Chapter £4

"Goodness, that sounds terrible."

Clair put a book away into the bookshelf. "I suppose the experience was not favorable, but at least I got out alive."

The historian was inside an archive that stored many books that contained information about multiple events in history. She was currently conversing with a fellow archivist who worked at the same archive as her.

"Yeah, you sure were lucky that you survived from almost getting shot." she said. "It was fortunate that you happened to get a not so average bodyguard!"

"Yeah, it seems I was fortunate." Clair said as she walked towards a table in the archive.

She picked up her trench coat from a chair she placed it on and put it on. Clair then went to pick up her fedora and put it on. "Well, my shift is done. See you, Olivia."

The archivist waved goodbye at Clair. "See you!"

Clair walked towards the entrance of the archive and exited out of the building. Her house wasn't too far away so she decided to walk instead of taking a cab. At this point, she memorized the directions to get there from the archive.

She was able to get back home without any hassle. She twisted the knob on her door and entered inside, closing it afterwards. Clair walked towards her table, took her revolver off her white belt, and placed her firearm on her table.

She also removed her hat and placed it on the table as well. Clair proceeded to turn on the television in the living room to listen the news. She took off her trench coat and threw it on her couch.

"Last night, a shooting broke out in a masquerade ball in Millbank Tower. A couple of people were killed or injured in the towers, but most of the guests were able to leave the tower alive." the reporter spoke from the television.

Clair then went to unbuckle her brown corset harness from her waist and tossed it on the couch along with her trench coat.

"Law enforcement is still trying to figure out who caused these shootings as a shooting had also occurred at Apollo Theatre this morning."

The historian went to sit on her couch and clasped her hands together. 'A shooting in Apollo Theatre? Both shootings happened here in Westminister. I remember Kyoinor mentioned that the shooting in the ball seemed to be a coordinated attack.' Clair thought. 'Both shootings occured in social events and happened in the same city. It seems that that both shootings may have been planned by the same people.'

Clair paid no attention to the television as she was deep within her thoughts. 'Do they target social events so they can kill more people in one place? But why?'

She then unclasped her hands and leaned against her couch. 'I'm no longer a detective, so why am I attempting to find connections? I failed at being a good one, so why remind myself of my mistakes?'

Clair took her head into her hands and sighed. '6 bullets. A small amount of ammunition, yet enough to make a difference.'

"Kill the bastard in his death bed." he spoke as he shoved money and a photograph onto Kyoinor's hands. "He let a criminal roam free in the streets that murdered my dear friend."

Kyoinor pocketed the cash into his pocket and looked the photograph of the lawyer. "I'll get the job done in under an hour."

"Good." his client said. "Put that lawyer in his place."

Shortly after, his client left the alleyway that they were in. Kyoinor looked at the back of the photograph which he found a number and a note written on it. 'Call me when the job's done.'

'Kill a lawyer who is currently sick in a hospital bed on the first floor of Westminister Hospital.' Kyoinor reiterated the job to himself as he put the photograph into his pocket.

The mercenary walked out of the alleyway, his hood keeping his face hidden. He tightened the white tie that was around the collar of his red dress shirt.

His gun was kept inside a pouch that was attached at the back of his belt. Kyoinor continued walking through the streets until he arrived at the front of Westminister Hospital.

'Killing a lawyer who let criminals roam free in the streets.' Kyoinor thought. 'I suppose it doesn't matter who they are since I'm still getting the money.'

The mercenary walked into the hospital, looking for the room where this lawyer was in. He scanned the numbers that were on the doors of multiple rooms.

"May I help you?" a nearby nurse asked as she stopped walking with a tray in her hands.

"No, thank you." he spoke.

The nurse continued walking with the tray in her hands. Kyoinor did not care to stealthily kill his targets; unless needed to. He was a risk-taker when it came to combat, usually charging ahead without caring to stay hidden.

His clothes attracted more attention with their brighter colors, letting the enemy see him first. Even his bold choices in combat, he was quite lucky with his gambles.

It was careless, yet surprisingly efficient as he did not worry about multiple circumstances when killing someone. It put his life in danger, but yet, he felt no fear nor concern.

Kyoinor was finally able to find the room that his target was in. He took his gun- a Beretta 92 out of his belt and loaded it. He could hear faint voices coming from within the room, indicating that there were other people besides his victim.

Kyoinor shot the knob of the door which allowed the door to open. He saw two people- shocked of his sudden appearance. One of them seemed to be a nurse while the other was the lawyer in his hospital bed.

The mercenary shot the windows, the sound of glass shattering caused both individuals to scream. Kyoinor swiftly shooting the lawyer in the head, killing them efficiently.

Kyoinor jumped out of the completely shattered window, landing on the ground, and running away. He ran as fast as he could until he arrived at a public telephone. He took the photograph out of his pocket and looked at the number. Kyoinor took some spare change out of his pocket and inserted the appropriate amount of money into the coin slot. He dialed the number and went to call it.

The mercenary waited for a response as he shoved his leftover change back into his pocket. "Yes, hello?" his client finally answered.

"The lawyer is dead. I killed him."
