

I just realize how much emotional whiplash I must give you guys. You got some sad shit then it's right back to the crack cough cough North Carolina. I forget sometimes that this is a crack story then I go back and read what I've written. Then I spend the next 10 minutes cracking up. 

Why did I go 3 weeks without updating? Burnout for the first few weeks. The rest were just being tired and sad as fuck. Had a lot of back-to-back projects in school.  Stressed the fuck out because my school decided that everyone is coming back after spring vacation(context, my school divided everyone into two groups. Group A and B, based on last names.) 

Sorry if this chapter slowly starts descending into madness and there's more swearing. I wrote half of the info part while I was doing an all-nighter with my friends and I only got like 3 hours of sleep the night before. I was delirious and drunk on mountain dew the whole time.)

Wisconsin appeared on America's doorstep in 1836. He was 11 at the time. He is 16 in modern-day. Wisconsin is the 30th state. 

Before America, Wisconsin wandered around his lands. He sometimes stayed with the local Natives. After the French and Indian War, he started staying with the British fur traders that controlled the area at that time. During the 1820s, Wisconsin started working in lead mines. He was affected rather greatly by lead poisoning. He developed severe migraines and pretty severe joint pain. Plus some memory loss and insomnia. The family thought the symptoms were just from working in the mines for so long. That was until they found out that lead was bad. America's reaction to finding out how badly lead hurt Wisconsin was 'fuck' then he fainted. Wisconsin has gotten better since the discovery of how poisoning lead is. 

The Republican Party was started in Wisconsin. Wisconsin suffered through many orange or Cheeto man jokes this election year. I said I wasn't going to get political in this story but fuck it, cut me some slack. 

Wisconsin's name is Lucas Jones. His nicknames are Luke, Lucy, Luc, and Sin. One of his nicknames would be Connie but someone already has that nickname in this fanfic ( ̄ヘ ̄). 

Wisconsin has dark brown hair that looks black in some lights with almond-colored skin. He has jade eyes and you know what? Let's slap some large eyebrows on him ('∀`). Wisconsin has wavy hair that ends at his chin. His bangs are long enough to cover the caterpillars on his forehead. He has multiple little curls near the back of his head that represent the apostle islands.

In my research of stereotypes, I encountered many sites stereotyping Wisconsin as a party state. Sorry to anyone from this state who thinks this is totally untrue but I only have 2 party states planned and I'd like another. 

Wisconsin loves that hunting life. He and Arkansas go hunting together. Although not often because Arkansas' left eye starts twitching after 50 minutes of his cheery and chill attitude. 

Wisconsin likes partying, whether it's: a state's birthday, a holiday, or a random celebration like D.C opening a jar by himself, he's there and already planning. Sadly, he only passes as a high schooler so he can't go to college parties. Whenever Wisconsin is attending a high school party it's either, A: awkward as fuck or B: way too crazy. Either way, he's not allowed to drink. Not because it's against the law but because America would ground him for at most 2 years (read: would skin him alive). 

Cheese is God to Wisconsin. And since cheese dip was made in Arkansas, let's call Wisconsin and Arkansas the cheese twins. 

As mentioned before, Wisconsin is pretty chill and friendly. Although when it comes to sports rivalries, he's ready to beat a bitch up. He gets most competitive when it comes to Illinois, Minnesota, and Iowa. Again, I'm not a sportsperson. 

Wisconsin and Ohio work together to make sure the states don't get themselves killed. They're the safety twins. Since Texas is a protective big brother let's add him to this group, the safety trio. 

Actually, we can switch out Ohio and Texas for Massachusetts and Hawaii. Massachusetts has the best healthcare. I've seen Hawaii as the state with the best healthcare on 1 list. So now we have the healthcare trio. Wisconsin is around 18 for healthcare but we'll let him in. I would switch Hawaii for some else but I think it's amusing that she's in the healthcare trio because of how she's characterized in this fanfic. 

Wisconsin has 72 orange glow sticks, they represent his counties. 

Wisconsin knows his way around ice cream sundaes. The first one served was in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. We now have the ice cream family. Vermont, North Carolina, New York, Iowa, and Wisconsin. 

Wisconsin is the only one allowed to choose a water park. Although, he tends to flavor his own state. 

