Chapter £26

"I will not harm you, Hughes. Our only goal here is to capture you so you will charged with treason." Quintrell spoke as she held him down.

Harris and Norman went to walk to Quintrell's side. Harris went to look at Kyoinor. The other four were incapacitated due to Quintrell's accurate bullets. "I apologize for the harsh treatment, Group Captain Hughes!" Harris apologized.

"You no longer need to call me by my former rank, Harris. You are no longer my subordinate and I am no longer your commanding officer. I am a traitor afterall." Kyoinor spoke.

"You were recently promoted to group captain as well, Harris. He is no longer your superior." Quintrell added.

A bittersweet smile was formed upon Harris's lips. "Group Captain Hughes led me to battle in the civil war, vice admiral. Even if he is a traitor, he will still be of importance to me."

"You should abandon that mindset, Harris. You do not need to affiliate yourself with Hughes." Quintrell spoke.

Harris hesitantly nodded as she went to glance at Kyoinor once again. "Sorry again sir, but I'm sure you won't get any rough treatment after this." she spoke with a smile.

'I remembered you to be an energetic optimist, Harris. It's good that you're doing well.' Kyoinor thought before looking at the people who had planned to capture him. 'It's odd on why three soldiers from different branches were sent to capture me. Not to mention an American soldier that isn't in the British military.'

Quintrell forced Kyoinor to stand up as she kept her tight grasp on him. "There's no use struggling, Hughes. Accept the punishment that you'll receive for your treasonous acts."

Kyoinor did not respond or pose any type of physical resistance to Quintrell. However, without warning, he had heard a bullet go through Quintrell. The vice admiral let go of Kyoinor and turned around to see who had shot her in the shoulder. She saw Clair; holding up her revolver. The mercenary and the others took this as an opportunity to escape as they started running away from Quintrell.

Quintrell, along with Harris and Norman started chasing after the five. The vice admiral attempted to shoot them down, but they were able to dodge most of her bullets. Kyoinor attempted to reload his gun to defend the others. Unfortunately, he realized that he lacked the ammunition to do so. He then saw Clair throwing him some ammunition in which he quickly caught.

He reloaded his Beretta and shot Quintrell in the arm, thus accompanying their successful runaway. "Damn." the vice admiral spoke with frustration and irritation.

The three of them watched as their opponents slipped away from their grasp. The vice admiral calmed herself down and regained a state of clear thinking. "We did all we could, I suppose. Anyways, I'll ask you two to follow me."

Norman and Harris obeyed her commands and went to follow after her. "Harris, do you know why Hughes betrayed our country?"

"I unfortunately don't, vice admiral. The group captain was a reserved and dilligent man that kept to himself. But somehow, I can see he's changed." Harris said.

"I see." Quintrell spoke. "But why would he abandon such a prosperous position in the Royal Air Force? He was one of the best fighter pilots in the air force. Why betray his own country and join the other side? I don't understand."

She went to turn to look at Norman. "Well, what do you think lieutenant colonel?"

"I'm just following orders Vice Admiral Quintrell. There is no need for me to have an opinion on Kyoinor Hughes." he nonchalantly smiled.

"I'm quite conflicted on why you keep such a smile when you were forced to commit atrocities in Vietnam." she spoke. "Perhaps, you've become numb from what you had to do. I'm sure the My Lai massacre was gruesome beyond comprehension. Allen, if you need time off, please ask me."

"There's no need for that, vice admiral. After I'm done with this mission, I can go back to America." he said. "There's no need for you to pity for the things I've saw in war. Life and it's worth can be easily disposed. That is one of the simple truths in this world."

"I understand." Quintrell responded. "We must keep trying to capture Hughes so he rightfully receives the consequences. Only I can command this mission. I must, for my older brother."

Norman and Harris continued walking after Quintrell. "You two are dismissed for the day. It's going to rain later, so you two should take shelter as soon as possible."

The five had ran out of the forest and into the city. "Looks like we weren't successful." Cecil said.

"I mean, how the hell are we going to be successful when we're up against three trained soldiers!?" Robyn exclaimed.

"Agreed. Therefore, I can't do anything to help any of you. It seems like those three soldiers are simply carrying out their duties. Unless they commit a crime unnecessarily to achieve their goal, I do not have the right to arrest any of them." Harper spoke.

"I see." Clair spoke.

"I shall take my leave now. I advise that all of you get immediate medical attention." the police officer spoke.

"Well, what about you? You don't look well either." Robyn spoke.

"I have a family member who has medical knowledge. You do not need to worry about me. Farewell." Harper spoke as she left the four of them behind.

The four watched as the officer walked away onto the sidewalk. "Even if our plan was not well-executed, we now know who we're dealing with." Clair spoke.

"That's a little bit too optimistic, Clair. We're dealing with a vice admiral from the British Navy. I can barely hold a fight against Quintrell." Kyoinor spoke. "If you backed out now, I would understand your decision."

"I'm not going to abandon you, Kyoinor." Clair declared. "We are friends, aren't we?"

Kyoinor sighed. "Yes, we are. That's why I don't want you to get hurt for my sake. There's also your job to consider-"

"You don't need to worry about me, Kyoinor. It is my decision to help you, you do not to blame yourself if I'm harmed. Plus, I took a vacation so you don't need to worry about my job." the historian said as she pulled her mobile phone from a pouch attached to her belt.

"Just like Harper advised, we should all seek medical attention. In the meanwhile, I'll call Winston to meet us back in your house so we can discuss our next move." Clair said.

Harper had gotten inside of her own car (used to drive the others to the forest). She closed the door, started up her car, and started driving towards her house. Droplets of water had started to fall, covering the windows of her car with their clear fragments. The sky became damp and grey, replacing the clear blue sky. She sighed from the rough day she had today.

'I didn't do much today, did I?' she thought. 'It's the same everyday. I haven't done anything great. I can only leave and do nothing.'

Harper continued driving as rain continued to pour onto her car. 'I'm nothing special. I can only yearn for the day that I'll achieve anything of significance or importance.'

Eventually, Harper had arrived at her house and exited her car. She did not bring an umbrella as the cold rain soaked her clothing. She walked towards her door and opened it. Harper walked inside and closed the door behind her afterwards. She looked at a picture of a familiar woman. 'Yes, I'll never be acknowledged by my family like my younger sister.'
