Let's Try - South Italy and America Try Not To Embarrass Themselves Part 1

(Note - AHhhhhhhhhhhh, got this chapter out finally! I wanted to do 3 dates and 2 date chapters but now it's going to be 2 dates instead. I didn't want to give myself too much to edit. Anywho, they don't kiss in this chapter but they will kiss in the next date chapter. By the way, new note system. This symbol - * will mark parts where I have a note or fun fact or just a thought while writing. This includes translations. They will all be at the end of the chapter. There are 22 of them. Also Wattpad users, the paragraphs might be fucked up again. Also, I think I accidentally gave Lovino a fetish. What kind of fetish? I don't know. Some kind. )

Lovino impatiently tapped his fingers on the meeting table. They were in New York for a meeting about rising sea levels. He glanced at Alfred farther up the table. He looked so excited. Bright eyes, a wide smile on his face, and basically vibrating in his seat. Lovino hid a grin behind his hand. The American had spent the whole evening and morning telling him all about Oceanix. 

He held back a pleasured shiver. He and Alfred had shared a hotel room and a bed. Lovino had spent the night with a warm, soft American in a bear sweater snuggled up against him. He never noticed how much the nation smelled like apple pie. Waking up to Alfred's absolutely adorable sleeping face, his cheek squished against the Italian's chest was heaven. Lovino had spent about 20 minutes contemplating whether or not to wake him. 

The man rested his chin on his hand as England started his presentation. He and Alfred had planned a day out on the town kind of date. Roaming the streets till night. Romantic kisses under the street light. Eating some true Italian pizza, or the closest New York could get it. Holding hands. Practically, showering Alfred with love for the whole day. 

Lovino let out a breath of relief as England finished. His blissed-out smile soon turned into a frown. He hadn't noticed it till now, it seemed the other nations were ignoring Alfred. That asshole Germany had been picking other nations that didn't even have anything planned. They were supposed to be following a list that contained 10 nations. Everyone on the list had gone but Alfred and Romania. 

Lovino huffed, so what if the American always had silly plans. They were a refreshment from these boring fuckers. Since this was the first time in a while that Alfred has actually put his name on the list, he should at least get a chance to speak. Lovino's frown deepened as Ludwig ended the meeting. 

Ignoring Feliciano, he walked over to the American. 

"You okay?" Lovino asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he saw tears in the corners of Alfred's eyes.

 The other shook his head quietly. Lovino's eye twitched. Someone's gonna get their ass beat after he's done pampering his boyfriend. Frowning, Lovino tugged Alfred out of his seat. He paused to pick up their bags and papers before dragging the American out of the meeting room, ignoring the looks from the other nations. 

The man stomped into the parking lot, using his keys to unlock his car. 

"L-Lovino?" Alfred stuttered as he was pushed into the passenger seat. 

"We're getting McDonald's." He announced, throwing their bags and papers into the backseat before hopping into the driver's seat. 

Alfred's eyes brightened slightly, "really?"

 Lovino nodded, starting the car. Alfred beamed and cheered. 

"Let's get some McDaddy!" He shouted, throwing his hands up as much as he can, aware of the car roof. 

Lovino banged his head against the wheel and groaned. Is it too late to turn back?


The half nation stared as the American devoured the burger. Lovino cursed under his breath. He might love the other to death but those burgers are fucking disgusting. They were flat and greasy. The burgers didn't even look like the ones in the pictures. The man made a mental note to cook the American*an Italian burger. 

Lovino cleared his throat to get the other's attention. Alfred looked up from his burger, Lovino took a moment to mentally coo over his puffed-up cheeks*. 

"Where do you want to go?" He asked, silently gushing over how Alfred's eyes lit up. 

The American swallowed his food before opening his mouth. "Wellll, it's been a while since I've shown you around Manhattan." 

Lovino groaned and Alfred sniggered at him. 

"Are you still traumatized by the time you almost got run over at a Dukin' Donuts?" Alfred teased, taking a sip of his drink. 

Lovino glared at him. "What is wrong with your people!? Who goes that fucking fast in the parking lot of a donut shop?" He grumbled, crossing his arms. 

The American grinned at him, "sleep-deprived college students and office workers." 

Lovino chuckled as another bird landed on Alfred. 

"Lovi, look! I'm the king of birds!" The young man exclaimed, squealing when a bird nipped his ear. 

The Italian's cheeks hurt from how wide the grin on his face was. 

"We should have gone to Burger King instead." He mused, feeding one of the birds a roasted peanut. 

Alfred giggled and opened his mouth to accept a roasted peanut from Lovino. 

"How often do you come to Central Park, the birds love you." Lovino asked, shrugging off a bird that tried landing on his shoulder. 