Wisconsin and California produce the most cheese in the nation. (Wisconsin the number 1, California number 2) They are now the cheese twins. Wisconsin gained the nickname Master Cheesemaker. Wisconsin is the only state where you can be a certified Master Cheesemaker. 

The only reason Connecticut comes to Wisconsin is to see Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings. Wisconsin is offended and pleased at the same time. 

Wisconsin loves cream puffs. He once ate about 50 of them, he vomited them up after but says it was worth it. 

Wisconsin has gone to every SummerFest. Although, recently America has made at least one state go with him after he got high enough to be hospitalized. Which is pretty high If you think about it because he's a personification. 

Sheboygan is the bratwurst capital of the world. Only reason Pennsylvania goes to his state. Wisconsin is starting to think the other states either don't like him or just forget about him. 

Wisconsin once pissed off Arkansas. Arkansas proceeded to hunt a greater prairie chicken down and gave it to him for his birthday. Wisconsin cried, a lot. Wisconsin might be a party animal but he's also a smart ass in hydroelectric energy. The first hydroelectric plant in the United States was along the Fox River in Appleton. 

 Wisconsin owns an old typewriter. Fun fact, the first practical typewriter invented in Milwaukee by Christopher Latham Sholes. 

Wisconsin is home to the troll capital of the world. Ever since he was given this title, the state has been placing troll statues in the garden. America swears the statues move at night. At this point, the family treats the trolls like misbehaving children. America once had to scold one of the statues because they ate the pie America worked so hard on. The next morning there were perfectly ripe apples on his side table. They are all scared of being murdered by a troll. Although, the trolls have been pretty nice so far. Ignoring that one time when a troll attacked New Hampshire's raccoon but it did pee on the troll. 

Wisconsin is surprisingly good with kids. He can easily keep them entertained and tire them out. The first established kindergarten (ages 5 to 6) in the United States was in Watertown, Wisconsin.

 Fun fact, Barbie is from Wisconsin. The states have never let him forget this. Every year on his birthday at least 20 states give him Barbie dolls or Barbie outfits that he can actually wear. America never fails to give him a Miss America Barbie every birthday. 

Green Bay, Wisconsin is the toilet paper capital of the world. Wisconsin totally hordes the toilet paper and demands money from other states if they want toilet paper. Even Hawaii has to pay. America's the only one who gets a free pass. I bet Delaware has other states buy it for him in exchange for favors because he's a cheapskate. 

If Wisconsin could get a pet, America still doesn't trust him after that time he fed one of North Carolina's frogs beer, he would get a robin. But there are no birds allowed even though Massachusetts has a turkey and Rhode Island has chicken (totally forgot she had a chicken).

Wisconsin's room gives off a fairyland feel. 

Pastel yellow walls with sugar maple wood floors. 

He has a type of platform bed that sits in the far corner of his room. Made of hemlock wood, about 1.5 feet(45.72 cm) off the ground with stairs. His sheets are white, there are usually pale green or dark brown blankets. Then an emerald quilt, which was given to him by America. 

Next to his bed, there is an oak side table. It looks less like an actual side table and more of a box with two drawers. 

An orange coneflower sits on top of the side table in a white pot with little bear and vodka bottle stickers on it. It was given to him by Alaska after the state broke his arm over pancakes. 

On the floor next to his bed rests an oval rug with chestnut-colored diamond patterns on it. 

Recently, Wisconsin has put up fairy lights with fake ivy leaves around his room. America says if the lights start getting old then Wisconsin is gonna pay the bills if they catch something on fire. To be a little rebel, Wisconsin put up a hanging ivy plant. 

Wisconsin's windows are pretty simple, double windows that can open. Just realized that some states have different windows. This house is so chaotic. Like different wings, about 3 floors I would say, 52 rooms, maybe a few guest rooms, probably like 5 bathrooms, and Connecticut's tears and suffering. His curtains are white and made of silk. 

On the windowsill, there's a little pink fire flower. 

Under it is a wooden basket that Wisconsin puts his dirty clothes in. 

Next to the door, he has a desk. Oak writing desk. A black lamp sits on it with a little milk snake plush wrapped around its bottom. His MacBook sits on his desk. The case is pastel yellow with a bunch of dessert stickers. From cream puffs to cookies to brownies. 

