
(Note - Another chapter up! I only own my states that's it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell me if I get anything wrong. Soooo the end of the school year is coming up. Don't know how often I will be able to update during the summer. Anywho, California is here and she is adorable. Fun fact, originally pictured Cali as a blonde. Now her hair is dark auburn, dark ginger.-Edited for spelling because fuck-(7/15/2021)

California arrived on America's doorstep in 1848 with the rest of the territories gained from the Mexican-American War. At the time she was 9. In modern-day, she is 14. California is the 31st state. 

Okay, so it was hard as fuck to find a proper time for when California was colonized. She was discovered around the same time Texas was but wasn't settled in till 1769. Even then, that's just when the Spanish started converting and colonizing. We are just gonna say she appeared between 1769 and 1776 (The date Google says she was settled). 

What did she do during this time? California mostly wandered the land. Staying with different Native tribes before running away when the Spanish arrived. Spain hunted for the little personification he knew was around for years till Mexico gained control of the land. 

In 1846, California tried to become an independent republic called the California Republic or the Bear Flag Republic. Long story short it didn't work. When she came to America, California was pissed and ready to slap a bitch. She tried to pissed off America, he just cooed at her. She sulked until she went off to join the gold rush. 

California has multiple nicknames. Little bear, Fiona, Cally, and Cali. Yes, I'm pulling a D.C where I make the name I've been calling them this whole story a nickname. 

Like Texas, California has gotten through multiple name changes. I'm kind of into the idea that personifications have the choice of changing their name every time a change happens in their government or in who's ruling over them. The first time she was given a name was when she was with the Natives. Her name was Heltu. When she got caught by the Spaniards she was given the name Ermengarde. When California started staying with Mexico's people her name became Paloma. When California tried to become Independent she changed her name to Luciana. Later when she finally arrived on America's doorstep, he gave her the name Calliope Jones.

 California's skin is a mix of almond and golden. She has dark auburn hair that gets bleached golden blonde every 2 months. Her eyes are hazel with a ring of green. California hair is either down in beach waves or up in a ponytail. Sometimes she mixes it up with space buns or any other updo that I'm too lazy to name. 

California has two moods. Fashion-forward girl next door who's friendly and carries a camera around with her. And then you have a mountain troll who spent the whole night on her phone and is now hissing at you from across the kitchen table. Describing her in two words, angry hamster. 

California isn't allowed to drive while D.C is in the car. She has lots of road rage. Ready to jump out of her car and deck you kind of road rage. Despite that, California does love long rides. Even if she isn't going anywhere. California is always on the go. A busy body. She's not in the house most of the time. Even more when she's in her own state. 

Beaches are her shit. Anyone in the house mentions going to the beach? She's there and already in her swimsuit. Rhode Island was the one to teach her how to surf. Now they surf together and teach other states. California enjoys teaching other teens how to surf, she thinks it's amusing to see them as excited as little kids on sugar. 

California is kind of a fitness freak. Mostly when it comes to running. The habit started with running away from Spaniards and it's continuing with running away from her siblings. 

California is a contradiction. She can fit so much food inside her. She and Texas are the reasons every meal has to have extras. 

She used to have a food blog but America made her stop after she went a week without sleep. 

Hollywood has a big impact on her hobbies but it's not her whole personality. California does love making films but prefers taking scenic photos. She appreciates fashion but also only wears sweatpants that she has washed in a month at home. 

Speaking of film, never ask for any movie recommendations if you've pissed her off. She will fuck you over. 

Nevertheless, California is the only state that gets to pick out movies for movie nights. 

Want to film something? Go to her. Want to hide a film? Go to her. 

California has an outrageous amount of blackmail in her room. 

Speaking of her room! California does some wild shit in there. From smuggling tigers in for god knows why to shoving dildos down Washington's throat. 

Just like Florida, California is a sweet talker. America has fallen victim to her tricks many times. 

Speaking of tricks, California is a prankster. Wanna know what happened to Washington? Pissed California off and got tied up with dildos in his mouth then brought to all his sports rivals. Long story short, he's getting blackmailed a lot. 

California has a pet grizzly bear. The story of their friendship is beautiful. California was close to being captured by some Spaniards. The bear saved her from being captured by scaring them and biting a bit. Without fear, California ran up to the bear and hugged it. Nuzzling its...bloody muzzle. The bear and California would keep traveling together till California had to join the other former Mexican territories. Sadly, she had to leave the bear behind because the territories were scared of the giant bear. It wasn't until the Cold War that the bear reappeared. California spent the rest of the night sobbing while hugging her bear. America let her keep it, as long as the bear stayed outside. California made Connecticut make a little house for the bear in the forest. The bear's name is Daisy. It wasn't till the end of the Cold War that they realized the bear was male. California refuses to change his name. 

California has 58 movie cameras. They're all from different time periods and countries. The cameras represent her counties. 

California's favorite place is the Golden Gate Bridge. Although, after having to talk about 100 people from jumping and 20 people anyway, she doesn't like going there anymore. Especially at night. (About 30 people a year try to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge, it's probably more because people that jumped at night go unrecorded. Shit, didn't have to rip my heart out. like that.)

