Mini Story - Alaska Visits Mommy

(Note: Another chapter, yay! Anywho, I only own my states that's it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell me if I get anything wrong. For now, it's going to be mini-stories till I finish my edits.  Anyway, this is the time to ask ANY questions about the story or the state personifications.)

Alfred yawned as Germany announced lunch. The nation rested his head on his arms as the other nations left the meeting room. 

"Alfie?" Asked a soft voice, next to him. 

Alfred rubbed his eyes as he looked up. 

"Oh hey, Mattie," Alfred responded sleepily. 

Matthew smiled at Alfred's drowsiness. 

"Are you okay?" Questioned Matthew concerned. 

Alfred yawned again, "y-yeah I'm fine. I just stayed up too late." 

Matthew nodded, "are you going to join the rest of us for lunch?" 

Alfred shook his head, "nah. I think I'm going to skip lunch and sleep instead." 

The other nation gave him a look of worry and concern nevertheless he nodded. 

Alfred rested his head in his arms as the door closed behind the last nation. Alfred slowly drifted off to sleep. But was interrupted by a light but firm tug on his pants. The nation jumped as he was suddenly jolted out of his light doze. Alfred quickly scooted his chair back and looked under the table.

 What the fuck. 

Elan(Alaska) was currently under the table. Alfred stared at Elan, Elan stared back. 

"Um, first off, how did you get here? And second, what the fuck happened to you!?" Blurted Alfred, eyes flicking from the door and back to Elan. 

Oh yeah, forgot to mention. ELAN'S COVERED IN BLOOD! What the fuck child!? 

Elan didn't answer his question immediately, instead, the child crawled into his lap. Alfred barely held back a grumble as his clothes got bloody. Elan gripped Alfred's uniform tight and rubbed his eye, only succeeding in spreading the blood more. Elan looked up at the nation, Alfred looked down at him curiously. 

"I missed you, мама." chirped Elan. 

Alfred practically melted, why were his kids so cute? 

"Oh and Marcus tried to set me on fire again." 

Gosh, fucking damnit. 

Alfred ran his fingers through Elan's hair, grimacing when he came in contact with a tiny chunk of flesh. 

"Are you okay?" Asked Alfred, looking Elan over. 

Elan snuggled into Alfred's uniform, "you should be more concerned about Marcus." 

Alfred only sighed. After 2 minutes of comfortable silence, Alfred spoke.

 "You know you can't be here Elan, what if someone catches you?" 

The little state only hummed. The nation opened his mouth again to speak but froze when he heard footsteps outside the meeting room. He gently but swiftly put Elan under the table next to his briefcase. Alfred flinched as the door was pushed open. 

Fuck, out of all the nations. 

"What happened to you, Aмерика?" Questioned Russia, practically gliding over to where Alfred was. 

Alfred had never been so thankful for long table cloths in his whole existence. 

"It's nothing special, you cold meatloaf. I only just cut my hand." Sneered Alfred, trying to conceal his nervousness. 

Ignoring the meatloaf comment, Russia giggled. 

"Well, you should patch that up, Я прав? We wouldn't want you to die, would we?" 

How is it possible that everything the Russian says ends up sounding condescending? 

"That wouldn't be good at all." hissed Alfred with a tight smile. 

Russia nodded stiffly and disappeared off to whatever hellhole he came from. 

Alfred let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. He jumped slightly as Elan climbed up his leg and settled back into his lap. The state stared up at him. 

"Looks like you're going to need a bandage." Comment Elan, playing his Alfred's tie. 

The nation groaned. 

Russian Words Used -

мама - Mom

Aмерика - America 

Я прав - Am I Right

(I tried to mix it up a bit and not have Russia use да)
