
(Note: I haven't had much time to complete a chapter. I have to go into school for 2 days a week. And for 3 days I have it online. The days they assign it online are frustrating and confusing. Almost had a mental breakdown over my Spanish work today. My teacher assigns a new topic when we aren't in school making it confusing. She drops topics way too fast. I'm hoping I get chances to finish South Italy tries to take America out on a date or a state chapter in school. But for now, I have these little paragraphs I wrote in class.)  

"What would you do if you had 5 wishes?" Josephine asked, not looking up to glance at the other 12 states. 

"5?" Theodore questioned. 

Josephine frowned, "3 is overrated." 

"Ooooo, I want to own all the frogs in the world." Cassie beamed. 

"That's illegal in so many countries." Arthur commented. 

"Rule the world, obviously." Marcus piped in. 

"That's......actually very illegal." Arthur mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"Then ask for absolute loyalty and obedience for your second wish." Cordelia added. 

"Oh god, what road are we going down?" Arthur shivered. 

"But what if your wish gets tainted, the people could become mindless slaves?" Casper pointed out. 

"We have 3 more wishes, the next wish could be retained their personalities or just add it to the 2nd wish." Penny mentioned. 

"OR, we could just add it all to the 1st wish." Geo blurted. 

"Yeah! Then after we rule the world, we can fix global warming and pollution." Adrian chirped.

"We could either wish for it or make laws to fix it." Theodore theorized, rubbing his chin. 

Arthur was now rocking back and forth while muttering about 'insane siblings'. 

Josephine smirked to herself. Now that's how you cause your older sibling to go insane!


Penny huffed as she pets Ham Marley(her dog). 

She choked on dense dust that covered the attic. Why was she in the attic? Well, Penny was looking for her old revolution uniform. Why? Because they were doing a play in school.

 Mom had forced her to go to highschool. Penny still didn't understand why. She already takes on a tutor every 10 years to relearn. Mom had said it would give her a chance to meet kids her age. While Penny did like being away from her annoying siblings but, gosh, the kids at school were annoying too. 

First, they think she's a demon because of her white hair, pale face, and red eyes. It's called being an albino for Pete's sake. Then they think she's a nazi for having a German accent. Thank god she left her Iron Crosses at home. What is with people these days!? 

Penny growled and aggressively opened a box. Her eyes widened, on the top was a very familiar blue uniform. Penny ran her hands over the Iron Cross on the front. She smirked at the bloodstains. 

Picking up the uniform, she looked at the rest of the contents in the box. Seems like a few of her old stuff. Ooooo, was that her old scissors? 

Penny gently put the uniform on the floor and picked up the scissors. 

The girl ran her fingers over the still smooth but slightly rusty metal. She smiled, scissors back then were so beautiful to look at. If you were upper class, you could get some good looking scissors. 

Penny sighed wistfully, it seems like so long ago since she cut her hair. Actually, it has been a long time, like 200 years or less. 

Penny looked at the scissors and fingered her ponytail.

(Ps. kids are mean, the people that called themselves the 'cool kids' probably would have said that. There's always that group of kids that think their cool but really they aren't) 