 California loves national parks. They remind her of the times where she was free to wander her lands. Traveling with animals, climbing trees, and just appreciating nature. 

Beverly Hills, California only goes to Beverly Hills when another state drags her there. She doesn't hate Beverly Hills, California just prefers to be in the countryside than near urban areas. 

The first McDonald's was opened in San Bernardino. California craves McDonald's every week or so. She's slightly ashamed that she's caught multiple times binge eating in the living room or kitchen at midnight. America can't bring McDonald's home without her stealing his fries.

 California has a poster of the Leonardo di Caprio meme in her room. 

California is growing a redwood tree in the backyard. If anyone messes with the tree they get shot. Once Texas had to stop her from shooting some kids because they tried climbing the tree. 

She's very protective of wildlife. 

California loves fruit. Grapes, peaches, raspberries, and strawberries are her favorite. 

California is best friends with Massachusetts' turkey. Massachusetts does not approve. 

Coachella, short for Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. California loves and hates it. Many states made fun of the clothes people wear to the event. 

California loves wine. Like a lot. No one can stop her from drinking it. If they try, Daisy will step in. 

Fun fact, California introduced New York to Apple. Before his counties were represented by literal apples. 

California has a garden of poppies. They're her babies and whoever messes with them will get eaten. 

California's bedroom is a mix between forest creature in the human world and popular girl with rich parents. 

Her walls are dark green with dark oak wood floors. 

She has a platform bed that's next to her window, with pastel yellow sheets and various green blankets. Her pillowcases usually have little ivy designs on them. Sometimes they just have little bears on them. 

The space above her bed is covered with photos and postcards. Most of the photos are from the 1990s and 2000s. Sometimes a photo from World War 2 interrupts the pattern. In the middle is an old map of the Native tribes in her state. 

Next to the bed, there's a little, dark oak wood side table with two drawers. It has a variety of candles on top of it. And a plant! A fern! 

Her window is covered with ivy and photos of different animals. Leaning against the window is a framed picture. It's a picture of her and Texas before the Civil War. 

Across the room is a desk. A writing desk. On it is her laptop and journal. The journal dates back to 1780. It's filled with old photos, preserved plants, and adventures. The book only looks new because California had Massachusetts enchant it. When she filled the book in the 1800s, Massachusetts gave it infinite pages. 

There are more plants on the oak desk. Ferns, flowers, little bushes, can you tell that California likes plants? 

Next to the desk, there's a long mirror, usually clean. 

On the other side, there's a couch. Light yellow, soft with cute little stuffed animals. A grizzly bear, pig, sea otter, and a quail plush sit on the couch. 

Next to that couch is a dresser and a hanging chair. And yes, California sometimes sits in it when she's dressing. 

On the back of her door, is a bear republic flag. 

California can handle extreme hot and cold temperatures, the most she gets is a sniffle and headache. Do you know what really sucks for her? Earthquakes and wildfires. Earthquakes leave her winded and aching everywhere, especially her feet. Wildfires just suck. Burns, aches, headaches. Floods give her the equivalent of food poisoning. Landslides and mudslides are the same. Apparently, California gets tsunamis. Talk about a shit storm.

California gold rush, 1848–1855! California fucking hated it. While it helped her economy and made it easier for her to become a state, it still sucked ass. The rush of people into her state gave her aches and pains. It felt like a combination of growing pains and period cramps. Eventually, California got up and went to follow the gold miners, ignoring America's pleas for her to stay. She regretted that pretty fast. A little girl wandering around the gold mines for 5 years apparently didn't work out. Disease rates were pretty high, California got sick multiple times. Mine shafts sucked badly. They would collapse at times, killing everyone in the mine or at least leaving them injured. The injured would be left for dead, sometimes raided for their loot. Murders were common as fuck. Some would drown in the water. California saw a lot of death those 5 years and came back traumatized. She would often have nightmares. America would have to spend hours comforting her after a nightmare. California only got therapy after about 2 decades. Why not sooner? Because mental health hospitals sucked. 

-Now On To The Story- 

Alfred banged his head on his desk as he saw another email come in. 

It's almost midnight, he's been up answering emails for about 2 hours. They just kept coming in. Complaints, spam for newsletters, messages from other nations(for personal reasons and professional reasons), and papers or messages from the governors and his boss. 2 hours ago he had 537 emails, and now he has 412. It's been a long night. 

He takes 2 days off to hang out with his kids and he comes back to this?!

He rubbed his forehead and squinted at the new email. 

Alfred huffed as he made out the words. 

Russia simply wanted to remind him that he's a tiny capitalist. 


Alfred was about to click the trash button but was interrupted by his office door slamming open. 

"Hello!" Cali chirped, skipping into the room.

Alfred sighed, "what are you doing up, Cally?"

"What are you doing up?" Cali shot back, settling into the plush chair in front of his desk.

Alfred chuckled, "touche".

He sobered up, "seriously though, why are you still up?"