Above it is a sun mirror with pictures taped to it. The pictures ranged from birthday parties to embarrassing photos. 

Wisconsin has bratwurst posters. And yes, there is such thing as bratwurst posters. He has a rack-like closet and a normal closet.

Wisconsin can handle the cold but doesn't do good with extremely hot temperatures. He gets migraines and fevers. Severe storms, including tornadoes, make his aches and pains worse. Sometimes, he gets bruises. Floods make him spend a day in the bathroom. Landslides make Wisconsin sleepy. When there's a landslide going on he usually falls asleep in random locations. Examples - next to the trash can, under the couch, and on Alaska(poor baby). Wisconsin fucking hates wildfires. Burns are a bitch to heal. Earthquakes make him nauseous as fuck.

-Now To The Story- 

Lucas sneezed as a layer of dust dispersed into the air. 

Letting out a few more sneezes, Lucas started to rummage through the old box. Thankfully this box didn't have any spiders or other bugs in it like the last ones. He shuddered at the memory of a black, hairy spider crawling up his arm. 

Usually, Lucas avoided the attic like the plague, however, he was bored as fuck today. 

So far, he's found a bunch of photos. Some torn, others faded. Every other time, he would stumble across a colored photo. Most were from World War 2, few looked like they were from the Civil War. 

The teen had tried to stay away from the boxes marked with names. But after 5 boxes of absolutely nothing, he gave in. 

Lucas has gone through Adrian,  Cali(California), Willow(Oregon), Clementine, and Noah's boxes. Adrian's had just been filled with old stuff from his colony days, mostly rags that may have been clothing in their past life. Cali's was filled to the brim with old cameras, clothes, and playboy magazines. Lucas could have gone his whole life without reading the faded sticky notes detailing a plan to shove Mama into one of the bunny suits. Willow's had contained some fancy-looking French clothes. Clementine's was just old pictures of the Louisiana Purchase when they were kids. Noah's was the same as Adrian's box but had two worn, brown journals. Lucas had attempted to read them, but after reading a detailed description of how wonderful France's ass looked, decided that he didn't crave to be traumatized. 

The journals probably contained some juicy secrets about the Thirteen, but still, there were some things he just didn't want to know. 

And finally, he was looking in his own box. Lucas actually didn't know what was in it. Mama or Theodore would normally take over the process of moving old stuff up to the attic. Most of the time, the boxes would go to the storage room first before being moved to the attic after a decade or two.

Lucas had made the decision to go through his boxes because they were four of them. A state had only two boxes in the attic and at least three in the storage room. Each cleaning and organizing of the house would involve selling or throwing away old possessions with no significance. A process implemented after the Civil War. 

Lucas sat back on his heels. 

The first box was just a bunch of junk from his Civil War days, some from the World Wars. Nothing past those times. Of course, he knew why that was. Everything before coming to America's doorstep contained bad memories or didn't matter to him. 

The filthy mines packed with polluted air that filled your lungs and made your eyes water. The only sounds were of picks hitting rock and of men wheezing. Every once in a while there was a plea for someone's mother, kids, wife, or God. The cold would gradually soak through your clothes, making your body stiff. A violent shiver or two would overcome your body. A red flush that would spread across your body, turning purple by the end of the job. Moaning about sore muscles was common. The occasional scream happened every week, everyone knew to stay away from wherever it came from. Food was stale and cold, often ruined by the grim on others' fingers as the share was passed around. Water was stained brown, and if you were lucky, a sickly yellow.

Lucas had been at the end of the line too often. Pushed aside by the older men or taking pity on the children that were younger than him. 

Lucas shuddered and squeezed his hands into fists. Memories of the mines were always the worst. They brought up old regrets, choices, and people he'd rather forget about. 

The teen pushed the box away. He grimaced as the box hit a dresser, creating a loud thud. Maybe he applied a bit too much force. 

Sighing, Lucas turned to the other boxes. 

Lifting one from the pile, he blinked in surprise. The box was light. Absurdly light. Probably light enough to throw a far distance. Setting the box down, Lucas hesitated. Anything could be in the box. He hadn't known that there were four boxes up here so someone must have been trying to hide sometime. It wouldn't be the first time someone wasn't told something for their own good. 

He brushed the layer of dust off, wrinkling his nose as it flew up. 

