Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Krystina's POV
I look up at the ceiling and fiddle my thumbs. I hear my psychologist sigh and close my notebook. I look over at him and he smiles at me. "Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Where did you learn to write like that?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not too sure, I just have a lot of ideas and when I put one idea and another idea together I come up with a while story, beginning, middle and end." He nods and hands me back my notebook.

"Not many people have that talent. It's amazing work. What gave you the idea of this story?"

"Aiden," I look down at the notebook. "I have feelings for Aiden I'm afraid of, I show them with sarcasm and petty arguments. In the story though it's all of what I feel about Aiden." The psychologist nods.

"And the ending, quite a turn of events," I smile and nod.

"I'm not exactly a fan of clichés."

"Would you do what Natasha did for the boy she loved for Aiden?" I feel a lump in my throat and nod.

"In a heartbeat," I look up at my psychologist, "and that's what scares me." He exhales and scoots closer to me.

"Krystina, normally girls your age have fallen in love at least once, I'm sure you have but you've got recollection of it." I think back to yesterday, Jude. "It's like your first time falling in love all over again. It's scary, but that's just love. I truly believe the way you talk about Aiden and what he's done for you that you both genuinely love each other. It doesn't seem like something that happens every week at a high school, it's more like something that people search for their entire lives and rarely find. Soul mates," I smile and nod.

"Yeah, I wasn't exactly expecting to fall in love after forgetting everything in my life but I suppose I should take it." My psychologist nods and closes his folder.

"That's all for today. I'm very proud of your improvement, two days ago when I saw you I signed a release form. You'll be able to return home on October 23rd." I feel a smile rise to my face.

"Really? No joke?" My psychologist laughs and nods.

"No joke. Just be sure not to mess things up. I'm sure you'll do great though." We both stand up and I pull him into a hug.

"Thank you so much." I run out of the room and run to group to find Danni. Everyone is standing up and about to leave when I run over to Danni and hug her.

"Whoa! A little warning could prevent a thrown out back." I laugh and release her from the hug.

"I'm getting out on the 23rd!" Danni smiles wide and pulls me into another hug.

"Oh my God, Congratulations! I'm so proud of you." We stand silent hugging each other for about a minute then she pulls away with tears in her eyes, "You made it Krystina. You made it out alive. You are making it out of here healed. You finally get to have a life." I feel my smile fade but hide it pulling her into another hug.

"I know." I feel a tear fall from my face. "I've never been happier." I have, when I first came here and never knew who I was, never knew anything of my past. When I didn't know anything.

Aubrey's POV

Hayden and I are finally finished bringing all the boxes and furniture, old and new, to the new house.

"Right here man." I hear Hayden say with a strained voice carrying the last couch into the house with Aiden following.

"Holy shit dude is this couch full of fucking rocks?" I laugh and set the box I'm carrying onto the floor.

"Put your back into it boys!"

"Shut up Aubrey!" Both boys yell at me. I can't help but laugh, they finally manage to set the couch down and Hayden falls onto the couch face first while Aiden plops into the floor.

"Dude," Aiden says covering his face. "I swear to god if you move again I'm gonna burn all your shit." He sits up and sighs. "Never again."

"You guys should really go to the gym." I say eating glares from both of them. I laugh and walk up to Aiden kissing his cheek, "I'm kidding." I sit beside Hayden's head on the couch when I feel a hand around my waist. I feel Hayden lay all his weight on top of me. "Hayden gross! You're sweaty!" I hear Hayden chuckle and burry his face into my neck.

"You'll get used to me being sweaty on top of you." I hear Aiden laughing and I hit Hayden in the head as hard as I can.

"God you're a pig." I push him off of me and walk over to the love seat.

"Yeah well you love me so you won't leave me no matter how much of a pig I act like." I sigh and shake my head.

"Yeah well it wouldn't kill you to be a decent guy." Hayden stands up and walks over to me.

"I'm sorry Princess." He kneels down beside me and grabs my hand, kissing the top of it.

"Please forgive me." I look into his amazing blue green eyes.

"You're fucking lucky you're cute." He smiles at me.

