escape the thought, she still felt guilt.

The group went to run through the alleyways of Westminster- as they provided a faster pathway to more buildings.

Unfortunately, there stood someone who blocked their way. Then, they shortly saw her pull a gun out of their holster. Olivia and Alastair was caught off guard by the sight of a firearm.

Kyoinor and Clair remained calm even with the sound of their gun loading. "Come along and we won't have to hurt you."

"Do you know who I am? I am 8th earl of Mansfield! How dare you-"

"Oh? An earl?" Their attacker spoke, piquited with interest. "How wonderful, we'll have a member of British nobility as one of our hostages."

"Hostages?" Olivia spoke.

'They're taking hostages as well? What are they trying to accomplish by taking in hostages?' Clair thought. 'They also seemed to be enlightened to have a member of British nobility. Who are they trying to bargain with?'

"Now come now before my patience runs thin." She prompted.

The four slowly walked towards the woman that was threatening them. Kyoinor observed the alleyway around them before quickly taking out his gun from his belt and shooting the woman.

She was unable to respond quickly to the drawing of his gun as she was shot in the forehead. "Let's get out of here." Kyoinor said as he started towards the direction they came from.

The three followed after him, running as fast as they can. Clair followed the sound of his footsteps attentively. However, she was able to hear more footsteps of multiple people running after them.

'Multiple people are pursuing us. We're definitely dealing with a group of people.' Clair thought as she took her revolver from her belt.

The four continued running as the people pursuing them took up their firearms and started shooting at them. Bullets ran towards them in the midst of the blazes of fire.

To their dismay, the earl was shot in the ankle while Olivia was hit in the thigh. The two fell onto the ground, unable to run quickly with their injuries.

Two of the people pursuing them took Alastair and the archivist within their grasps and pointed their barrels towards Kyoinor and Clair.

"You killed one of our members!" One of them said. "We won't let you get away with that."

Both Alastair and Olivia were panicked in their current position as they looked helplessly at the two for help.

'I don't know where to shoot without hurting the earl and Olivia.' Clair thought. 'I can tell they have both of them hostage, so what do I do?'

"Having an earl as a hostage will do. Killing both of you shouldn't cost us much."

Kyoinor then saw one of them take a hand grenade from their pouch and bite the pin off it. They shortly threw it toward him and Clair. "Get down!" He yelled to Clair as he dropped to the ground.

Clair immediately followed his instructions and got down. The grenade exploded shortly, inflicting destruction on the nearby structures.

Once the smoke from the explosion dissipated, one man from the group came to check on Kyoinor and Clair. Both of them were still on the ground, immobile and still.

He looked towards the rest of their group. "Yeah, both of them are most likely dead."

"Like anyone can survive a grenade in close range." One of them replied. "Let's go."

The rest of the group quickly ran away with their hostages, leaving the two behind.