"I sometimes walk around Central Park to calm down whenever I'm in New York." Alfred explained, yelping when two birds started to fight over his head. 

The brunette threw a peanut at one of the fighting birds. 

"Damn pests," The Italian growled. 

Alfred waved the birds away, only letting the little bird on his head stay. 

Lovino rolled his eyes affectionately. 

"What is with you and small animals?" He asked, feeding the tiny bird a peanut. 

"They're cute!" Alfred chirped, eyeing the peanut between Lovino's fingers. 

The Italian's cheeks flushed as Alfred closed his mouth around the peanut. The bird whistled at him, looking smug. 

Lovino had a sour expression on his face as Alfred dragged him through the crowd. 

"We could have just driven, you know." He groaned, almost tripping over someone's shoe. 

"Ya buuuuuuuut we already drove halfway and walking is good exercise. Since we're ferrying over anyway." Alfred said, tugging the man through a big group of tourists. 

"Don't you need tickets to ride the ferry and tour the Statue of Liberty*? Do you even have tickets!?" Lovino grumbled, bumping into the American. 

"Already got tickets for the ferry, I always get one or two when I'm in New York. I've been able to tour and climb Liberty for free ever since Francis gave it to me." Alfred said cheerfully, his eyes gleaming with excitement as they approached the ferries. 

Despite being ruffled and feeling a bit bitchy, Lovino kept his mouth shut. 

From one mention of the statue, it was awfully clear it was important to the blonde*. 

"Hope you don't get seasick." Alfred teased. 

Lovino snickered as they got off of the ferry. Alfred groaned from the nausea. 

"I thought I was over it!" Alfred whined, leaning the Italian. 

"The 3 times you vomited on the ride here says otherwise." Lovino chuckled, wrapping an arm around the American. 


 Alfred giggled as Lovino practically dragged himself up the stairs. 

"Why the fuck haven't you guys put elevators or at least escalators in yet!?" He complained, taking a moment to catch his breath. 

Alfred rolled his eyes. "Because that would cause all kinds of problems for the statue itself." He tutted. 

"FUCK THE STATUE!" Lovino yelled, throwing his arms up. 

"Please don't." Alfred giggled as Lovino's face turned red. 

 "Isn't it nice?" Alfred asked Lovino as they looked out of the crown. 

"Ya, brilliant. Fucking fantastic." Lovino blurted, a bit green in the face. 

"That's what you get for making fun of my seasickness," Alfred smirked. "Anywho! Time to go all the way back down." 

Lovino stared at him before whispering. "You cruel little bean." 

"Isn't it pretty!" Alfred chirped, kicking his feet. 

"Very." Lovino said in awe, huddled up against the American. 

The two were sitting on a bench in Times Square. Pressed against each other due to the cold. 

Alfred grinned and rested his head on Lovino's shoulder. 

Alfred snorted at the equal looks of horror on the Italians' faces. Feliciano's expression was less of one of horror and more of absolute rage. 

Alfred smirked, at least it wasn't at him. 

"Angleterre, qu'avez-vous fait!?*" Francis practically cried, disappointment coming from him in waves. He was literally crying, sobbing at this point. 

"It's pasta wrapped in meat*." Arthur mumbled, looking nervous. 

The dish looked like a burnt severed limb, garnished of course. 

"CHE CAZZO HAI FATTO ALLA MIA PASTA!?*" Feliciano yelled, forgetting to talk in English. 

Alfred covered his snickers the best he could with his hand. Arthur was done for, the little Italian never lost his temper but when he did it was hell for whoever angered him. Ludwig* made the mistake of snapping at the nation, curses were yelled and pasta was insulted. Feliciano shut the German up by kicking him in the nuts. Alfred had never seen Ludwig cry so hard since WWII. 

Arthur looked already to pass out. Actually, Lovino looked ready to faint, oh fuck. 

Alfred yelped as he caught the Italian. He gently placed the Italian in a cushioned chair. 

"METTI LA TESTA SU UN PALO!*" Feliciano screeched, taking out a shotgun*. 

Arthur screamed and dropped the pan. Alfred dissolved into manic giggles as the angry Italian chased after the Englishman. 

"Mes yeux." Francis sniffed, curled up on the floor. 

Alfred took a deep breath to calm his laughter. Looking down at the still unconscious Lovino, the American poked his cheek. Alfred huffed and smacked the Italian's nose. 

Lovino squeaked and pushed the chair over, taking the American with him. 

Francis let out a series of 'hon hons' at the suggestive position they landed in. Chests pressed against each other and legs tangled together. The Frenchman backed out of the room as the two realized Lovino's curl had gotten tangled around Alfred's cowlick. 

The two nations sat across each other on the floor, avoiding making eye contact. 

