FIVE: zodiac


Dark hazel eyes.

Rough hands.

A deep methodical voice that sent shivers down my spine.

He was... almost too good to be true.

I followed Logan to the driveway and watched him open the door to a sleek, black BMW. It was so shiny I could nearly see my reflection of myself in the paint. I couldn't help but blush as he held the passenger door open.

"Thanks," I mumbled before climbing into the all-leather passenger seat.

The interior was completely black, with all the newest technology. I intently watched Logan cross around to the driver's side of the car and sit in it.

I chewed roughly on the insides of my cheeks, trying to calm down.

His eyes glazed over to me and gave me a big grin. "Do you have any music you want to listen to?"

I couldn't help but smile at the comment. "Uhh no, I'm good with whatever." I nervously wiped my sweaty palms on my pants.

I watched his arm reach over to the car's device and he pressed a few buttons that led to the music being played. It was at a low volume of eighties classics. Without even realizing it, we were en route to my apartment.

Logan drove with such certainty, steering so smoothly on every turn. The comfortable silence grew as I watched out the window.

I was debating on whether or not I should start a conversation, but if I was being really honest... I really didn't know what to say to him. I was always the quiet, shy kid in my family so it's always been easy for me to hide in the shadows and act nonexistent. I was nearly twenty-three and never had a boyfriend, let alone a first date. Besides, Logan was just doing a nice gesture to Jason by driving me home.

A part of me knew that a man like Logan, with wealth and a face like that, didn't go for shy girls like me. At the end of the day, I was just a random girl who worked at the bookstore, while he was a CEO of a multimillion-dollar company. I was used to not being good enough, anyways.

I could faintly smell Logan's musky cologne, which was absolutely captivating. I glanced over at him, and his straight-cut jawline. I could tell he was in deep thought, with his eyebrows furrowed together. As if he could sense my eyes on him, he turned his head and Logan's eyes then locked with mine.

I quickly cleared my throat and gave him a shy smile. "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" I asked, yet I knew the minute I stepped foot in my apartment I'd be googling every detail about him.

"Why do I look old?" Logan responded with a warm smile.

I quickly shook my head no, "No I'm sorry that's not what I meant..." I stopped when I realized he was teasing me.

"I just turned twenty-six in August," Logan told me.

"Oh! Are you a Leo?" I rushed out, about to overanalyze this man with his zodiac sign.

"A who?" His eyebrows knitted together.

"Your star the dates you were born can say a lot about your personality and your traits," I explained. "When is your birthday?"

"August 13th," Logan replied.

"So you are a leo!! My dad was a leo too. That's really cool, you definitely seem like a leo. I'm actually a Pisces because my birthday is March 3rd." I told him.

"I'm still trying to figure out what all this means?" Logan laughed.

"Oh well..." I blushed, I wish I was able to stop rambling around him. "Since I'm a Pisces, I'm considered emotionally sensitive and that I'm intuitive... If I remember correctly, Leo's are really helpful and protective." I felt my whole face flush a deep red. When did it get so hot in this car?

"I see, are these from scientists?" He ran a hand through his dark hair.

"No, it's from constellation dates. It basically is how people are able to tell your horoscopes, and how the universe can affect us in different ways depending on when we were born." I nervously chewed my lip, he must have thought I was crazy. "I'm not really sure about the history of it all, however, I do like to study personalities for the zodiac signs with some books I have."

"And you, do you believe in these traits being true?" Logan gripped the steering wheel.

"I think in a way the universe has an effect on us. I mean just through seasons, the human body can become way more depressed or happier. I'm not sure... I think there's a world in the universe, or galaxy, I mean wherever that is beyond our world." I rambled on, "I'm sorry, I probably sound crazy..."

"No, no. I agree with you completely, I've always been fascinated by mythological things too." Logan glanced over at me. "What are the books you have on the signs?"

"I have a few actually. It's mainly astrological signs and stuff. I have one that I've read a few times, and that's the one I go back and read on. It's way more interesting than how I'm describing it! If you want, I can lend it to you and you can read it?" I offered.

I knew I had more books to start a library in a small village, I could sacrifice one book.

"Yeah, I'd really appreciate that." Logan combed his fingers through his hair once more.

I glanced out the window again, finally recognizing the dark streets of Michigan. We were approaching my apartment and I couldn't help but feel a little empty. There was something so complete while being with Logan.

We pulled into the apartment complex driveway, and Logan pulled the shift into park.

"Ok I'll just quickly run and get you the book, I'll be right back." I reached for the door handle to let myself out but was quickly stopped by Logan.

"Wait a minute Bella," Logan turned the car off and took out the key, "I'll walk you to your door."

I nodded and stepped out of the car. I was greeted by Michigan's cold, brittle night air. I led Logan to the door of my apartment and shuffled through my bag for my keys. He held his hands in his black coat pockets, observing the area. I was praying my apartment wasn't a complete disaster before I left.

I finally pulled my keys from my bag and unlocked my door.

Clementine was fast to greet us at the door, she was already crying for a refill of food. I bent over to pick her up so we could enter the apartment while tripping over her.

"This is my baby, Clementine." I showed him the eighteen-pound orange cat in my arms. Logan reached over and started petting her under her chin, which was her favorite spot.

I walked over to the couch to drop her off and turned back around to look at him.

My already small apartment somehow seemed even smaller. Logan standing there in height and stature had me questioning the dimensions of the room.

"Let me just find that book really fast for you. Did you want anything to drink?" I asked in my best hostess way. I started scanning my small bookshelf, looking for the dark blue book.

"I'm okay, love. Thank you for offering though," Logan said.

I tried my hardest not to float to heaven when I heard the nickname he called me, I just had to find the book.

I took a deep breath and continued the search until my eyes stumbled across the spine of my favorite astrology book.

"Here it is, it's a little worn but the information is unmatched by other astrology books I have. I got it from a thrift store a few years ago and I've cherished it ever since." I turned around and saw Clementine getting spoiled. She was laid out getting tummy scratches from Logan. She must've been in love.

He hesitantly stood up and took the book from my hands. "Thank you, I'll give it back once I'm finished. Do you mind if I have your number and I'll let you know what I think so far?" Logan reached into his pocket and pulled out his iPhone. He unlocked it and started pressing buttons to lead to contacts. He handed the phone over to me and I typed in my phone number.

"And let me know what you think of the Scott Fitzgerald book too. I think you'll love it but..." I trailed off, giving him a big smile. I handed his phone back to him and saw him walking to the front door.

He turned his head around and shot me a wink, "I definitely will." Logan opened the door, "have a good rest of your night, Bella."

And just like that, he was gone.


I am going, to be honest with you guys, I truly know the bare minimum of astrology SO if you have any knowledge or suggestions to improve please DM me!! What'd you think of chapter five?

Read ahead five chapters through my Patreon!

Let me know your thoughts❤️❤️
