Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Hayden's POV
"You did last time." Aiden swallows hard and looks at the floor. "If you didn't leave my side then I wouldn't have been in this situation." Aiden stands up and walks outside. Aubrey walks over to Krystina and I follow Aiden. When I leave the room I see him round the corner to the elevator, I run over and pull him back before he steps inside the elevator.

"Aiden what happened?"

"Leave me alone Hayden." He pulls his hand away and pushed the elevator button to open it. He walks in and I follow after him.

"Aiden what's wrong?"

"You wanna know what's wrong?" He leans against the wall of the elevator and slides his hands in his pocket. "She's right. If I never left her that night she would have been safe. She wouldn't have-"

"Aiden enough of this shit." I sigh and lean against the wall opposite of him. "You act like it was all your fault. Granted you probably pushed her a bit but whether any of us like to admit it, she is messed up mentally."

"Hayden shut the fuck up. I'm sick of hearing you telling me she's messed up! I understand that! And I'm even sicker of you telling me I'm not the bad guy!" The elevator door opens on 5th floor and a lady steps in with us so we keep silent. One thing I didn't know was where we were going.

The doors open on the 6th floor and Aiden steps out, I walk out with him and as soon as the doors of the elevator closed I pulled Aiden against a wall. "Aiden I'm seriously sick of this attitude, you say you've changed for Krystina so show it. Right now you're acting like an asshole like you were in high school." He looks at the floor and sighs. "She's probably gonna get admitted here on this floor, all we can do is let it happen, let her get better and let her be happy. I know you want happy, for that to happen you gotta stop acting like a dick." I let go of his shirt and take a few steps back. "You just walked away from her when she spoke her truth. Tell her yours and tell her you're sorry."

I walk over to the receptionist desk and see a lady in her late 30's typing on the computer. "Can I help you cutie?" I flash my smile.

"Hi, yeah I was just wondering what exactly you guys do here. My cousin is probably gonna be coming up to this floor soon and I'm actually really worried."

"What's your cousin's name love?"

"Krystina Hammons." The lady types on the computer and I look over to where Aiden stood before to see he's no longer there.

"Well Hun." I look back over at her and smile, "There is no need to worry. Her medical history states that she is very troubled; all we set to do is normalize her mental state. She will be cared for, it's basically like a hotel here except there are rules."

"What kind of rules?" She reached behind her computer and pulled out a piece of paper.

"There all on here. Anything else I can do for you?" I grab the paper and look over at the doors that separate the normal world and the world of crazy to see a girl no older than 20 being pulled away by nurses in all white. I look back at the lady and sigh.

"What are the chances she'd get hurt in there? Like if she was to start having a breakdown."

"Well it depends on what kind of breakdown. We do everything we can to prevent out patients from getting hurt but most patients who have violent breakdowns are harder to control. If a patient is having a violent episode we sedate them and place them in restraints in a private room. I'm assuming that is what you are referring to." She smiles at me sweetly and I nod.

"Thanks." I look back at the doors and see a fairly young girl looking through the doors smiling and waving at me. I smile at her and walk over to the elevator and push the 3rd floor button. I look down at the paper and skim the rules.

'Rule 1, no razors or sharp objects of any kind.

Rule 2, shoelaces will only be given when a patients benefits allows them to.

Rule 3, a patient is under no circumstances allowed to leave the hospital unless accompanied by a nurse, benefits are also gained to be allowed outside for fresh air time.

Rule 4, all patients will have a roommate, unless stated by a doctor or nurse the patient is not allowed to trade roommates.

Rule 5, if a patient suspects his or her roommate is in danger or themselves they are to report it immediately.'

The elevator doors open and I walk out while reading more rules.

'Rule 6, under no circumstances will male and female patients be allowed alone time together.

Rule 7, all patients must go to group ALL days assigned to them. Rule 8, all patients will be allowed a private session.'

I walk into Krystina's room and see Aiden and Krystina talking. They both look at me and I clear my throat.

"Sorry, didn't realize everyone else left. Mind telling me where Aubrey is?" Aiden and Krystina shrug.

"Thanks guys. Big help." They both laugh at me and I walk out of the room and start walking to the waiting room to find Aubrey. When I get there she is laying on the floor. I smile at her then lay beside her. "Why are you on the floor?" She looks over at me and smiles.

"Why are YOU on the floor?" I flick her nose and sit up still holding the rules for the Psych Ward patients. "What's that?" Aubrey sits up and scoots closer to me to see the paper.

"It's the rules for patients on the 6th floor. I've only read up to rule 8 then I walked in on Aiden and Krystina." Aubrey hits my shoulder and takes the paper from me. I watch her as she reads the paper.

"There are a lot of rules." She looks up at me and I sigh.

"Yeah I know. It's crazy. When I got up there I saw some nurses pulling away some girl. Looked like she was scared. I guess I'm just a little worried about Krystina." Aubrey turns her whole body to me and places her hands on my thigh.

"Well I don't blame you. I'm worried about her too, there's nothing wrong with it." She grabs my hand and plays with my fingers. "She's a strong girl; she can make it through this part. Then after that she has a chance to be a normal girl." I intertwine my fingers with hers.

"Are you sure about that Aubrey? If those things are true then she won't be able to live a normal life, not to mention the whole psychic things she's already past the scale of being a normal girl. Everyone knows her supposed past even though she doesn't, it's not gonna be easy for her." Aubrey chuckles and looks up at me.

"Since when is life easy Hayden?" I smile and look at our hands. My thoughts went straight to Ellie and Jonas and the whole Kitty situation. It's never easy, no matter how much you try to make it easy. I feel her kiss my cheek and I smile at her.

