TWENTY ONE: lengths


Ever since I could remember, I've never been able to stop the thoughts rummaging through my mind.

Every minute of every hour would have me on edge. I was always prepared to fight a bear that was never coming.

The older I get, the harder it is to cope with.

My thoughts run wild, spewing in every direction but peace. They would keep me up at night, having my heart beat thud at an unnatural pace.

For the first time in my life, my thoughts melted.

Finally giving me a sweet savory taste of blissful silence. It's something I'd relish. Grasp on to the feeling and pray it would never go away.

This kiss.

Silenced, everything.

The world tilted on its axis a bit.

A thousand words wouldn't be enough to describe this feeling of euphoric peace.

An angelic gospel song; warm fresh bread; clean sheets, nothing would ever compare again.

Subtle minty breath lingered in the air. The perfect softness that radiated off his lips. The way my knees slowly wanted to give out.

It was a feeling I didn't want to let go of. I wanted to grasp onto every lingering sense of quiet I'd felt. How his lips buzzed against mine.

It left too soon.

The kiss that couldn't have lasted more than twenty seconds was over.

I felt a hot rush surge through my cheeks, the effects of my first kiss overcoming me.

The simple look on his face was... dangerous. Cold, dark eyes ate at every inch of my body and all I wanted to do was run into them. Logan's muscles tensed as he brushed his rough fingers against my cheek.

The silence rested heavily on my ears as I tried to control the sound of my breathing.

"Fuck." The vulgar word rolled easily off his tongue. "Your fucking lips-"

The chimes of a customer entering the bookstore had me jolting back away from him.

If I wasn't going to get fired today, it would be a miracle.

"How are you today?" I called out to the older women, trying to play it off. I knew she had just witnessed Logan and me mere inches from each other. She muttered something under her breath and continued to browse through the books.

I couldn't help but sneak a small peek up at Logan. I was half wondering if he was going to run for the hills.

The look on his face couldn't be farther from my assumptions. He stared at me with the same intensity as before.

I fidgeted with the books on the counter, pretending like I was organizing them. But the only thing on my mind was a certain pair of lips.

It felt like an eternity the customer browsed the books before stumbling out the door.

"Go on a date with me."

I quickly shot my head over to him, "Right now?" The words rushed out of my mouth quickly.

"No, tomorrow night if you can." Logan's deep voice grumbled out.

I held my breath a bit as I nodded my head.

Logan stepped closer to me, his height towering over me. "You know I could never be mad at you, right?" His voice was stern and uncompromising.

I chewed harshly at the insides of my cheeks. I knew he was referring to our conversation before the kiss. "I'm sorry about that. It really was silly-"

"No it wasn't, I shouldn't have talked to you like that." Logan reached out and grasped my hand. "I'm going to make it up to you."

"It's okay, I promise." I gave him a shy smile. My cheeks were still reeling over the kiss.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at six?" Logan asked.

I nodded my head slowly and I fidgeted more with the books.

My heart was fluttering out of my chest as he leaned in closer to me.

"Thank you for the kiss." He whispered gently in my ear and pressed a barely there kiss on my cheek. With that, he was gone.

And there was no way I'd be able to focus on my work anymore today.


"He kissed you? Like tongue and everything?" Madison's voice squealed happily on the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear to avoid permanent hearing loss.

"Not with tongue, just like a little brush." I couldn't help but smile at the silly comment she asked me.

"Eekkk!! Oh my gosh Bella, your first kiss!!" Madison gushed out. "I'm so happy for you, he's so hot, and omg."

"Hey! Don't let Jason hear you," I called out.

"It's okay, he's in the bathroom right now."

My cheeks flamed with burning fire as she continued to rattle on and on about Logan and me.

"So, where's he taking you for dinner? Probably somewhere expensive, you can borrow my red lacy dress if you want!" Madison asked me.

"Hmm sure." I knew she wouldn't stop hounding me about my outfit selection. "How should I do my hair?"

"I'll come over around like four-thirty and we'll get you ready! Don't worry, I'll get you all spiffed up." Madison rushed out. "We should try braids or what if we go get haircuts beforehand?"

Madison and I chatted for a while more about the kiss before she was whisked away by Jason.

Once we hung up the call, I was hastily browsing the internet for some of those titles I discovered in Harry's house at the party. The results were coming up empty, and I couldn't pinpoint the exact titles I saw.

Google was letting me down, coming up as a lost cause at this point.

The results were skewed, giving me generic findings from various books.

My eyes desperately searched for the familiar cover, but the more I looked the harder it became.

All I wanted to do was figure out what those books entailed.

Since I saw that creature lurking in the woods, the extensive research on wolves piqued my interest. I might be crazy, but what if that wolf wasn't a wolf at all? Something paranormal? Something demonic?

I was beginning to feel like I was going crazy, and maybe I was.

The gut feeling sank deeper and deeper into me.

Were those first-copy books?

Why did he have a huge collection of rare mystical books that were nearly impossible to find?

What lengths would I go to find them?



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