"Can I get a kiss?" I laugh and lean forward to kiss him.

"Get a room!" Aiden yells still on the floor. Hayden and I pull away.

"We already have one but I'm not sure it would be nice to leave with a decent guest-" Hayden walks over and kicks Aiden lightly. "And you."

"Hey, speaking of mom where the hell is she?" I stand up and walk into the kitchen.

"She's in the kitchen!" I yell to Aiden. I walk over and hug my mom, "Everything ok mom?" She turns to me and kisses my forehead.

"I don't know. I'm not too sure about you and Hayden living together before-"

"Mom," I grab her hands. "I'm 18, I'll be fine. Plus you need room for Krystina, the house was getting way too crowded. I promise that nothing bad will happen here ok?" She sighs and nods.

"Alright," She smiles and moves my hair behind my ear. "I remember just yesterday I was bringing you home from the hospital, now you're moving in with your boyfriend." Her face falls.

"I know it's probably too soon to talk about it but I'm sure Hayden and I will get married eventually."

"You really love him don't you?" I smile and nod.

"More than anything," My mom kisses my forehead again and wipes a tear.

"You've grown up to be a beautiful, intelligent and amazing young woman." I hear footsteps behind me and when I turn I see Hayden and Aiden standing by the kitchen door, "Ready to go?" My mom asks Aiden.

"Not really but I guess I have to get used to the fact that my little sister and best friend are living together." I walk over and give Aiden a hug.

"I love you big brother." I feel him hug me tighter and kiss the top of my head.

"I love you too baby sister." He reluctantly pulls away from the hug and nods to my mom. He pats Hayden's back. "Take care of her man." Hayden nods and brofists Aiden.

"Of course," Hayden and I watch my mom and Aiden walk out the door. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. "It's official." I look up at him and smile.

"It's official." He leans down and gives me a kiss. I pull away and sigh happily. "My mom already unpacked Jonas and Ellie's rooms. I'm sure they're enjoying their new rooms now. Let's say I unpack the kitchen and you set up the televisions in the rooms."

"I'm sure Jonas already figured out his but I'll do the rest. Let's say you and I sleep in the living room tonight."

"Why?" He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him.

"I've always wanted to watch TV and eat popcorn while the girl I love falls asleep in my arms."

"Well I believe I already did that before." He laughs and nods.

"This is true, but this is our house. I want that to happen here, in the comfort of our own home." I smile wide and nod.

"Well since you're so smooth with words I suppose we can."

"I'm one smooth ass mother fucker." I push him away and point at the TV.

"Go fix the electronics smooth ass mother fucker."

He laughs and as he walks away I hear him say, "At least you called me smooth." I laugh to myself and unpack the dishes that my mom and I bought. Everyone kinda pitched in to get some stuff for our new house. Aiden got a job as a part time contractor, he fit the requirements and the guys hired him. He's actually the one who installed the carpets in the living room.
My mom was nice enough to buy Hayden and I about a year's worth of food, including snacks for Ellie and Jonas. I turn around to grab more cups but I see Ellie standing in front of me. "Hey Ellie. What do you need?" She lifts her arms and I pick her up.

"Can you get me a snack?" I look at the clock, 3:50. Ten minutes early, why not.

"Sure thing, what do you want?"

"Goldfish?" I set her on my hip and walk to the pantry; I open it and see all of Ellie's and Jonas' snacks on the top two shelves.


"What's up Princess?!" I hear him yell from the living room.

"Can you grab Ellie her goldfish please?! You set them too high!" I hear him walk in and lightly pull me to the side.

"It's cause you're short. Maybe if you grew you could reach them." He grabs the box and hands it to me. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Maybe if you set them lower I wouldn't have to worry." I set Ellie on the chair with the booster seat on it and grabbed a tiny bowl and filled it half way full with goldfish.

"Right," He sets a hand on my waist and kisses my head. "I'll fix that when I'm done doing the other things you asked me to do Queen Bee." I laugh and hand him back the box of goldfish.

"So I'm the queen now?" He laughs and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"In the future if we get married. You'll be my queen and Ellie will be the Princess." I feel a blush rise to my cheeks; Hayden just admitted he thought about a future with us married.

