TWENTY-SIX: heaven


I could feel every fiber of my senses ignited. At this moment in my life, I've never tasted such freedom. I would savor it, like a cold beverage on a hot summer day. It would fuel my body long enough to survive.

I could die today and that would be enough; touching her would be enough. Maybe that's why I can't recognize the danger in front of me, the realness of me falling deep, deep in love with her.

I'd never dreamed of heaven until I met her, now I understand the hype. I would go to incredible lengths just to travel to my newly discovered heaven.

"Logan?" The voice pulled me out of the trance.

"Hm," I hummed.

"Did you hear what Vanessa said about the security?" Liam, my beta, asked me. His fingertips tapped gently against the wooden table. He must've been able to detect how unfocused I was.

I raised my eyebrows in response, "It must've been a lone wolf, we have no reason to believe that this is an ongoing situation." I said with my voice low. "The rogue was deranged, but he is dealt with."

I sat completely still in a meeting with some of the most dangerous trained people in the world, trying to have a better grip on this rogue situation. It caused an uproar in the pack, yet the threat was gone.

Gone and buried.

"I'm going to start making upshifts, and we'll all be responsible for border patrol. If anyone spots a rogue, you catch them and bring them to me. This will be implemented until further notice just out of precaution. But make no mistake, there will never be a rogue or anyone else be able to take this pack down." I sternly explained to the table.

A soft cough echoed throughout the room, causing everyone's attention to turn to Vanessa. "And Alpha, should we still be patrolling your mate's apartment?" The question had my ears burning in response.

"Yes. Stay low, if she has any suspicions of anyone of you; you will have to deal with me. Don't push your luck." I said lowly, giving a glaring stare to everyone in the room. The room was silent, everyone gathering their new bearings. "Any other questions?"

"Alpha, should we be planning the mating ceremony for Bella and you in the meantime?" Mary, a pack fighter, politely asked.

I didn't hesitate to respond to her, "No. That won't be necessary." I responded, my heart, sinking deeper in my chest a bit.

There was nothing normal about the traditions that we held for the mating ceremony between Bella and me. It would never happen, no matter how badly I wanted it to.

The tradition consisted of werewolf shifts, pack fighting, hunting, and various stuff that would be hard for a normal person to understand.

"How should we be preparing for your sister's arrival tomorrow?" Another voice echoed from the room.

I almost internally groaned at the thought of my sister coming back to the pack tomorrow as a weekend trip. I let out a deep sigh, "There is set to be a celebration dinner for her on Sunday at three. She is going to be bringing her mate and his family, so just make sure we're all on our best behavior."

My sister was very, very needy. Kendall was always trying to be more involved in my life, and she is insistent on meeting my mate. She will talk her ear off, but I need to get her in line before she even is in the same radius as Bella.

The silence greedily filled the room once more, and I was itching to leave. "Okay, everyone dismissed," I grumbled out and watched everyone rush out of their seats.

I didn't miss the distressed look painted on Vanessa's face as she looked at me after the mention of Bella. I knew her feelings towards my decision wasn't one she agreed with, and no matter how hard I tried I was trying not to let that bother me. I knew where her concerns stemmed from. If I broke the news to Bella, the risk of Bella leaving was too high. I couldn't reveal the truth, and I wouldn't spend the rest of my life making sure it never came to the surface.

I knew in the back of my head, like Vanessa said, that if Bella ever found out about me being a werewolf would hurt her. Yet, I wanted to shield her innocence and keep her away from this violent part of my life. It would eat at my bones, but I could handle it. I don't know if she could.

The way Bella talked about her past made my skin crawl. I just wanted to make sure she never had to feel that overcoming a sense of fear and unknown outcomes.

Once the conference room was cleared out, I leaned back in my chair and let out a deep breath. I closed my eyes briefly, the only thing on my mind was the soft touch of her skin. The way her lips felt flushed against mine. Whether she knew it or not, I was completely indulged in her. Captivating all my thoughts at every minute of the day, I would never find peace again until I was touching her.

I pulled up my sleeve to check the time and shot out of my chair. I took needy strives to my car and quickly sped off to a certain bookstore. Upon my arrival, I couldn't help but feel relieved when I saw her looking so calm from the window. Bella had her head down, encapsulated in a book, as she anxiously tapped her fingers. I grabbed the door handle and pulled the store door open. The sound of the bells had caught her attention, and she whipped her head up. A small smile appeared on Bella's face, along with a new shade of pink flustered cheeks. She quickly closed her book and focused her attention on me.

"Hi," Bella said with a barely-there whisper.

"Hi, beautiful." I stepped closer to her. "Ready to go?" I asked, leaning slightly on the register counter.

"Yeah one sec, let me just turn off the computer." Bella turned to the desktop computer and began to press the computer mouse to turn off the computer. Bella shoved the book she was reading into her purse and stepped next to me.

I couldn't help myself, I reached my hand out to grasp onto hers. I tugged her hand with me as she pulled out her keys to lock the front door. When we reached the car, I set off en route to my house. The radio hummed lowly, but all I could focus on was her hitched breathing.

"What's going on in that head of yours, hm?"

"Umm...?" She asked barely above a whisper.

"Yes, baby?" I responded, my thumb softly playing with the skin on her thighs.

She paused for a second, and I saw her gulp deeply from the corner of my eye. "Are we, uh, like together? You know, boyfriend and girlfriend or something? The only reason I'm asking is cause someone today asked me-"

I rushed to cut off her rambling question, "Yes." I quickly responded, "We're together."

Together, whether she liked it or not.

Bella's shoulders slumped down in relief. "Okay." Her voice came out in an almost squeal. She began fidgeting with her fingers. "You're, actually, my first boyfriend." Bella told me shakily, "Is that okay? Like I barely know what I'm doing."

My other hand tightened against the steering wheel once I heard her insecurity peak through. I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of relief once she informed me of her new secret. "It's more than okay, Bella. Didn't I already tell you, you're all I'll ever need?"

I heard her exhale deeply. She slowly nodded her head, "Are you sure I'll be enough? There are so many pretty girls out there, that are like totally on your level. You can date supermodels with your looks for god's sake. I mean little old me, is just me-"

"Bella," I cut her off once more. "If only you knew half of your beauty, you wouldn't question it. You're the only person I want- the only person who will make me feel this way. I want you, you have no idea." I grumbled deeply, ensuring she heard every word.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Bella chewed heavily at her lip.

"No apology is necessary, your mine and I'm yours."


SORRY FOR THE LONG AWAITED UPDATE. Hope you guys are doing good, let me know what you think of the chapter!

Read ahead:
