Chapter £31

Kyoinor was a reserved, quiet schoolboy. He never spoke up much because if he did- he would answer to his father. His silver irises always seemed to be gloomy and emotionless with every gaze. The only person that had brought him happiness was his elder brother. Fletcher had always protected him whether it was the other schoolchildren or his father.

Kyoinor Hughes seemed like a barren husk as he never expressed himself to anyone. He knew he couldn't achieve anything academically like his brother, so he decided to enroll into a military academy at 16. Eventually, he had become a fighter pilot for the Royal Air Force. He was quite an impressive pilot, but he held no ego or pride to see that. He had only accepted what his father always told him; all that he was good for was killing.

In two years, Kyoinor had fought his first war in the Falkland Islands. The British government under the prime minister- Margaret Thatcher had sent troops to the islands to fight against Argentinian forces. It was a short war that lasted 74 days, the British being the victor. During the Falklands War, Kyoinor was appointed to be under the command of Air Marshal Adger Quintrell. The air marshal was quite amused and intrigued on why a young boy like Kyoinor was willing to fight a war.

Adger was impressed by Kyoinor's prowess as a fighter pilot on the battlefield. He could see that the young prodigy had a future in the military. Yet, he could not understand why Kyoinor pursued such a dangerous career at his age.

"I wonder why you've joined the air force, Hughes." he would say. "You have opportunities to do other things, I just can't understand you."

Kyoinor would stare back at him blankly while his superior would give him a benevolent smile. Adger would assist him with his troubles such as giving him spare ammunition for his firearm or giving him advice. The crimson-haired soldier was not used to such kindness and care from older men. Kyoinor could only express his thankfulness with a few words.

"Thank you.. sir."

Even if his empty, silver irises could not express his gratitude, the young solider throughly appreciated his kindness. Kyoinor looked up to Adger, perhaps more than just his superior. Adger was quite peculiar to Kyoinor. The air marshal did not have strict or tight policies on his subordinates. Adger seemed to be a lax and energetic man. His strategies during battle were risky- but efficient.

In two years, the United Kingdom Civil War had begun. Wales, Ireland, and Scotland's desire independence had erupted in conflict with England. The three counties had formed alliance to fight against England. However, America had intervened to assist England in the war. Both countries wanted to swiftly end the conflict as they did not want to kill their own allies.

Still, the war lasted for four grueling years. Kyoinor Hughes took part in this war, serving as a fighter pilot for the Royal Air Force. Of course, he was under the command of Air Marshal Quintrell. Like with many wars, there was bloodshed and violence. This fact was widely accepted by most.

Halfway through the war, Kyoinor was promoted to the rank of group captain. He had received a couple of subordinates himself, one of them being Amber Harris. Amber was an eccentric and devoted fighter pilot. She found Kyoinor's leadership to be superb even with his lack of sentiment. Nevertheless, her loyalty to him was certainly strong.

Later into the war, Kyoinor and Adger's fighters were shot down from a dogfight. Fortunately, they had survived their crash by ejecting. They had safely landed on the ground with a few injuries.

"Well, that's unfortunate." Adger sighed. "We're not as well on the ground as we are in the air. We should find the rest of the army so we aren't completely vulnerable."

Kyoinor nodded in response. The two pilots took out their firearms out of caution and instinct. They traversed through the barren landscape that held multiple corpses. They traveled with extreme caution, occasionally hiding behind rocks or other damaged buildings. They looked around in order to find any member of the English army.

Kyoinor and Adger were quite cold, as their uniforms were not fit for the weather on the ground. Their surroundings were dreadfully quiet, making the both of them extremely alert. They continued to tread through the battlefield until they heard the grim sound of multiple footsteps. They quickly looked towards the direction where they heard the shot and prepared themselves. Adger and Kyoinor saw an infantry platoon consisting of Welsh soldiers.

Fear flooded Adger's veins. The air marshal knew that they would not hold well against a platoon of soldiers if they were found. There were also no approaching English soldiers to be found nearby. Anxiety gripped his mind as he did not dare to make any noise. Both of them saw that the Welsh had found their crashed fighter jets.