Lucas blinked at the line of scotch tape the went down the opening of the box. Wrinkled and torn at the edges. A buildup of dust and dirt bulged under the edges of the tape. Someone must have really wanted to keep him out of these boxes. Most of the other boxes were open.  

Sticking up his tongue, Lucas rubbed a finger over the nail of his thumb. Long but blunt. He shrugged, if he broke a nail then he'll just cut them all off. 

Gripping the side of the box, Lucas pressed his nail against the tape. The tape broke easily. Grinning to himself, Lucas ran his nail up and down the opening of the box. 

The state then forced the box open, tearing the last bits of tape of the side of the seam. Pulling the second flaps open, all the excitement drained from his face. 

It was Barbies. The whole box was filled with Barbies. Not just any Barbies. New ones, still in their plastic boxes. Their smiling faces looked up at Lucas. Cursing misfortune and pain on his day. 

Okay, maybe he was being a bit dramatic. 

Lucas's eye twitched, there was a sinking feeling in his gut. 


There was a loud thud as Lucas's head connected with the nearest wall. 

Taking a deep breath, the teen let out a long scream. 

The three other boxes were all filled with Barbies. 

Lucas was officially done with his family, and was wondering how many Barbies it would take to kill someone. 

Rubbing his sore forehead, Lucas scowled at all the Barbies. 

There was no way in hell he was going to let his family give him all these Barbies for his birthday. 

Lucas stuck his tongue out in thought. 

There had to be a way to get rid of them all. 

He didn't want to just throw them all away. It would be too easy for the others to find them. Burying them wouldn't do any good for the environment. 

Lucas gasped as an idea popped into his head. 

Burning them. 

There were downsides of course. 

Bad for the air, probably toxic for the human body too.

Buuuut, it would be fun as hell and he could recycle the plastic into something else. 

And he knew the person that would be right on board with his plan. 


"Totally dude! What's the game plan?" Marcus chirped, shoving another spoon of cheesecake into his mouth. 

"Today we count them all, tomorrow we separate the Barbies and their items, Friday we cut their hair, and Saturday we burn them." Lucas described, grinning wildly. 

Marcus nodded and swallowed his food. 

"Ya said you wanted to melt them into somethin'?" The teen asked, using his spoon to point at the other. 

"Yup! I was thinking a middle finger." 

Lucas was pretty sure he had a stupid little grin on his face as Marcus laughed loudly, snorting like a pig a bit. 

Marcus wiped a tear away with his finger. "Damn that's good." 

"Where we gonna get the mold from though?" He asked, still giggling. 

Lucas bit his tongue lightly, "I was thinkin' about asking Evans and Morgan for the mold and gas mask." 

Marcus nodded, almost bouncing in excitement.



Marcus pouted, attempting to look like a kicked puppy while Lucas whined. 

"Oh come oooooon, it'll be fun." 

"And dangerous." Morgan reminded, not even looking up from their work. 

"Not to mention the number of animals you might poison," Evans added. 

"We'll do it in the basement!" Lucas defended. 

"And poison yourselves?" Evans sighed. "You already have a hard time breathing sometimes, Lucy." 

Lucas's cheeks flushed at the reminder. 

"That's what the gas masks are for. Come on, we'll be careful and take breaks. We're even planning to cut the hair off and take off the clothes." Marcus objected, puffing his cheeks out. 

"Do you guys even know how much Barbies you're burning?" Morgan asked, spinning around to look at them.

Lucas bit his lip, "about.....seventy. Give or take ten." 

Evans ran a hand down his face. 

"How about this? Just make one hand instead of trying to make fifty. Thin but not enough to break. And only use the arms and legs." The teen proposed. 

"Then we can spread the heads around the house!" Lucas gushed. 

"Um, ya okay whatever." Evans stammered. "Just don't get yourselves killed."

The two teens nodded eagerly. 

With the promise of a metal mold, the two states started their process right away. 

Dragging the boxes into Lucas's room had been the most boring part of the process. The next four hours had been filled with blasting rock music and screaming. Screams of pain, happiness, and annoyance. Barbie heads were thrown everywhere, at everyone. Marcus's turkey had eaten a head and it took the states thirty minutes to get him to cough it up. 

Long story short, everything was organized chaos and now they had 356 limbs. 

