SEVEN: tense


It had been nearly three days since I saw Bella. Her soft pale skin, the faintly pink blush that stained her cheeks, and her shy smile. I never intended for her to see me as a wolf the other day, yet when I heard her creep out of her apartment early in the morning, the pull to her was unstoppable. My curiosity was too strong to not know what she was doing at four am.

I wasn't used to humans seeing me in my wolf form, and her reaction made me want to float down to hell. Her shallow breathing would keep me up for nights. The innocence slipped through her eyes when she saw me in my true form. The expression she had sent shivers down my spine, and the fear was not something I was familiar with. I have been in deadly, dangerous, excruciating situations and never broke a sweat. But with Bella, my skin was crawling at the thought of her entering my world.

I knew the dangers of getting too close to her, I knew how badly it could ruin both of us. Yet nearly every time I heard a notification from my phone, my curiosity grew an inch bigger.

I had been texting her for nearly three days about anything I can think of to get a conversation with her, and perhaps this is the first time in my life I'd felt this powerless. If she only knew the power she held at her fingertips while texting me back...

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when there was a knock on my office door. I pushed my phone down and called out, "Come in."

Harry, my beta, casually strolled in the door. He held a folder in his hands, "You know it wouldn't hurt to get out and get some fresh air?" Harry walked over to my desk and slumped down in the chair across from me.

I leaned back in my chair, "don't lecture me." I grumbled at him. I was already on edge because of a certain blonde that I couldn't stop thinking about. Those light blue eyes captivated me in ways I couldn't comprehend.

All she had to do was look at me and I was already wrapped around her delicate fingers.

I had to stay away. She was too innocent for my world, I mean Bella nearly fainted when she saw me the other night in the woods.

Harry sent me a big smile, knowing he was capable of getting under my skin, "When was the last time you slept?"

It had actually been three long nights, ever since I saw that terrified look on Bella's face. It haunted me like no other, and deep down it made me think that she was never going to accept who I am and what my life entails. I could feel tiredness in my eyes, and I probably looked like someone hit me with a truck. However, I knew blissful sleep wasn't coming anytime soon.

"Coffee works just fine." I held up my third coffee cup of the day, and then on cue, I took a sip of the bitter-cold coffee. "Why'd you come in here anyways?"

"I did some research on that Todd Sanders guy like you asked." He paused and I gave him a look to continue. "He graduated a few years ago from a state college in Wisconsin. He's living with his parents... uh he's never been with a pack before and apparently is mateless. Todd has a few violations of the law, all expunged somehow. I had to dig to find these, boss." Harry dropped the folder on my desk and I eagerly opened the folder.

My eyes scanned over various claims of unwanted groping instances from women over the years, getting into a bar fight, and minor theft. I was ready to send a car to pick him up, and we'd have a very nice conversation.

"What's his business with Jason?" I grumbled, sliding the papers about this scumbag away from me. My body was on high alert after reading the new information about the wolf who dared to even talk to her. Todd didn't even deserve to be in the presence of my girl.

I couldn't help the rage that surfaced at the party when I saw the dickhead talking to Bella, calling her pet names. The way she thanked me for getting rid of him, I knew he'd done it before. It filled me with a sense of anger that sent my blood boiling.

If his disrespecting me had occurred at any other time than the party, the man would've been six feet under. He knew better than to disobey an Alpha, let alone another man's mate. For that, he would pay.

"I'm pretty sure he has mutual friends with Todd. They don't appear to be very close." Harry informed me.

I took a deep breath, relaxing a bit. I knew Jason was human, and he didn't have any ill intentions but the werewolves he hung out with were more than questionable. I could smell my mates smell all over him when I first interviewed Jason, and that was the only reason I hired him. He had a stellar resume, but my intentions were purely selfish. I had tracked him and saw my little mate was neighboring with his girlfriend. Now, I was pulling the strings to get closer to him in order to get closer to her.

I curtly nodded, "Good, I'll let you know what the next moves are." I told him, reaching for my phone once more. It was like my new lifeline now.

"Any chance I could borrow that astrology book you were reading? I want to try to put a curse on Mark for fun." Harry teased, giving me a mischievous smile. I watched his eyes shift over to the astrology book that was neatly placed on my desk.

I shot out of my chair, "Get the fuck out." I demanded, and Harry quickly hustled to the door. I heard him laughing once he was behind the door. That fucker...