The girl blinked innocently, "I made toffee."

Alfred groaned.

A hyper Cali on a sugar high was never a good time. 

Cali suddenly frowned. "Are you still going through your emails?"

The nation nodded, opening another email.

It was from Italy, the north one. 

Asking if he had pasta.


"Damn, how much mail do you have?" Cali asked, ignoring Alfred's weak attempt at scolding her for her language. 

"About 410 emails," Alfred said, opening another email after deleting North Italy's and Russia's. 

The state's jaw dropped, "how the fuck do you have that much!?" 

"Who the hell is emailing you that much?" She added. 

Alfred ran a hand down his face. 

"Mostly from other nations, some from governors. Happens when you take a break for two days." Alfred grumbled, inspecting the opened email. 

Cali frowned, a mix of a thoughtful and angry expression on her face. 

The nation threw up in his mouth a little when he saw what was in his next email.

Why did he think opening an email from Cuba was a good idea????

Alfred paused as he went to delete the email. 

He could use it as blackmail. 

Alfred saved the picture to his computer. 

"Did you just save a picture of Cuba's dick to your computer?" Cali deadpanned, eyeing him. 

Alfred flushed, "how-"

Cali narrowed her eyes, "your glasses." 

"It's...it's only for blackmail!" Alfred yelped, flustered. 

Cali stared at him, silently judging. 

"Yeahhhhhh, you need a break." She said, closing his computer. 

The state started tugging him out from behind his desk.

"Come come, let's make food for your future husband." Cali chirped, practically dragging Alfred out of his office. She ignored Alfred's cries of 'husband?!'. 


Alfred miserably kneaded the donut dough. 

All he could think about was the number of emails in his inbox. The emails that are gonna come in. How much paperwork he'll have in the morning. His boss is probably gonna yell at him. He has a meeting in the morning in Massachusetts. And another meeting in Vermont in the evening. It's 1 in the morning. 

"Stop looking so miserable, we're making donuts!" Cali said, kneading her own dough. 

"I'm gonna be dead in the morning!" Alfred whined while Cali rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah, so will I." Cali scoffed, starting to get moody. 

The two fell back in silence, kneading their dough. 



"Soooo mum, you and South Italy." Cali drawled, placing her dough into a glass container. 

Alfred eyed her in suspicion, his states have recently been very nosy. He suspected that they were gossiping. 


"You guys are getting a bit more serious right?" She asked, placing some plastic wrap over the glass bowl. 

The nation frowned, "yes?"

"I think it's time to give you the talk." Cali said, a solemn expression on her face. 

Alfred choked, "you-you're not serious are you!?" 

"I am very serious, it's important that you protect yourself during sex." Cali lectured, "you don't want to get pregnant, do you?" 

"I'm a man!" Alfred whined, "I can't get pregnant!" 

The state crossed her arms. 

"And how do you know that? Aren't you a virgin?" 

Alfred was on the verge of tears. He didn't want to have this conversion. And definitely not with Cali. He rather have this conversion with Paxon. 

Actually, no. 

"It's none of your business if I'm a virgin or not." 

Cali tuted, "you could get hurt, Mum."

Alfred whimpered, "DUDE, I had a sugar daddy relationship with China!" 

Cali froze, "you what?" 

Alfred sweatdropped. 

"China took your virginity?" Cali questioned. 


Cali glared at him, "who did?"

Alfred backed up as Cali stepped closer. 


The man yelped as Cali slammed her hand onto the counter.   

"FrAnce," Alfred admitted, his voice cracking. 

Cali's jaw dropped. 

Suddenly, she kicked a cabinet door. 

"THAT FRENCH FUCK." The state screamed. 

At that moment, Clementine came storming into the kitchen. 

Alfred almost sobbed. 

"Why the FUCK are you yelling?" Clementine hissed. 

Oh god no. 

"France took Mum's virginity," Cali growled. 

 Clementine cocked her shotgun. 

"Wake up the others, we're taking his balls," Clementine smirked. 

Alfred sobbed. 

(Note - The story for this chapter is filled with so much crack. For the whole, who took America's virginity thing. I just put some nations into a wheel and spun until there was one left. I put England, Spain, Russia, Prussia, Scotland, Netherlands, and Sweden in. The last 2 were kinda random. And for shits and giggles, I put Canada and Mexico.

Sorry that this took so long to get out. I was focused on other things. Like a series I have on Ao3 called Flower Love. Basically Fem!Russia x America mixed with the flower shop and tattoo shop au. Check it out. The name's InsaneBee. 

Fun fact - I was thinking about 2p Maryland and Virginia from the Halloween chapter. 2p Virginia is a little psychopath that charms the fuck out of people then stabs them in the back, literally and figuratively. Not to mention, he's whipped as fuck and 2p Maryland takes full advantage of it. While 2p Maryland has anger issues. 2p D.C just likes being a brat. I can just imagine 2p Maryland beating the shit out of someone while 2p Virginia cheers from the sidelines and 2p D.C is eating chocolate he brought with 2p Virginia's credit card.  

Words - 3050)