Kyoinor and Adger heard the soldiers speaking in Welsh- most likely discussing about the fallen fighter jets. Adger was aware that the soliders knew that their fighter jets crashed recently (from their condition); which meant that the pilots could be nearby in the area. The platoon looked around the battlefield, searching for them. Suddenly, a bullet had coursed through Adger's soldier. The air marshal quickly identified the source as a sniper rifle.

His shoulder was bleeding, but he did not express his pain verbally. However, it was to no avail as the sound of the swift bullet was loud. The platoon immediately recognized where the noise came from. The Welsh quickly ran towards them as they both began their attempt to escape. Bullets chased them as ran with the best agility they had.

Adger saw an upcoming English platoon coming towards their way and became optimistic. As soon as the platoon had saw the two pilots, they quickly ran to defend them. However, the air marshal was shot in the ankle causing him to stumble and fall down.

Kyoinor instantaneously ceased his running. "Sir!"

The young pilot went to carry Adger over his soldier. "Hughes, put me down! We'll both die with you carrying me!"

"Sir, I won't let you die!" Kyoinor shouted, finally showing emotion in his voice and irises.

"Let me down, Hughes!" Adger shouted. "That's an order!"

"Then I'll have to disobey your orders, sir." Kyoinor concluded as he continued running with Adger over his shoulder.

The extra weight on the younger soldier slowed him down, but he was determined to save his superior. Kyoinor was shot multiple times in the back, but he did not allow that to hinder him. The air marshal then purposefully fell off Kyoinor's shoulders.


"Hughes, it's useless. We'll both be dead before we can even regroup with the platoon." Adger uttered. "You don't have to die just for me, you can live."

"I won't let you die, sir! Please just let me-"

"No. Please Hughes, you have so much more to live for. You don't deserve to die in a place like this." Adger reassured.

Multiple bullets were aimed at Kyoinor, however the air marshal had shielded the boy with his own body. Adger coughed up more blood, looking at Kyoinor with an amicable expression.

"All I want.. is for you to live a good life, Hughes." the air marshal declared as he reached out to pat Kyoinor's helmet. "So go on ahead, without me."

A tear streamed down from one of Kyoinor's eyes as Adger's hand was on his helmet. The Welsh shot at them again, Adger continuing to protect him from the bullets.

"I will obey your request, sir." Kyoinor decided.

Adger gave him one last, warm smile before he was ultimately gunned down.

Kyoinor ran toward the English platoon. He wept and grieved for Adger's death as he heard multiple bullets utterly destroying the air marshal's body. Kyoinor Hughes had felt immense grief for the first time in his life. He knew he lost someone precious. This was the first time that Kyoinor expressed emotion besides his usual state of blankness. Adger was more a superior to him.

To Kyoinor, the air marshal acted as a paternal figure than his own wretched father.

Throughout the rest of the war, Kyoinor held a severe grief inside his heart and mind. Once again, his irises were desolate. Only now, they were not empty as they held the emotion of anguish. He would eventually see himself walking amongst a silent, corpse-filled landscape. It was wet and cold when he first saw a young girl that was surrounded by the corpses of soldiers.

He looked upon the girl and felt immense pity and sympathy for her. The tragic girl referred to him as paternal figure. Kyoinor Hughes wanted to save someone. Perhaps, this little girl could be his start. He picked up the girl into his arms.

Her brown eyes stared into Kyoinor's peculiar orbs. "Why are you crying?"

His tears fell upon her cheeks. The little girl reached out to pat his helmet in order to comfort him. Kyoinor found this action to be evocative as he looked at the little girl. There, they both saw a a butterfly flying in the rain. Both astonished on how a pretty creature could be in this hellish landscape.

Kyoinor continued to walk with the little girl in his arms- until she was shot in the head by a soldier of the Independence Party. The little girl was left unconscious and limp. There, Kyoinor Hughes became a traitor. He offered his prowess as a fighter pilot in exchange for the life of the little girl.

The three countries were eventually defeated by the two superpowers, ending at March 24, 1988 with the Treaty of Dublin. Kyoinor Hughes became a mercenary as he left his career as a fighter pilot. He needed money to cure the little girl. He could only make money with the only thing he was good at- killing. The mercenary did not care at this point of time if he obliged to his father's expectations. In order to save the little girl, he would need to kill.
