Chapter £20

Soon enough, Fletcher was finished treating all of their injuries. He had recently finished treating Kyoinor's wounds. The mercenary was about to take his leave until the doctor stopped him. "Kyoinor, wait."

Kyoinor turned around to look at his brother. "Be careful. Whoever assigned that soldier to capture you is serious."

"I'll be fine, Fletcher." Kyoinor spoke. "I'm still alive, aren't I?"

"I'm just worried, alright? Just stay safe." Fletcher spoke as Kyoinor exited the room.

'It's ironic I have a doctor as a brother. I have a brother that saves lives while I take lives.' the mercenary thought.

Kyoinor eventually met up with Harper and Clair in the waiting room. "Your brother is an admirable doctor. He does well in his profession." the officer commented. "He's quite different from you."

"Thanks." the mercenary responded.

"We should take our leave now." Clair spoke. "We need to discuss something with you during the drive."

Kyoinor nodded and the three walked out of the doctor's surgery and went outside. They soon made their way inside Harper's vehicle and put on their seatbelts.

The officer started the car shortly afterwards and starting driving. "It seems that you might be in risk of getting kidnapped or harmed again." Harper started. "Therefore, we should devise a plan against your attackers."

"A plan?" Kyoinor reiterated.

"Yes, Clair and I decided on the idea of one. If we're going to guarantee your safety, then we should make one." Harper said. "First off, we decided that we should get hotel rooms to stay for the night. The enemy seems to have resources from the military so it's not unlikely that they might use some sort of source to obtain information. We don't want the enemy finding out where we live."

"I see. I thank you both for planning this far for my safety." the mercenary spoke.

"Thank Clair, not me. She's the one worried about you." the officer spoke.

"I still appreciate your contribution." he spoke as he looked out the window that held a view of the dark sky illuminated by many stars.

"Kyoinor, do you have an exact idea on who bears such a grudge against you?" Clair asked.

"I'm sure there's many people who are out to get me. I can't exactly pinpoint someone who assigned Norman to capture me. Many of the superiors in the multiple branches of the British military hold a grudge against me. Not to mention the multiple soldiers I betrayed." Kyoinor spoke. 

"Anyways, how did that soldier find you?" Harper asked. "And by any chance, did you catch their name?"

"He introduced himself as Norman Allen. He pretended to be a client of mine and led me to meet up with them. He then held me gunpoint and calmly forced me out of the store." he said. 

"It's definitely likely that they have a source where they get information. They were able to find out that you work as a mercenary after the war." Harper said. "We'll need to be cautious when we talk in public."

"Agreed." Clair spoke. "For now, we should get some rest at a hotel."

Kyoinor and Harper nodded in agreement.

'It can't be some random soldier who assigned Norman to capture me. He's definitely a seasoned and experienced solider. Only a solider of superior rank can command a solider of his caliber.' Kyoinor thought.

Eventually, the three arrived at a hotel. They exited out of Harper's car and stepped onto the sidewalk. They made their way inside the hotel and walked towards the reception desk. "Three rooms for one night, please." Harper spoke. "We'll all pay at once."

The receptionist nodded and gave the three their respective keys that tags with their room numbers labeled onto them. "That'll be £73.16 for each room."

The three pulled wallets from their pockets and took out the appropriate amount of money and set it onto the desk. "Thank you very much, I wish for all of you to enjoy your stay here." they spoke.

The three nodded in response as they took their keys and looked at the room number on their tags. "Looks like our rooms are located conveniently near each other." Harper pointed out as they walked together towards their rooms. "We can meet up with ease tomorrow. Well, good night."

"Good night." Clair said.

"Night." Kyoinor spoke as they all unlocked their rooms and went inside.

Once the crimson-haired mercenary was inside his room, he closed the door and locked it. He walked towards the nearest table of his room. He took his goggles and bandana from around his head and placed them on the table.

His crimson bangs fell in front of his face as there was nothing to hold them back. He took off his sweater, unclipped his suspenders, and loosened his tie. Kyoinor dropped his sweater and suspenders onto the table. He fell onto the couch, sighing out of relief.

His silver gaze looked droopy and dazed as his entire being was riddled with exhaustion. His muscles felt stiff from being tied up for a long period of time. He was also conflicted with the fact that there was someone hunting him down. Additionally, he did not know who had their sights set on capturing him.

'They aren't out to kill me because they could've done that a long time ago.' he thought. 'Are they only trying to rightfully punish me for treason? So.. maybe not someone who holds a grudge for the work I've done as a hitman.'

Kyoinor scratched his head out of slight irritation. 'I've sure plucked a lot of my hair out. I guess it'll grow back anyway.'

Kyoinor eventually drifted off to sleep as he slept on the couch. The cold of the night did not bother him even without a blanket.

He started to faintly feel the texture of cloth around his hands. Kyoinor could feel himself putting his goggles on as he held a set of controls. He was flying in the air with incredible speed. Like a baby bird, he was surprised- even with the multiple times he's been in the sky.

He could not exactly feel the breeze of the air, but the ability of flight was enough to impress him. But his self-indulgence in his ability to fly was short-lived. Yes, he was in a place that could be compared to a hellscape.
