Misson Get Mom A Boyfriend in France - Part 2

(Note - Another chapter, yay! Anywho I only own my states that's it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell me if I get anything wrong. Don't worry about the Oc in this chapter, he and Alfred won't be getting together. I tried to make this scene as realistic as possible while still serving its purpose. This is part 2 to the chapter 'Mission Get Mom A Boyfriend'.)

Recap - The states want to get America a boyfriend. Louisiana, Florida, and Virginia are assigned the mission to go to France to found a human date for America.

Mom had three meetings in France, it had been the perfect opportunity for Louisiana, Florida, and Virginia to find Mom a human date. Clementine(Louisiana) had picked out some of Mom's best photos to show men. There were 5 in total. One was of Mom in a suit, the second was of him on the beach, the third was a cute just-woke-up picture, the fourth was a picture of Mom in a skimpy Santa outfit, and the final one was of Mom in a coffee shop with casual clothes on.

Theodore had brought a clipboard for men to put their names and phone numbers on. Paxon(Florida) was there just to help out and go collect people. The states had chosen to collect people on a slightly populated street. One that was far away from tourist areas. Finding a man that would be good for Mom would be hard since they had to make sure the guy didn't have a lover, wasn't a criminal, or an abuser.

They should probably have brought Cali(California) or Victor along. Theodore knew nothing about love and while Paxon was extremely extroverted. He got very flustered when it came to love. Clementine was a pro-stylist and had a true love sensor. Although, she, surprisingly, couldn't matchmake to save her life.

With that nearly impossible mission on their minds, the teens were sitting on a bench drinking pink lemonade.

So far they've had 3 concerned parents come up to them. A group of teenage girls trying to flirt with Paxon. 3 women who caught a glance of their Mom and came up to see who the man was. And 4 teenage boys, 2 of which were trying to flirt with Clementine. The last two had, unpredictably, came up to talk to Theodore.

During that time, Paxon was smirking the whole time while Clementine had been trying not to laugh. After the guys left, Theodore was trying to hide his blushing face with his clipboard.

"Shut up" mumbled Theodore when Paxon let out a little snort.

Clementine shook her head in amusement. The girl looked around the street, her attention was immediately drawn to a businessman talking in french on the phone. From what she could hear the man was having an argument with his girlfriend. More like the girlfriend was yelling at him while the man tried to talk.

When the call ended the man looked tired and defeated. Clementine's eyes lit up.

"Stay here," Clementine commanded the other states.

Both boys gave her a questioning look. The teenage girl got up and crossed the side street. The man was sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. Clementine sat down next to the man.

"What happened?" Clementine asked the man in french.

The businessman looked up at her in surprise.

The guy sighed, "I might as well, my girlfriend's been really hard on me lately. We've been on and off. She just broke up with me because of one of my coworkers. The coworker had been trying to get it up with me for the past few months. When I finally outright rejected her, she decided to tell my girlfriend that I was trying to hook up with her."

Clementine raised an eyebrow, "and your girlfriend believed her?"

The businessman groaned, "yup."

Clementine almost pitied the man but there could be a reason why his girlfriend believed the girl so quickly.

"Did you do anything for her not to trust you?"

The man blinked, "what, no! I would never cheat on someone. Besides, she's the one who cheated on me before. I've never done anything!"

Clementine furrowed her eyebrows, so either he was lying or his girlfriend had some issues. Clementine thought on how to continue this conversion. She hummed, the man's attention was back on her.

"So you're not together for now?"

The man gave a hesitating nod.

"Would you like to go on a date with my mom, I mean, Dad?" Questioned Clementine, remembering the last minute to change Mom to Dad.

The businessman raised an eyebrow at her mess up.

"Umm, sure?" Answered the man, confused.

The girl's eyes lit up, the man was suddenly scared.

"You wanna see some pictures?" Clementine blurted out.

"S-sure," stuttered the man.

Clementine was just about to get out her phone when she remembered.

"What's your name?"

"Uhh, the name's Elliot. What's your 'Moms' name?" Asked Elliot, putting emphasis on 'Moms'.

The state couldn't help but roll her eyes, "I call him Mom because it's a running joke in our family. Anyway, his name is Alfred."

Elliot simply gave her an unreadable look. The teen unlocked her phone and went to photos. The teenager showed the businessman the picture of Mom in the morning when he had just woken.

The state grinned when she saw a spark of interest in the man's eyes. Next, she showed a picture of Mom at the beach. This gained her a small blush. The photos of Mom in a casual outfit and in a suit only elevated the man's interest, Clementine internally cackled.

While Mom couldn't date the human for a long time, the guy looked like he needed some help getting out of his relationship.

The state couldn't help but giggle when Elliot blushed at the photo of Mom in a skimpy Santa outfit.

"So, does your answer still stand?" Asked Clementine, snapping Elliot out of his thoughts.

The man coughed, "ahh..um-yes."

When the girl managed to get a phone number from the reluctant Elliot, she went back to the other states. Theodore raised an eyebrow and Paxon looked at her curiously. Clementine grinned at the two states with stars in her eyes. Pulling out a sticky note that had Elliot's number on it, she held it out to them.


Theodore's eyes widened and Paxon accidentally broke the bench in his excitement. Theodore stumbled into a trash can, when he recovered the state started glaring holes into Paxon. Paxon, meanwhile, was sitting on top of the destroyed bench looking embarrassed. Clementine just stared at them unimpressed.

Like, really guys? You just had to break the fucking bench.

-End of Part 2- 