Harry was my beta, but he truly knew how to get under my skin. Harry had been my best friend for as long as I can remember, and he was still the biggest pain in my ass.

I relaxed back down to my seat once Harry was completely gone. I checked the latest message from Bella, and I felt my temper cool down. She was like a breath of fresh air after I had been drowning, my latest obsession. I need her like air now.

My conversation with Bella had switched over to the books she'd loaned me.

Bella: Were they more interesting than I described them? I'm hoping my recommendations lived up to the hype. :')

I couldn't help but crack a smile on my face as I quickly typed out my response. I could imagine the soft pink blush that permanently stained her cheeks.

Logan: They were great, thanks for letting me borrow them. What are some other books you recommend? I might come by the bookstore and buy some more.

It was a little pathetic excuse to see her again, but at this point, I was grasping at straws trying to get any inch of attention from her. Bella could be my downfall and she barely knew the extent of it. I don't think I ever would let her know the extent of it...

Her world was filled with books and fluffy, fat cats while mine was filled with violence and danger.

Bella: I have a lot of recommendations! I'll have to look through the books I have because I can't really think of what I recently read. But actually, I'm in this Facebook group that recommends a lot of books... I'll try to find the name of it if you want one sec.

I read over the text and almost immediately another one was sent in,

Bella: Oh nvm, it's a girl's book club :( I'll hand pick some books that I'd think you'd like!

Logan: I'm a little insulted by a girls-only book club.

Bella: Yeah I know, but I'm sure they'd allow some boys in. Like probably really feminine boys in which is pretty cool, I'm sure you could ask? It's mostly romance recommendations and stuff that's probably why

That comment piqued my interest. It put a pit to my stomach to know that Bella fantasized about romance books and happy endings. It made me wonder if she ever had a boyfriend, who was her first kiss. The thought sparked a surge of jealousy through my veins.

Logan: No, no that's too fluffy for me. How about I just come over tonight and we can go through book recommendations?

Bella: Yeah of course!! I'll be home around five, and if you want I can let you borrow some more? Are there specific books that you're interested in :O

I ran my fingers through my hair, thinking about the books I actually had been interested in. I'll be honest, I haven't picked up a book in nearly five years before Bella started rambling about the books she read. The purchase that day in the bookstore was a ruse to finally meet her.

Logan: I'd love that, and I honestly read anything. I'll swing by around five-thirty. Do you like Chinese food or pizza better?

I subtly slipped in that I was going to bring food over, I didn't want to overwhelm her with my gestures. I glanced over at the worn astrology book on my desk and I picked up the navy blue book once more. Who knew that my human mate would believe in mythical things that were acquired from angels and gods? If she only knew half of it, half the library in my world she'd never put a book down. I took a deep breath and examined the old book, and I thought about buying her a newer version.

The notification from my phone pulled me out of my trance and I quickly glanced at the text.

Bella: Maybe pizza? :P Up to you though!! I'm not fussy at all. :) :)

Logan: Okay beautiful, pizza it is.

I locked my phone once more and picked up Todd's files, thinking of the best course of action for this fucker.

I wasn't a nice, understanding man. I had a bad reputation for being cold and calculating, and there truly was no denying that aspect of myself. I knew what I had done to people, and it fits with the Alpha position I had.

Like my dad always said, it was a wolf-eat-wolf world. I had to do what I had to do to get where I need to be, to be respected, and not be fucked with.

My pack knew nothing about my little mate yet, and for now, she was my little secret to savor. I would hold on to that knowledge with everything in me, Bella couldn't be exposed to this life.

I balanced my work and texting Bella back through the rest of the day, trying to distract myself from the knowledge of seeing her again today. It was like a flame ignited me at the thought of seeing her small frame once more.

The hours trickled by, slow and steady. The second five o'clock rolled around, and I was quick out of the office, nearly rushing to pick up a pizza for us to share.

My mind surged with relief when I pulled up to her apartment with the warm, cheesy pizza in the box. I grabbed the books Bella loaned me, and made my way to her apartment. The worn complex brought distaste to my mouth, and I knew she deserved to be spoiled in luxury. It will come soon.

I hastily knocked on her wooden apartment door, and almost immediately I was greeted by a bright-eyed Bella. I instantly could feel my tense shoulder ease, finally reunited with my girl.
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