THIRTY: undone


The silence on the car ride home from the event was deafening. I couldn't decipher the feeling, but it ate me alive. It was like I knew something was going on but I couldn't pinpoint it.

Logan's fingertips brushed lightly against my bare thighs. My cheeks burned from the glass of wine I downed before our grand exit. My vision blurred as I stared at the trees passing quickly by us. I could only think of two things.

The hidden kiss in the art gallery.

The group of girls whispering so harshly in the bathroom.

I feel more recently that things weren't making sense. The gut feeling ignited deep in my bones and sucked my life out.

What was happening?

I glanced at Logan and wondered if he could tell I was having an extensional crisis. But maybe, I always seemed this way.

His chin hair indicated that the hadn't shaved in a few days and I was loving every second of it. I think the stress of his sister visiting was putting some unnecessary pressure on him, thus the uncut beard forming. I held my breath as I continued to admire Logan and his vast details.

I thought back to a few hours previous and his lips attacked every aspect of my sensations. How could a small action steal all my thoughts away and melt me into a pool?

Could he feel that too?

The longer I looked at him, the longer the goosebumps arose on my skin. I swallowed a harsh lump in my throat.

"Did you have a good time?" I broke the silence around us by asking him.

"Yes." I didn't miss the jaw-clicking he did after he announced his answer. His voice was harsh and clipped, something I wasn't used to with him.

I was perplexed by Logan's response and had a sickening feeling that I had done something wrong. He barely talked to me after leaving and I didn't think anything of it until now.

Did I drink too much wine?

Did I embarrass him in front of his friends and family?

Did he regret bringing me?

I quickly attempted to distract myself from the agonizing thoughts in my head by playing with my nailbeds. Oh how interesting these can become.

The goosebumps on my skin didn't diminish when he pulled up to the parking lot of my apartment complex. Was he going to break up with me?

Logan placed the car in park and I didn't even miss a beat before I quickly bid my goodbye and jumped out of the car. I can't believe I wore these goddamn heels because I can't even walk fast enough.

I could feel the tempting tears forming as I all but jogged to my door. I just needed to get inside, take off these stupid shoes, and cuddle with my cat.

The anthem played again and again in my head as I finally made it to my door. I shakily took out my keys from my purse and refused to turn around to probably see Logan speeding away in his car.

I could barely see the keyhole as my fingers were so unsteady as I attempted to unlock the door. My breathing hitched as I could feel the tears straining in my eyes. I grappled for a second before a firm hand slipped the keys out of my fingers.


Logan steadily slipped the key through the door and unlocked it in one swift move. I barely glanced up at him because I couldn't let him know that I was on the verge of crying like a damn baby.

I slipped into the doorway and didn't wait to take off these shoes that irritated my feet to no end.

"Baby?" His soothing voice called out to me as he closed the door behind him. I refused to look at him with the continuous tears flowing down my face.

"What happened?" Logan stepped closer to me in the small confines of my living room. His presence wasn't something that could be ignored, especially when he had such an effect on me. His hand wrapped easily around my wrist as he tugged me to face him.

Logan's eyes scanned my face in confusion as he saw the wet tears lining my face. I couldn't help the tears that continued flowing as his gentle words imprinted on my brain.

"I just thought- that- are you mad at me?"

Logan's eyebrows laced together as he looked at me. He quickly shook his head in response to my question. "No, of course not. What's going on?" The gentleness in Logan's voice soothed a part of my brain I couldn't depict.

I held my breath. "Just in the car you weren't talking to me- I don't know, now it's silly."

"I'm sorry baby, I already told you I could never be mad at you." His sweet niceties didn't go unforgotten as he pressed his chest closer to me. "Never you, okay?" Logan gently pressed a soft kiss on the tip of my nose and I could feel tingles traveling down to my feet.

"Then someone else?" I looked up at him with hooded eyes and chewed harshly at my bottom lip.

"Yes but nothing you need to worry about," Logan grumbled deeply in his chest.

"Okay, I'm sorry I just thought that I-" I was interrupted.

"I know baby, it's okay. Nothing you could ever do would make me mad at you, we need to work on that." Logan whispered to me and I couldn't help but distract myself with the buttons on his shirt.


I could only nod my head shyly. Logan dipped his head down and fed all the needs in my body by placing his lips against the skin of my throat. "You smell so fucking good," Logan murmured against my skin and it caused chills down my body.

I nearly clasped against him before he held me up strongly. His body molded so easily against mine. I tilted my head back as he sucked harshly on the crease of my neck that ignited my whole body. Logan's fingers traveled across my chest and stopped just at the base of my nipple. Through the light fabric of my dress and no bra, he pinched it with force.

"Logan," I groaned breathlessly. Logan's lips abruptly stopped and I nearly called out a protest, but I was quickly silenced by the sensation of his lips on mine again. His tongue brushed against mine and I stifled another moan.

His strong hands hustled me up from the back of my thighs and he so effortlessly carried me to my bed. Logan didn't hesitate to lay me on the bed with him laying so snugly on top of me. A firm hand traveled up my thigh and brushed softly against my wet underwear. I was unraveling into a version of myself I barely recognized.

"Please," I begged as Logan pulled his body away from me. He stared down at me with such a dark stare of want I couldn't help but feel shy.

"Take off your dress," Logan grumbled as I watched him loosely take off his white button-down. My thoughts mushed together as I studied every inch of his body with my eyes.

I'm in deep trouble.

"I'm not going to ask again," Logan's voice harshly told me and this time I didn't wait to slip off my satin dress. I felt overly exposed in just my underwear and couldn't help but cover my breasts with my arms.

"You are so fucking beautiful, my god Bella." Logan's bare chest enclosed me again and I felt safe enough to drop my arms. His lips engulfed mine once again and my moans cried out for him.

I could barely think as Logan's hands ripped my underwear off in one swift motion. His thick thigh rested between the crease of my arousal. He had been fully clothed from the waist down and I could feel the crimson blush fluster my whole face.

I reached down to his pant button to push them down but his forceful hands held mine in place. "Not this time love."

Logan's lips traveled lower to my breasts and his mouth closed around my nipple. Logan sucked so feverishly that I was seeing stars. I could barely make out what noise was coming from my throat and the thoughts in my head.

Oh my.

Logan's mouth traveled lower to my pulsing arousal and began lapping his tongue over and over. I nearly fainted right there as the breath left all the air in my lungs. Logan took his sweet time with ruthless precision.

"You're so sweet, baby."

I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head and I came undone. My vision hazed as a sharp cry tore through my throat when he pressed against me. "Come for me, Bella." His voice grumbled against me and that was all it took.

My orgasm rocked through me as my body set on fire.

From that moment on, I knew there was nothing I could do to set myself from this dangerous man.


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