
"So, are these going to be all your friends from growing up or something?" Bella asked quietly as I drove steadily.

We were going to this insufferable event for my sister, and my mind was in a thousand and one places.

The most pressing thought on my mind was the fact that the chatter and whispers of people would reach Bella's ears. Something along the lines of wolf and pack might make her ears flutter. I was bound to make this the most normal, human night of my life. She couldn't know, and she won't find out.

My thoughts streamlined back to the question my girl just asked me. "Yeah, they're colleagues and people my parents knew from growing up." I glanced over at her and saw her gnawing at her lip.

Bella wore a navy blue silky mini dress that hugged her curves perfectly. I couldn't stop stealing glances at her every chance I got. I was greedily trying to savor the vision of her being so effortlessly beautiful.

"So, is it common to bring artwork to your parties?" Bella asked lowly. My sister had insisted on having various pieces of artwork on display for the guests. She was pretentious like that.

"My sister is a special one. No, it's not common."

"Are you sure you're okay with me coming? I know this is super personal and we're just freshly dating and-" Bella began to ramble on before I cut her off. She had asked me three times if I was okay with her going. I think my dismissal of when Kendall asked her to come is what made her insecure.

It wasn't her that I was worried about, it was everyone else.

"Baby, of course, I am okay with you coming. Get those thoughts out of your head, okay?" I grasped my hand on her bare thigh for reassurance.

I could see from the corner of my eyes a small nod from Bella as we pulled up to the venue. I wish she knew how much I had thought the world of her, and that those insecure thoughts had been nothing but paranoia. I stepped out of the car and exhaled a big deep breath, and said a silent prayer. All I needed was for tonight to go smoothly.

I walked over to the passenger side of the car and swiftly opened the door to see my beautiful mate. I immediately enveloped my hand into hers and waited for her to step out of the car. I could tell she was on edge by her avoiding eye contact with me, and I couldn't help but pull her closer to me.

"They're going to love you," I pressed my lips firmly against her temple. "I promise," I whispered against her skin and felt her relax a little in my arms. The people attending the party had no choice but to show their warmth and kindness to Bella, or they would feel my wrath tenfold.

I held tightly onto her hand as we walked towards the entrance of the venue. A cold sweat trickled down my spine that heightened all my senses. I opened the door and immediately our ears were greeted with light chatter. A few people's heads turned, and I knew it wasn't just because I was the Alpha. The curious eyes overtook my mate and I noticed her step slightly behind me. I should've left then and there, but I could hear my sister's nagging voice in the back of my head.

Bella and I had walked around a bit before I got us both drinks from the bar. I was introducing her to various people who only had the intention of figuring her out.

Their new luna.

"Logan!!" I heard a chirpy voice in the distance. My head whipped over to see who was trying to call me over.

Vanessa. Head of security. The same woman who had nearly begged me to confess to my mate about the whole werewolf thing.

I couldn't help but send a glaring look at her as she approached us.

"Bella, it's so nice to see you." Vanessa sounded out of breath. "I'm Vanessa, in case I forgot to introduce myself last night." Vanessa gave a warm smile to her, "Don't worry about forgetting my name tonight though, I'm sure you'll be meeting a lot of people." Vanessa choked down a giggle, and I knew she was for sure tipsy.

"Nice to meet you, Vanessa." Bella gave her a nervous-turned smile. "I'll do my best to remember everyone, but no promises."

"So, how's working at the bookstore been? Do you like-" My stomach nearly dropped to the floor when I heard Vanessa ramble about the fact that my mate worked at a bookstore. Classified information some random person who just met another person wouldn't know.

I cleared my throat loudly which caused Vanessa to pause her line of questioning. She looked at me with a confused look in her eyes, trying to depict what I was telling her.

"Bella, if you'll excuse us..." I glanced over to Bella and grabbed Vanessa's wrist to pull her quietly over to a different corner of the room.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I spat out, controlling the tone of my voice.

Vanessa looked at me with a gaping look. "I'm just making conversation with her. I'm sorry-."

"Are you forgetting a very important detail? I don't know if it's just because you're drunk, but did you forget the fucking fact that you shouldn't know where my mate works?" I was seeing red as my hands clenched tightly to my sides.

Vanessa's eyes widened in response, "Oh gosh, Alpha. I'm so sorry. I completely-."

I cut her off once more. I couldn't have a civil conversation with her right now. "Don't. Meet me in my office on Monday morning and we'll discuss it. For now, you're going to walk back over to my mate and come up with some silly fucking excuse as to why you would know that."

I saw Vanessa gulp down the nerves she was excreting. Hopefully, she would be able to save her ass before I could come up with a good enough punishment. I held my breath as we walked back over to Bella.

As if the night couldn't have been going any worse, my anger was set off once more at the sight of Bella.

Bella and Tyler.

His hand brushed against her shoulder and I could've shifted right then and there. My long strides reached over to them, and I had completely forgotten about Vanessa's insufferable comment.

The second he had seen me, his hand dropped quickly off her shoulder. "There you are Logan, I was just catching up with your- girlfriend." Tyler gave me a curt nod and I didn't respond.

I grabbed Bella's hand and tugged her closer to me. "If you'll excuse us, Bella and I have to go check out the artwork."

I held steady Bella's hand while I nearly dragged her away from the crowds of people to look at the artwork. I was seething red, my anger was nearly seeping off of me. I couldn't believe how these people were acting. Tyler would feel my wrath tenfold.

We entered a dark room that enveloped silence. A single sculpture was on display in the room, the light faded around the rest of the room. I silently thanked god for the fact that no one else was in this room with us. I tried to steady my breathing but could feel the anger rolling off me.

"Logan," Bella whispered. Her side was pressed against me and it was the only thing that was helping me calm down. "Are you okay?"

I finally turned to look at her. Despite the low light of the room, I could see Bella's big blue eyes staring up at me with conviction. She was chewing tauntingly at that lip of hers, and it drove me over the edge.

I pulled her waist against mine and eagerly pressed my lips against hers. I greedily stole every aspect of her lips, pulling her as close as humanly possible. I was feeding the anger I had onto this kiss with the possessive need to keep her close.

God save me.


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