"You're right. So what did Aiden say to kick you guys out of the room?" She shrugged.

"I just knew he wanted to be alone with her. I just got up and walked here, I don't know what he told my mom." I nod and look around.

"Speaking of your mom, where is she?"

"She went to get us lunch. She's going to get pizza." I groan and push Aubrey to the floor lying on top of her with my cheek against hers.

"I don't wanna eat anything." I hear her laugh and try to push me off.

"Hayden you child get off of me. You're making my lungs collapse." I sigh over dramatically and roll off of her.

"Can I just eat my arm?" I say looking over at her. She laughs and covers her face.

"It's your arm, if you want to then do it." I lift my arm to my mouth and bite it.

"Nah I don't taste as good as I thought." She laughs at me and grabs my hand.

"You're such a weirdo." I grab her arm and bite it lightly.

"Wow you taste way better than me. Can I eat your arm?" She laughs and pulls her arm away. I smile at her as she rolls over and lays her head on my chest.

"No, cause believe it or not I might need my arm later in life." I laugh and move her bangs out of her face.

"Well that's just crap. Let your boyfriend starve then." She laughs and nods.

"I will, cause I need my arm, my mom's getting pizza and you're being a baby about not eating pizza." I shrug my shoulders.

"What can I say, I'm a complicated guy." Aubrey laughs and kisses me.

"And you call me the Princess." She sits up laughing. I grab her by the waist and hold her to my side.

"Yeah I do, cause you deserve to be treated like one." I brush her hair away from her face and kiss her nose. "Not to mention you're a tiny little thing. So Princess like." She laughs against my chest.

"Well, I'd swear you were trying to be cute." She looks up at me.

"Did it work?" She laughs making me smile. She kisses me again and sighs pulling away.

"It always has."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you've always had a thing for me." She hits my chest as tries to get out of my grasp. I tighten my hold and lay on top of her. "No! Don't leave me!" I hear her laugh and I smile.

"Hayden, what the hell?! Please get off of me." I laugh and poke her sides making her squirm.

"Not until you tell me you forgive me and that you love me!" I hear her laughing and trying to fight me off.

"Hayden stop! I'm ticklish!" I hear her gasp for air laughing. "Hayden please!"

"You know the conditions!" I see tears come from her eyes from laughing too hard.

"I love you, now get off!" I hear her yell. I smile satisfied and lay beside her. She lays down trying to catch her breath. "God I hate you." I laugh and grab her hand.

"I love you too Princess." I look at the door and see Aubrey's mom. I instantly sit up and she laughs.

"You two are a terrible pair. You torture each other and everyone around you." She holds up the pizza and sets it beside a chair. "Here's the pizza. I'll be in Krystina's room." She starts to leave when she turns back to us. "Behave you two. I don't need any little ones-"

"Mom really?!" I laugh it off but I'll admit I was bit embarrassed. Aubrey however was blushing bright red.

"Sorry! Just saying." She smiles at us and walks away.

"Well-" I stand up and hold out my hand for Aubrey to take. I help her up and walk to the pizza. "That kinda killed the mood." Aubrey keeps her head low. I walk over to her and lift her head. "I love you." She smiles at me and I hit her in the cheek with my pizza.

"God you child." I laugh and sit on the couch type thing and watch TV. Aubrey walks over and sits beside me. I wrap my arm around her as we both watch TV. I doze off and think about my decision. If I break up with her it'll hurt us both a lot, but if I tell her then I could end up in a lot of trouble and again both of us would be hurt. I don't know what to do.

Aubrey's POV
"You did last time." I notice Aiden swallow hard and look at the floor. "If you didn't leave my side then I wouldn't have been in this situation." Krystina says with tears in her eyes, Aiden stands up and walks outside. I walk over and sit on the bed beside Krystina while Hayden follows Aiden.

"Krystina what do you mean?" Krystina covers her face and sighs. I grab her hand and pull it away from her face. "Krystina please." She pulls her hand away and sits herself up straight.

"I remember Aubrey. I had a nightmare about us and Aiden. I was falling and I ended up getting really hurt, you helped me and I talked you outta suicide. Why didn't you remind me of any of this? Hayden told me. Why didn't you?" I sigh crossing my legs and facing her.

"We didn't want you to remember Krystina. Aiden really likes you and it didn't exactly end on the best note. He thought that you would hate him and not even wanna give him a chance. He regrets letting you go." Her face gets serious. "What's wrong?"

"Letting her go. It sounds familiar for some reason." I laugh and grab her hand again.

"It's a song. We sang it when they said you had to be let go. Aiden started singing it, the rest of us just joined in." She looks at her lap and smiles.

"Can I listen to the song?" I nod and reach for my jacket. I pull out my iPod and hand her the iPod.

"You remember how to work it right?" She nods and puts on the headphones; I see her push a button as soon as Aiden walks in.

"Aubrey can you give us a minute?" I nod and stand up.

"Give her a few minutes to finish listening to the song."

"What song?" I smile as I see Krystina smiling at Aiden. I open the door and step out.

"Your song to her, 'Let Her Go'." I close the door and walk over to the waiting room Hayden showed me before. I sit on the floor and laugh to myself. Krystina actually remembered the song we sang to her, she must have been waking up by then. I sigh and lay down covering my face.

"I can't believe she remembered taking the fall for me." I say to myself quietly. I doze off for a little while when I feel someone next to me, I uncover my face and smile at the face beside me.

"Why are you on the floor?" This boy never fails to keep me happy.
