
I could listen to her soft breathing for the rest of eternity and be satisfied with just that. The slow breath as she slept peacefully on my chest coursed a gush of blood through my veins. I have never felt more alive, more dignified in my life in the presence of her.

Bella slumped on me with one of my thin cotton shirts, curled up so close to me I could hear her heartbeat. I wondered if this soothed an ache in her brain as much as it did mine.

I wondered back to the events of tonight and what had gone so wrong at the event. It was like one second Bella was carefree and completely herself, yet the next she was reserved and shut down. I had a sickening feeling that something somewhere along the lines had happened. And I would burn down the world to find out the thing that killed the spark.

I curled my fingers through her long blonde hair.


I carefully slipped my phone from the nightstand and quickly unlocked it. I shot Harry, my beta, a text.

Logan: Did you hear anything?

Following Bella nearly drowning herself in red wine, about a million red flags had gone off in my head. She was acting so different following the trip to the bathroom that I had to find out what had happened immediately. I needed Harry to dig further into that Nina girl and question the shit out of her.

Harry: I am talking to Nina right now. Will report soon, Alpha.

I sighed heavily before I regained my composure. I could not wake the sleeping angel above me. Bell had already been under suspicion that I was upset with her, but it couldn't have been farther from the truth.

Whether I wanted to admit it or not, my mate had me wrapped around her delicate finger. I couldn't fathom a situation I would be mad at her. Angry at myself? Yes. Furious at the rest of the world for her creased eyebrows? Fuck yeah. But her? Never her. She could commit murder and I wouldn't bat an eye.

Logan: Find out quickly.

I closed my eyes in contentment. I would find out before tomorrow morning and the rest of the world would feel my wrath. For now, I'll lay with the only piece of comfort in my life.


I woke up to soft twirls against my skin. It sent chills down my body and awoke my beast. Bella's soft fingers trailed down my chest in such a delicate manner I could've passed away a content man.

"Good morning beautiful," I whispered down to her. Bella still laid flush against me, as I would not let her go through the night.

Her big hazel eyes stared up at me in shock, finally realizing I was awake. "I'm sorry- did I wake you?"

I shook my head no quickly. "No baby, how'd you sleep?"

"I slept awesome- which is so rare for me. Thank you for staying the night with me." A crimson blush evaded her face and sucked the life out of me.

"I wouldn't have changed it for the world."

Bella smiled at me, "What's your middle name?"

"Middle name?" I repeated as the question caught me off guard.

"Yeah, I feel like I still know nothing about you. So, Logan Valter, what's your middle name?"


"That's really unique, I love that. I've always been so fascinated by names, they have so much meaning to them, you know."

"I understand, love. And what's your middle name?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Mine isn't as nearly interesting as yours, but it's Jean," Bella told me as she continued to softly brush her fingers against my bare chest. "It's my aunt's name."

"It's beautiful." I simply told her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Thank you." Bella whispered.

The silence comforted us both as we just lay there listening to each other deeply breathing. The sun crept into her bedroom and ignited every freckle on her face. The freckles danced carefully across her nose and I would study every artifact that lay across it.

Bella lifted her head to peek over at her alarm clock and belted out a groan. "Ugh, why do I have to work today?"

"Then, stay."

"I wish, I really do, but I have to go." Bella slowly lifted herself off my chest and attempted to get out of bed. I quickly pressed her down against my chest that prevented her from moving. "Logan!"

"Give me a kiss first."

Bella hesitated as her blush danced across her skin. She inched her face toward me and placed a small kiss on the corner of my mouth. I gave her hair one last brush through my fingers and I released her in satisfaction.

"I'm just going to take a quick shower, I'll be out in ten minutes." Bella shyly snuck away from her bedroom.

I didn't hesitate to pull my phone out of my pocket and check for any updates. There were 3 new messages from Harry and I swiped my phone open to see what he had to say.

Harry: Nina said that she had talked to Bella after they heard some girls in the bathroom.

Harry: I'm trying to figure out who the girls were right now.

Harry: Call me and I'll explain more.

I dialed his phone number and he picked up on the first ring.

"Alpha, I have all the information about last night." Harry told me in a rushed tone.

"Go on." I kept my voice low.

"The woman, Nina, had been in the bathroom and overheard three girls talking about the Alpha, you, and his date. Allegedly some nasty things were said, but there was no indication of the Alpha as you or Bella." Harry explained to me.

I chewed harshly at my cheeks, my mood turning sour. "Meet me in my office in an hour, bring those girls and Nina."


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