Getting untangled had been an.......experience. 

"Soooooo, is dinner still on?" Lovino asked, his cheeks bright red. 

"Yup! Don't worry I'm a better cook than Arthur." Alfred giggled as Lovino shuddered. 



Alfred curled up on the bed as Clementine and Victor screamed at each other. 

"A SUIT would be better than fucking dress." Clementine snapped, shoving the pale blue suit in Victor's face. 

"A suit isn't impressive enough, a dress would deliver that wow factor," Victor argued. 

"Mom doesn't need to dress up for a man." Clementine huffed. 

"Oh my fucking god, he looks good in a dress. He fucking rocks dresses. The Italian wouldn't be able to keep his hands off him if he wears a dress." Victor groaned, waving the periwinkle cocktail dress around. 

"It's the second date! No one has sex on the second date!" The girl yelled. 

Alfred flushed as the two states started arguing over his sex life. 

Lovino was coming over in about 20 minutes for a dinner date. The food was already cooked and set on the table. Clementine and Victor had *come over to help him pick out an outfit. The two ended up fighting over putting him in a dress or in a suit. 

He jumped as Clementine screeched. 

"FINE! Put him in the damn dress but I get to pick out his makeup." 

Alfred paled at the mention of makeup. 

Alfred blushed as he studied himself in the mirror. He looked....pretty. The off-the-shoulder cocktail dress fit him perfectly. The length of the skirt was just right, resting 6 inches(15.24 cm) above his knees. 

It showed off his legs which, to his embarrassment, were waxed and lotioned. Pale blue, closed-toe platform heels were shoved onto his feet. Alfred was somewhat ashamed that he was able to walk in them perfectly*, they were at least 6 inches(15.24 cm) heels. 

When it came down to underwear, he had refused to wear women's underwear* no matter how much pleading the two states did. Although, he did agree to wear the garter. It was white and lacy, wrapped around his mid-thigh. 

Alfred had decided to tune out all the suggestions involving his sex life. He rather not hear that from his children. 

Clementine's makeup ended up being simple*. A bit of foundation and concealer with a light blush. She had applied a smidge of pink eyeshadow that made it look like his eyes were blushing. The lip gloss made his lips look plump and kissable. 

"Me and Victor have to get going now. The Italian will be here in 5 minutes." Clementine said, packing her materials up. 

 "I bet he won't be able to keep his hands off you." Victor chuckled, swinging his backpack onto his shoulder.

Alfred paced around the kitchen. Lovino would be here any minute now. The American sighed and adjusted his dress. He wished he accepted the stick-on bra Clementine offered, the top kept slipping down. 

Alfred bit his lip, he was starting to regret letting Clementine and Victor dress him. It was hard to keep his hands away from his face. The hem of his dress was starting to irritate his legs. 


Alfred almost tripped as the doorbell rang. He steadied himself against the wall. Taking a shaky deep breath, Alfred adjusted his dress and fixed his hair. 

Stumbling towards the door, he hesitated before opening the door. 

"H-hi." Alfred stuttered, "you look good." 

Personally, the blonde preferred seeing Lovino in suits. The current suit, a dark red jacket and pants with a white button-up shirt, made the Italian look even better. Something Alfred thought wasn't even possible. Or it could just be his uniform fetish* taking over. 

"Ah-um thanks. You look really good too." Lovino stammered, Alfred flushed when he realized the man was looking him up and down. 

"I brought flowers." He said, his eyes stopping on Alfred's lips. 

Alfred took the flowers and backed up to let the Italian in. He inspected the flowers. Red roses and irises. The American smiled, love and hope*. 

"What's for dinner?" Lovino asked, fixing his hair. 

Alfred cleared his throat. "Flatbread made of refined flour with a fresh tomato sauce spread. Covered in melted creamy cheese topped with sliced mushrooms." He recited, hugging the flowers to his chest. 

The half-nation blinked at him. "Isn't that just pizza*?" 

Alfred grinned at him, "yup! Romantic, right?" 

Lovino shook his head, a wide smile on his face. "I should have known." Alfred giggled, hiding his face in the flowers. "Don't worry I have pasta too." Alfred said in between giggles. "Oh thank god." Lovino gasped. 

Extremely fucking awkward was the only way to describe the atmosphere right now. After the conservation about different ways to describe food died off, they pretty much ate in silence with few attempts at conservation. 

"Soooooo, have any worst first date stories?" Alfred asked. 

"Isn't it against the rules of dating to talk about past dates?" Lovino mused, twirling his fork in the mass of pasta in front of him. 

Alfred pouted, "bad dates are usually hilarious." 

"Once went on a date with Prussia." Lovino said, a grimace on his face. He rolled his eyes, dramatically. 