Lucas let out a yawn, stretching his tired arms out. 

He looked to Marcus, "now we just have to round up the limbs and....are you sleeping!??"


Lucas yelped as he was pushed out of his warm bed. 

"What the fuck?!" 

Marcus popped into his line of view. 

"Get up, time to melt!" The teen chirped, nudging the other with his foot. 

Lucas groaned, burying his head in his elbow. 

"Come on, we're like three days early in our plans! The faster we get this done, the faster we can see their reactions." Marcus retorted, starting to drag Lucas by his leg. 

Lucas whined as he dragged across the sugar maple wood floor and out the door. 


The teen blinked sleepily as Marcus piled the limbs into the mold. 

They were currently sitting on the cold, moist basement floor. There really wasn't anything in the basement. The only time it had been used constantly was between 1860 and the start of the Civil War.

Lucas grimaced when he noticed a dark brown stain on the far wall. 

While there had been many demands to renovate the basement, no one wanted to do. Especially after Marcus had reported paranormal activity. Well, confirmed. The screams and banging at night had already hinted at that. 

"The type of plastic the dolls use melts at 165 degrees (73.889°C). AKA we have to torch these bitches for a long time." Marcus said, arranging the limbs so they all fit. 

Lucas scrunched his nose up, "will that high of a temp melt the mold?"

"Nope, steel melts at 2500 degrees (1370°C). I wouldn't be that surprised if this one manages to melt the mold though." Morgan answered, bonking Marcus on the head with a fireproof glove. 

Said boy huffed and rubbed the spot they hit. 

"How long do we have to melt it for?" Lucas asked, catching the gas mask and gloves that Morgan threw at him. 

Morgan shrugged, "maybe an hour or less. An air-fed blowtorch can reach about 3,600 degrees(2,000 °C) maximum."

Lucas cringed, "damn, your fucked if that hits you, Marcus." 

"He can handle it, remember when he managed to light all the cars on fire." Morgan said, crouching down to check one of the vents. 

The pyromaniac recoiled, "Mom was pisssssssed." 

Lucas giggled, "more pissed than that time you gave Olly a lighter." 

"Oh and just so you know, Marcus. You're never gonna be allowed near a fire source after this." Morgan snorted. 

Lucas let out a breathy chuckle as Marcus groaned. 

"ANYWAY, I'm gonna be going now. The door stays almost closed. Gas masks on at all times. If you get dizzy, take a break. There's a medkit with an inhaler in it outside the door. And Marcus, keep an eye on Luc." Morgan lectured. 

"Yes, commander!" The New England state chirped, saluting. 


Lucas gazed sleepily at the melting plastic. 

30 minutes along and they already had about 1/4 of the hand down.  

The process of melting it was slightly satisfying if it wasn't for the burn spots on the plastic. 

So far, no breathing problems. 

Rolling into a laying down position, Lucas briefly wondered if he could fall asleep. The warmth from the torch made a great source of heat in the damp basement. It was surprisingly comforting. 

Fire often reminded him of late nights around the campfire. When the new package of food would come in. Conversations would turn from whispers to laughing. Songs would be sung. Children would be dancing around the fire and seats. 

In his thoughts, Lucas didn't notice his eyes slowly closing. 

Lucas yelped as he was kicked in the side. 

Blinking slowly, he pouted at Marcus through the mask. 

The pout slipped off his face as he noticed the concerned and serious look in Marcus's eyes. 

Marcus jerked his head towards the door. 

Lucas frowned but hesitantly got onto his knees. 

He stumbled a bit when getting onto his feet. 

Slipping out the door with little trouble, the teen took his mask off.

He wheezed and coughed. 

That's when it hit him. 

He wasn't about to fall asleep, he was about to pass out. 

Lucas swore, how the hell didn't he notice. 

Grumbling under his breath, Lucas resigned himself to about four minutes with the inhaler. It probably wouldn't be necessary to take that long but he wanted to wallow in self-pity. 


Lucas looked up as the door opened. 

Marcus took his mask off, "you good?"

The other boy scrunched his nose up. "Yeah, I think." 

Marcus nodded then grinned. 

"I finished melting the plastic, we just have to wait for it to cool down now." Marcus said, flopping down beside Lucas. 

