NINETEEN: decision

-TRIGGER WARNING: torture, chains, talk of death, ETC.*


"Enough," I demanded the powerless rogue. He was squirming under the pressure of the long torturous interview. "I'm not going to ask you again, what willed you to cross my borders? Was someone paying you? Feeding you new information?" I tightly grabbed onto the chains around his wrist and pulled as hard as I could, straining the circulation of his hands.

I could hear his breathing become hitched, I was not one to keep rogues alive this long, but the way, he snuck around the pack for thirty minutes unscathed told me he knew more than he let on.

He was tied tightly to the uncomfortable metal chair as I forced more questions out of him. He was more than unwilling to talk, but I'd break him. It'd been nearly forty-six hours since he was able to trespass, and he held the same vengeful stare at me.

His dirty, wrinkled face turned into a smug smirk. His left lazy eye made him look like the perfect villain in any superhero movie, if only he was smart enough. It had smelt like he hadn't bathed in the past few decades, and his smirk displayed a mess of chipped teeth. A large scar stretched down his face, telling me this wasn't his first dangerous encounter. Yet, it would be his last.

The rogue stared directly in my eyes and didn't utter a word. The silence would soon break him.

I turned to my beta Harry and gave him a curt nod, "Tighten the chains. I'm sure you'll love to speak when you've come to your senses." I released the chains on his wrists and brushed my hands together.

"Alpha," Harry whispered as he stepped forward to me.

I gave him one sharp look and motioned him to follow me across the room.

"Do you really think it's worth keeping him alive? I think he just got lucky with the trespassing." Harry whispered as he questioned my decisions.

I paused before I responded, deciding whether or not he had a point. "He was able to roam around our pack borders for way too long before someone even spotted him. I need to find out how and why."

"I mean this respectfully, but he doesn't seem like he would know how to get in here. He must've just tried his luck." Harry shrugged as I turned around to stare at the incompetent rogue.

"We'll find out."

A cold sweat slowly lurked down my back as I began to exit the room, nothing about this seemed right.

As I emerged from the basement of the pack-quarters, I could feel the anger seething through my veins.

A cold rush of water surged through me as this danger could compromise everything.

Everything being a 5'4 blonde who worked at a bookstore.

The world I lived in was a stretch different than hers in words I can't even comprehend. If another rogue lurked around here and discovered a new profound weakness of mine...

I kept up a fast pace toward the exit as I needed to feel some fresh air. The bitter winter air didn't seem forgiving as I left the pack house in seething rage.

Rogues didn't typically enter my territory because they were all too well aware of the grave outcome. Death.

So, what would possess this half-witted rogue to trespass?

The answers seemed to spew around my thoughts as I stripped off my t-shirt. I had to burn off this steam before I was able to do any more work for today.

The daylight shined through the trees of the deep Michigan forest. I held my breath steady as I shifted into the monstrous beast I am, and began to storm through the woods.

Rogues never sat right with me after the death of Liam. The idea of them lurking where they shouldn't shake me in ways I couldn't understand.

He deserved better.

I, selfishly, deserved better.

We were too young; too innocent.

Seeing my best friends die in cold blood wouldn't ever get easier for me, I just learned to cope with the pain.

I would rather sacrifice anything in this world than ever let anything like that ever happen to my mate.

I flew through the muddy ground and fallen leaves, not caring about the direction I was going.

The anxiety I felt was rolling off me as I thought more about the situation. I needed to make sure she was okay. If she was still heading to the market with Madison as she told me.

My bones seemed to ease as I pounded thoroughly across the forest, my mind subconsciously taking me to a set location.

I stood by the forest near her apartment and watched from a safe distance as she held her arms tightly around her stomach trying to warm herself up.

The innocent gesture struck me in a million ways I couldn't imagine, and my mind came to an increasing halt.

Ever since meeting my innocent mate, I've been torn with the decision of whether or not to tell her the truth that lurks so close to the surface.

It's rattled my brain for too long; kept me up all hours of the night. It wasn't a decision I was going to feel comfortable in, but rather helpless.

I flipped coins, weighed the pros and cons, and scrunched up a million and one scenarios of how this could go right or wrong.

The longer I decided on it, the harder it became.

When she looked at me with her cheeks stained made me want to succumb to anything she told me, sharing my deepest and darkest secrets with her. She was the only person on the planet to make me fold. Right now, I knew was more dangerous around her than any of werewolf.

When she leaned into me, the soft smell of lilacs and fresh cotton stung my nose. Her fingers would dance softly across my knuckles when our hands would be intertwined.

The way Bella stood there so peacefully and unaware hit me in a thousand pieces. Whether I wanted her to or not, she would never understand.

She would never truly be able to accept my dangerous past, the type of person I was.

The person I was around her wasn't the person she even vaguely recognized.

I felt a wave of agonizing, selfish truth I had succumbed to.

There was no way in hell I'd ever tell her that I'm a werewolf.


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