"Yay! I get to be Princess!" Ellie yells shoving another goldfish into her mouth. I laugh and nod.

"Yes you do Ellie."

"Unless you wanna be the Elliephant," Hayden says setting the goldfish back in the pantry.

"No." Ellie says giving him a cute glare. I laugh and pat Hayden's chest.

"Looks like you don't have an Elephant."

"I'll call her my Elliephant if I want." He responds walking back into the living room.

"Just tell me when you're done Ellie." She nods and I continue unpacking the dishes. I can't believe all this is happening. Within a matter of months I go from a single, suicidal mess to happily taken and healing. Everything couldn't be better.

I have Hayden, my amazing boyfriend who loves me even with my scars and imperfections. Ellie, a little girl who I treat like my daughter and who treats me like a mom. Jonas, loves me as a sister figure and respects me like he would a mom. Aiden, my big brother who is so supportive of something he wouldn't normally approve of. My mom, she's my mom, amazing in every way. And Krystina, my best friend, the one person who was literally willing to risk her own life to save mine and give me another chance.

I look over my shoulder and see Ellie smiling, playing with and eating her goldfish; smiling. Krystina gave me a chance to live this amazing life with my amazing first real love. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for her. "Thank you."

Aiden's POV
Sitting in my room just looking at the note. I should have opened it with Aubrey, it's labeled to me and Aubrey. The curiosity is eating me alive. I should go back over to Aubrey and Hayden's place and open it with her. "Fuck it." I can't wait that long. I grab the note and open it slowly being sure not to rip the note inside or Ashton's writing on the front. I take out the papers and open them. A tinier envelope falls into my lap. I open it and see it's two bank cards. What the hell? I set them to the side and read the note.

'Aiden and Aubrey,
I'm so sorry I did this to you guys. I just had to go. I wish I could explain it but it sounds unbelievably crazy so I'm just going to say I'm sorry. Believe me when I say I didn't want to leave you guys. I love you guys so much. It pained me knowing that what I am doing is going to hurt you guys. I just need you both to know it wasn't your faults, it wasn't mom or dad's either. I just had to do it. You more than likely won't understand when I say I had to do it to protect you both.
In this envelope I added two bank cards. One for each of you, both contain 10,000 dollars, don't wonder how I got that money, it doesn't matter now. I'm giving you both this money because I know you will need it when you find this, at least I hope so. I sound crazy writing this but I believe what was told to me and I need to help you both.
Aiden, someone is going to come into your life. Don't assume things are alright, you have to work to make things work. Know however, that some things are destiny.
Aubrey, I'm assuming that you're with Hayden. The lady told me a boy who's been by your side is who you're meant to be with and the only person I can think of is Hayden. I want this money for you to go into something that would benefit you both. Just know that no matter where you are or how old you are, I'll be right beside you as you walk down the aisle. Same for you Aiden, I'll be standing beside you as you watch a beautiful bride walk down the aisle to be yours forever.
I love you both, I'm sorry I can't be with you and all of us grow up together. I'd give anything for that but my priority as the big brother is to protect you both. I don't regret what I am about to do. I won't regret it. Because I know I'll have kept you both safe.
Stay safe, stay strong and stay brat siblings. If I come back as an angel I wanna be sure that you guys are still at each other's throats. There is another letter on the underside of my bed, grab it and give it to mom and dad. I love you all, I'm sorry.

I wipe my tears and set the note on my nightstand. How could Ashton have known all of this. There's no possible way! I pick up the note again and scan it. Someone told him, who could have told him!? Another psychic like Krystina? How? I stand up and walk into Ashton's room and look under the bed. I see something taped onto a support board and rip it off. 'Mom and dad'. I run downstairs and find mom in the kitchen.

"Mom." She turns to me with a smile but it fades.

"Aiden, hunny what's wrong, why are you-" I hold up the letter and hand it to her.

"Read it. Please." She looks at the letter and her eyes start watering.

"Where did you-"

"Momjust read it now please. I just read the one he sent Aubrey and I. I'll explaineverything later but please just read it please." She opens the letter andsighs.