"Once that damn bird arrived, I became the third wheel. It was like I was interrupting their date. I walked away and he didn't even notice!" Lovino groaned. 

Alfred chuckled, "got third wheeled by a bird." 

"That's not even the worst date I've had, at least I got a lot of blackmail pictures." Lovino snorted, sipping on his wine. 

"Once I went on a date with Spain, we kissed then he fucking said 'your lips are very soft Feli'. I almost slapped the shit out of him." He growled. 

Alfred gasped, "he didn't!" 

The Italian nodded, solemnly. 

Alfred cringed, "he messed up big time." 

"Then I had a date with little potato bastard. Around Christmas, it was going pretty well. He bought me hot chocolate and other cute shit. We end up under a mistletoe. After we kiss this motherfucker proceeds to tell me how Feli asked him to take me out on a date because I was looking sad and lonely. I was so angry that I just demanded him to take me home then screamed into my pillow right when we got back." Lovino ranted, stabbing his pasta. 

"Damnnnnnnnnnnnn, ya got some bad dates." Alfred said, ripping the crust off of his pizza to eat it. 

"What about you?" Lovino asked, stuffing his mouth with pasta. 

Alfred grinned, "I've had some interesting dating experiences instead of bad dates." Lovino raised an eyebrow. A very sharp and elegant eyebrow. 

"China was my sugar daddy* for a while." The American snickered at the stunned expression on the other man's face. 

"China!? Are we talking about the same China here? The one that nags you almost every second about your debt?" Lovino said, looking flustered. 

Alfred nodded, "yup!" 


Alfred pouted as Lovino wheezed. 

"He...walked in-hehe* 'wheeze' on you and South Korea doing what?!" Lovino gasped, his arms wrapped around his stomach. 

Alfred's ears burned "I'm not repeating it." He huffed. 

Lovino giggled, "a breast pump*....." 

Alfred scowled at him. 

"What about the other experience?" Lovino whimpered after calming down a bit. 

The American glared at him before continuing. 

"You see I was getting all dressed up and shit in traditional Chinese clothing. China walks, stops and asks me, 'why are you dressed like a concubine*?'." 

Lovino pounded his fist on the table as he wheezed. 

"I was mortified! I started crying right in front of this poor man. I couldn't look China in the eye for months!" Alfred whined, covering his face with his hands. 

"I only started looking him in the eye after he cornered me and told me how sexy and beautiful I looked in the outfit. Then he proceeded to treat me like his concubine. At least I got some good sex out of my mortification." Alfred sniffed, his face and ears burning. 

Lovino snickered at him. A playful smirk suddenly appeared on Lovino's face. "

You wouldn't mind dressing up like a Roman concubine, would you?" He asked. 

"LOVINO!" Alfred squealed. 

(Notes - 

1* Take away 'a Italian burger' and you have ' The man made a mental note to cook the American'. I had a good laugh about this in Social Studies when the wifi went down.2* I have a dirty mind. 3* Literally never been anywhere. I have to look up how to get to the Statue of Liberty. Might get some things wrong. 4*Yes, I know that blond is the male version and blonde is the female version. English is being weird, it makes no sense for there to be 2 ways to write blond/blonde. This is my story and I'm using blonde, deal with it. 5* Angleterre, qu'avez-vous fait!? - England, what did you!?6* CHE CAZZO HAI FATTO ALLA MIA PASTA!? - WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY PASTA!?7* Apparently America is Germany's closest ally out of European Union. Didn't know that.8* METTI LA TESTA SU UN PALO! - PUT HIS HEAD ON A STAKE!9* South Italy loves pasta while North WORSHIPS IT. 10* Mes yeux - My eyes11* Anybody seen Kay's cooking? Memeulous?12* I can imagine them just inviting themselves over without warning because they know America is terrible at fashion. 13* Anybody else have a headcanon that America tried out stripping or at least pole dancing? Playboy bunny outfit? No? Just me?14* Wanted to keep some of his manliness. 15* Bear with me, my knowledge of makeup is limited. 16* America totally has a uniform fetish. I'm surprised more people don't put that into their fanfictions. That and an accent fetish. 17* Flower language bitches! 18* Anybody seen the fancy way to describe a pizza meme? Anyway, America would totally pull this. 19* I've been thinking about sugar daddy China for some time now. I can totally imagine China being America's sugar daddy at some point in history. 20* Is that you Micheal Jackson?21* I got the idea of China walking in on South Korea and America using a breast pump and I couldn't get it out of my mind. South meant well but it kinda went down the drains since China's a possessive af. 22* I can totally see America wearing the clothes of a concubine and not realizing it. 

Heh, I really should be working on my English project rn instead of editing. 
