ONE: autumn

There's always been something about fresh autumn air that has made me feel whole. While growing up in a big family, it's always been hard for me to feel like I belonged at all. Yet today, walking to my low-paying job, there was a pep in my step. I just had a feeling that today was going to be different.

I was bundled up in a cozy fleece sweater that was two sizes too big and clutched onto my coffee like a lifeline. Because it is my lifeline.

I blinked a few times before I arrived in front of the local bookstore I worked, and quickly pulled out the keys from my purse. I was suddenly greeted by the warmth of the bookstore, and I quickly switched the closed sign to open.

My morning routine consisted of the same few things, and I was set in my ways of following them. I set my coffee down, slipped my jacket off, and placed it behind the checkout counter. I decided to turn the radio on to fill in some of the white noise from the heater. I had been working at the bookstore for nearly two years now, and at this point, it had become a routine more than anything else. I didn't hate working there, it was just that my days always seemed the same.

When I moved to Michigan, I wanted to start over from everything that I had left in Rhode Island. After graduating, I searched and searched for so many jobs that I was completely over the process of looking and decided to stay at the bookstore I was working at. I tried everything to distract myself from whatever I was feeling but now I just wanted to take time to heal. It's been a long time coming, but I just need to move on from my mom's death.

I sat at the bookstore counter and tried not to get encapsulated by my grief, yet it always came back to haunt me one way or another. I shrugged the emotions away and booted up the old desktop system. I knew it would be a good half hour before it was able to turn on, so I decided to organize some books while waiting.

I knew it was going to be a slow day, considering it was a chilly Tuesday morning so I took my time reorganizing the children's fiction books. My hand brushed against the spine of some classic fairytale books that we carried. My eyes caught the attention of the original version of Alice and Wonderland and a small grin appeared on my face.

I remembered being nine years old the first time I read this book, and through the years I always wandered back to it. There's something so cathartic about childhood memories and associations. These fairytale books helped me escape the harsh reality of home, at least for a little while.

I took the book off the shelf and placed it off to the side while I continued my work. I was completely entranced in my own thoughts, and I nearly screamed when I heard the bell from the front door. I quickly stood up from the corner of the store and my breath was caught in my throat. It was almost as though the stranger could see every secret of mine once we locked eyes. The man stood nearly 6'6 and had a dark looming presence about him. He had to be one of the most gorgeous men I'd ever seen. He had a sharp chiseled jaw and a dark five o'clock shadow. Regardless of the thick jacket, he was wearing, I could tell he was very, very muscular. Possibly one of the biggest men I've ever laid my eyes on, with his dark green eyes and tanned skin. He was dressed in a well-tailored black suit and tie. His presence screamed danger, and all I could do was stare at him.

It had to have been at least thirty seconds before I fell down to earth, and I finally cleared my throat. "Um... sorry. Is there anything I can help you find?" I knew my face turned five shades darker, and all this man had to do was just stand there looking at me to make me fold.

He didn't seem amused in the slightest about my silly face turning a silly red color, in fact, he acted like he didn't even see it. "I'm just going to look around for a bit." He finally spoke, and I felt goosebumps rise on my arms.

I quickly nodded and I could feel a droplet of sweat trickle down my back. "Okay... just let me know if you need anything!!" I said in a voice two octaves too high, but he seemed to ignore me once again.

For the next five minutes, I did anything... and I mean anything, to distract myself from just staring at the gorgeous man. I could barely focus on my own breathing, let alone resort to these books. I quickly glanced up and saw him in the fiction section. Even with these tall bookcases, he made them look so small compared to him. I was completely captivated by this absolute stranger.

My skin nearly jumped off my skin when I heard the computer startup sound, and I quickly sped raced to the counter to distract myself with the ancient computer. I could check emails, play Tetris, and even try to update the thing.

I moved the mouse around a few times and impatiently waited for the home screen. I could see his figure from the corner of my eye approaching me. I snuck a peek up at him and saw him with a book in his hands. His large, rough hands made the hard-covered book look so small. I knew exactly what book it was though, it was one of my absolute favorite books. In the palm of his hands, This Side Of Paradise by Scott Fitzgerald.

I felt my breathing become hitched, this had to be one of my favorite books of all time. I must've read this book at least a million times...and yet here was the most beautiful man in the world about to buy it. He placed the book on the counter and I quickly grabbed it to bag it for him. "Is this going to be all for today?" I asked in my nicest customer service voice.

He gave me a curt nod and pulled out his sleek wallet. I scanned the book and punched in the price, "$12.97."

He handed me an American Express card and I quickly swiped it, wanting nothing more than for him to leave so he couldn't see what he was doing to me. The receipts came back, and I gave him a pen to quickly sign the slip of paper. The silence was nearly eating me alive.

"Thank you so much, have a good day." I pierced my lips together and watched him grab the book.

"I'll see you around." The man said before he exited the bookstore.

And all I could do was stand there like a fool, waiting to wake up from this fever dream.


YAYYYY I'm so so excited to be uploading new content on this platform. I've truly missed this creative space, and hope I can live up to what I want this book to be like!! Like I said in this previous chapter I am REWRITING this book so not everything is going to be the same. I'm really hoping to improve the story and I can't wait to see your thoughts. I do have a Patreon, where I will be uploading chapters more frequently on there than there! (About twice a week I'll be posting on there.) This will grant you guys early access to chapters, as well as bonus chapters. :') I would love it if you guys are able to support my writing and let me know your thoughts!! I'm hoping to post chapter two on there by tomorrow, and as for this platform, it should be up in the next week!! Patreon:

Again, thank you so much for reading this, and let me know your thoughts!! With love, Morgan. <3