"How long will it take to cool?" Lucas asked, handing Marcus one of the candy bars we had found in the medkit. 

"20 to 25 minutes, it'll take a few for the insides of the hand to harden." Marcus said, struggling to open the candy bar. 

Lucas groaned loudly.


"It's beautiful." 

Lucas sniffed and wiped a tear away.

The hand might still be rough. It's might have some burnt spots. There might still be some visible fingers. But all that didn't matter 

The finger was amazing. Standing tall, ready to tell people to fuck off and eat fake pickles. 

Behind Lucas, Marcus was staring at him with the most bewildered face ever. 

"Hey, guyssssss." Lucas chirped, sliding into the living room with Marcus between him. 

"What did you guys do?" Mama said, his eyes flickering between the two teens. 

Lucas smacked his lips. "Wellll, I found those Barbie dolls in the attic."

Anne(Arkansas) snickered, "so you finally found those?" 

Lucas nodded slowly. 

"Oh my gosh, what did you do with them?" Theodore groaned, loosely covering his mouth with his right hand. 

"We make THIS!" 

Marcus whipped out the hand from behind him while Lucas did jazz hands. 

Mama facepalmed. 

There were a few snorts and giggles before all the states broke out in hysterical laughter.

Yes, they're all immature brats and proud of it.

"WAIT WAIT," Cyril(Iowa) yelled. 

"Let's deep fry it." He said, their eyes sparkling. 



Mama almost sobbed as the states marched out of the living room chanting 'Deep fry it!'. 

Long story short, they almost blew up the house and released toxic flumes into it. 

Yeah, they're all grounded now. 

(Note - I think what I like most about this chapter is the underlying angst and hints to something darker. Like the description of the mines. Or the mentions to Wisconsin's health being bad. And the ghosts in the basement. Also, tried to write numbers out but gave up after 356 limbs.

Anywho here are some headcanons. 

Headcanon for lead poisoning. Practically all of the personifications have it. The younger ones have almost none of it while the older ones have a lot, combined with poisoning from other shit too: ex, mercury poisoning. Ones in the middle have a variation of the two. 

I would headcanon the main reason why America doesn't like Wisconsin partying is because Wisconsin doesn't pay attention to his health. Wisconsin will drink and sometimes smoke without thinking about his health because being sick won't kill him. But America still worries about him. Wisconsin probably doesn't think about this because he spent most of his childhood in the mines or wilderness. Most of his teen years were spent fighting in wars, the Civil War and the World Wars. Wisconsin is tired of worrying about everything and being careful, he just wants to have fun. 

Another headcanon. As established in the story, all states call America, Mom. It started off as a joke but soon it became a term of affection. I would say it was different for Wisconsin. Wisconsin arrives on America's doorstep of all dirty and wounded. The first thing America does is give him a bath and tends to his wounds. Then feeds him and gives him warm clothes and a bed. And lastly kisses him goodnight. Wisconsin has never experienced that kind of affection before. Being of Native descent and being about 8 or 9, he has always been pushed around and bullied by the other men at the mines. Another person taking care of him comes as a shock. The only thing Wisconsin can compare it to is the way the other guys talk of their Moms. That establishes America as a mother figure to him. Without any influence from the other states, he immediately starts calling America 'Mama'. He still calls America 'Mama', because of this. And is the only state to still call him this for a reason other than begging. You can't really count D.C and Alaska since D.C is still a toddler and Alaska is just speaking Russian. Mama in Russian means Mom/Mother.

This might be a long as fuck author's note but the chapter is also long as fuck so here are some things you might have forgotten about the states.

-Alaska bit Massachusetts' arm off

-Massachusetts likes setting Alaska on fire

-North Carolina secretly wants to tell everyone to fuck off

-Ohio drinks ketchup out of a wine glass

-Pennsylvania and California shoved dildos down Washington's throat, Delaware caught and walked right the fuck out. 

-Maryland is secretly a little shit(seen in the Halloween chapter and in that one chapter where he gave Alaska a tazer)

-Rhode Island managed to terrify a bunch of men while looking like a 5-year-old dressed up in their father's pirate clothes

-New York has a pet beaver

-Mississippi literally has a pet cactus named Linda

-Michigan's frog is named Pudding

-Georgia and Virginia have snakes

Word count - 5002, ayyyyy new record!
