Chapter £29

Kyoinor stepped out of the cab and onto the sidewalk. He made his way into the surgery and walked until he arrived at his brother's room. He opened the door and looked around. Kyoinor did not see the receptionist at the front desk. He was puzzled by the silence inside the room.

He walked further and opened a door that led to the rooms designated for patients. Kyoinor kept looking around in attempt to find Fletcher. He continued to open multiple doors to find him.

"Fletcher?" he called out.

Kyoinor opened another door and saw blood splattered on the floor. There, he saw Norman standing by Fletcher's corpse laying upon the ground. His brother's brown irises were lifeless as a puddle of blood surrounded his body. Red liquid doused the white fabric of his coat. Norman had simply looked at him, with the same mocking, nonchalant smile.

Kyoinor found it difficult to breathe as he began to sweat and tremble. "W-Why..? Why? Why have you killed Fletcher?"

Norman looked at the firearm that he held in his hand. "I was only following orders."

"Fletcher had nothing to do with this!" he shouted with a panicked rage. "You killed an innocent civilian!"

"It.." he began, expressing no conscience nor sympathy. "Doesn't matter."

Kyoinor gritted his teeth out of pure anger. He quickly took out his firearm and started shooting relentlessly at Norman. None of his bullets had hit Norman as the solider had escaped through the window. The mercenary was unable to think clearly and chased after Norman.

"I'll kill you, you damned maggot!" Kyoinor roared as continued firing his gun.

He quickly ran out of bullets but he had quickly reloaded his firearm with monstrous agility. Norman had turned around and shot Kyoinor in the ankle, causing the hitman to stumble in his steps. However, Kyoinor had continued running. Blood began to spill and extrude from his ankle as his wound was teared even further. Even with his obscene strength and preserverance, he had fallen down.

Kyoinor glared at Norman with undeniable hate as he watched the solider escape within his sight. He was soon buried with the emotions of sorrow and misery. He began to breathe at an abnormal rate once again. Did he get her!? No, no, no. Please tell me she's still alive!

He quickly got up, causing more blood to protrude from his ankle. He completely dismissed the pain as he was completely immersed in worry. He ran through the city of Westminister until he arrived at a specific hospital. Kyoinor disregarded the issue of being seen as he barged into the hospital. He kept running, blood spilling onto the floor.

He stumbled into a room, and saw a little girl tucked beneath the white sheets of a hospital bed. Her eyes were closed and she did not have any reaction to his presence. He slowly walked by her side as a tear ran down his cheek. They didn't get you. At least you're safe. I don't know what to do if they did.

Kyoinor's hand brushed over her cheek as he had a bittersweet smile. His smile was short-lived as he broke down into a sob. I couldn't even protect Fletcher. So how can I protect you, my own daughter?

Kyoinor eventually made his way out of the hospital. Rain had began to fall from the clouds as he became drenched in water. It's all my fault.

He slowly walked towards his house as he paid no mind to his bleeding wound. It's all my fault. I'm the reason why Fletcher is dead. How could I ever save anyone when all I've done is kill?

Once he arrived at his house, he opened the door and went inside. Clair heard the door open and heard droplets of water falling from Kyoinor's clothes. He looked pitiful and miserable as his clothes were completely soaked in cold water. She put the book she was reading down.

"You were out in the rain-"

Clair was interrupted as he heard Kyoinor fall onto the ground. She began to hear him sobbing and crying. The historian became concerned for his current state.

"Kyoinor?" she spoke.

"Everything. Everything is my fault." he lamented. "Fletcher is dead because of me. He's dead because of me!"

"Kyoinor, calm down." she said as she approached him.

"Tell me, Clair!" he wept. "How am I supposed to save anyone when they're killed in front of me!? How is someone detestable as me going to ever save anyone? How am I..."

He continued to weep and wallow in depression.

"It's not your fault." Clair said as she took the mercenary into her arms, his head on her lap. "Please don't blame yourself, Kyoinor."

Kyoinor continued to sob and grieve over his brother's death.

"Where did you find your brother's corpse?" Harper asked.

"In his surgery, last night." Kyoinor answered, his silver irises lacking in life.

"And you say that it was Norman Allen that committed the crime as you witnessed him standing over your brother's corpse?" she claimed.

"Yes." he concluded emotionlessly.

"Unfortunately, the fact that you can't provide me with evidence means that I cannot arrest Norman for his crime." the officer concluded.

"Oh." he blankly replied. "I see."

"I apologize for the inconvenience and you have my condolences, Kyoinor." Harper expressed. "I'm truly sorry for your loss."

The police officer left the house, leaving Kyoinor, Clair, and Winston alone. The spy looked at the mercenary, feeling a slight hint of concern for him. However, he was incapable of consoling him. Winston knew he could only do his job for Kyoinor and nothing else.

"When we find Norman again, then we can attempt to extract some evidence from him." Clair remarked with optimism.

"Sure. I suppose that could work." he responded as he walked towards the door. "But I'd prefer if you no longer associated yourself with me."


"We're friends Clair, just like you said. That's why I don't want you to die." he said. "All you're going to get from me is death. It was foolish of me to think that I could ever save anyone or preserve life."
