Chapter £28

"You two do know that you don't always have to accompany me." Clair said.

"But what happens if your life is in danger and we can't save you!" Robyn exclaimed. "The boss wouldn't want you dying."

"Well, one thing Lloyd told me before he died is that he didn't want his gang to be overdependent on him." Clair remarked. "Nor dependent on anyone else."

Robyn and Cecil could not protest to the mention of their former boss.

"I'm not a helpless woman who has the disability of blindness. You mustn't worry about me."

Cecil and Robyn sighed. "Well, what do you want us to do?"

"Well, anything would be sufficient. Go entertain yourselves without me." Clair said as pulled her wallet from her pocket.

She took out a decent quantity of money and gave it to them. "You can make use of this."

Robyn and Cecil hesitantly took the banknotes from her hand. They put the banknotes into their own pockets and looked at Clair. "Well? Go on."

They both nodded and left Kyoinor's house. They closed the door behind them as they left. Clair heard the door close and sighed. Goodness, it's almost like taking care of a bunch of juveniles. I'm quite worried on how they'll figure out their future.

The historian closed her wallet and deposited it back into her pocket. My life has certainly become more chaotic ever since that mercenary came forth into it. I've been involved with his issues and his dismissive personality.

Clair chuckled. It was my choice to help him afterall. Kyoinor is my friend, isn't he? I may lack sight, but I can see that he is someone who does not bear malevolent intent. I used to despise him to a great degree- now my situation is quite contradictory to my original perception of him.

She took her garnet spectacles off her face and went to wipe the lenses with her trench coat. Her eyes were no longer hidden behind the garnet lenses that shielded her natural skylike, blue eyes. Once she was done wiping them, she put her glasses back onto her face. I wonder what Kyoinor looks like.

Without warning, Clair had heard the door unlock and open. She lifted her head up in reaction of the sound. The former detective could hear heavy breathing coming from someone familiar. Clair heard the door closed as the individual approached her.

"Clair." they finally spoke.

"Yes?" she responded.

"Just escaped from Quintrell and Harris chasing me down around the city." Kyoinor said.

"They were in Westminister?" she asked.

"Yeah, I went into the city for a bit but they were able to find me. A gunfight broke out between us and it took quite a while to get away from them." he said.

Clair sighed. "We can't seem to get a break. I suppose we'll have to be increasingly more cautious when we go outside- especially you."

"Yeah, I know. It's not that I want to get shot at again. Anyways, where's Cecil and Robyn?" he asked.

"I asked them to go outside so they can become more independent." Clair said. "I don't want them to be stuck depending on someone for the rest of their lives. Lloyd regretted making them so dependent on him."

"He didn't realize his mistakes until he met you again." Kyoinor said.

"No, Lloyd changed me more than I changed him." she said. "Perhaps, he already knew that he was already making a mistake."

"Maybe." he said. "Have you gotten any news from Winston?"

"No, he hasn't called me yet." Clair said.

"Well, I guess we have some time until he reports to us." he said before he yawned.

"I'm quite concerned on why you're so lax about the fact that were recently involved in a gunfight. Do you have a definitive way to deal with our enemies to be so self-assured?" Clair asked.

"No." he said.

"At times, I believe that you are a lost cause, Kyoinor." Clair said as she placed her palm on her forehead.

"I don't believe that panicking will do me any good." he said. "My betrayal has made my life more difficult so I just have to deal with it. All I can do is keep running away."

"You're truly foolish. Everything you do is always endangering your own life. Don't you have anything special to live for?" she asked, concerned for her friend.

"Anything special? ..Yeah, I do." he said.

"Then why? Why are you so reckless?" she asked.

Kyoinor did not respond to her question. Clair sighed out of exasperation.

"Kyoinor, please value your own life." she requested. "I don't want another friend of mine to suffer until death."

"It's fine, Clair. Maybe I don't have to keep running away. They might give up on capturing me one day." he said.

"..You aren't considering to kill them- considering your profession. Is there a reason why?" she asked.

"You asked me not to kill so I'm trying to follow your advice." He said. "Besides, I can't possibly kill either of them. I can't kill my former subordinate and the sister of my former superior."

"That's good to hear." Clair said. "I'm glad you're trying to change a part of yourself for the better."

Kyoinor nodded. It's all thanks to you, Clair.

Soon, the sky had become engulfed in darkness as it was illuminated by the stars. The mercenary had left his house to go outside. Kyoinor decided to visit his brother's surgery. He planned to inform his brother about the recent events. He walked into the streets and got himself a taxi. The driver rolled down his window. "Where to?"

"The second nearest doctor's surgery from here." he spoke.

"Alright, that'll be £8.44." the driver said.

Kyoinor took out his wallet and took the appropriate amount of cash out. He handed it to the driver and went inside the cab. The driver shortly started driving afterwards. The mercenary observed that the driver wore a black bowler hat and wore attire mostly composed of black. Kyoinor looked away from the driver and looked at the darkened sky instead. Eventually, the cab had arrived at his brother's surgery.
