Chapter 28


Chapter 28

Aiden's POV
             We are one hour into dancing at the club and I can't help but feel a little worried about Krystina, not the fact that I know she and Talia are hiding something but the fact that she's had a lot to drink and is currently dancing as sexy as she can and guys of all ages are watching her. I needed a breather so Hayden is dancing with her.

            "So how do you feel about your girlfriend grinding all over Hayden?" Aubrey asks with a smile.

            "How do you feel about Krystina grinding all over your boyfriend?" She rolls her eyes and sighs.

            "I'm ok with it. I know he won't do anything and she's a little too intoxicated to realize she's doing it." I laugh and nod.

            "Yeah I think the shots we had were a bit too much." Aubrey laughs.

            "Yeah you think?" She leans closer to me. "So, what are you planning on doing when she gets out of the hospital?"

            "Well hopefully you, Hayden, Ellie as Jonas would have moved out so-"

            "Who said I would move in with Hayden?" I scoff and look at her.

            "You know you want to little sis, can't lie to me." She rolls her eyes and speaks for me.

            "So you want Krystina to maybe have my room?" I nod and look back at Krystina and Hayden. They're just standing there laughing about things.

            "Yeah, only of it's alright with you." She nods and looks at her feet.

            "So are we just gonna leave Ashton's room as is?" I look over at her and she looks at me. "Are we ever gonna be able to do anything with it?" I sigh.

            "Not sure Bree. I know mom hasn't gotten rid of dad's stuff either."

            "It's been years Aiden." I nod and sigh.

            "I know Bree." I reach over and grab Krystina's purse. "Krystina found something in Ashton's room." I pull out the envelope and hand it to Aubrey. She scans it and bites her lip.

            "How did she find this?" I shrug my shoulders.

            "I honestly don't know. She just did, but I'm happy she did." Aubrey nods and I feel people crash into the table, Hayden had a bit too much to drink as well, I can't blame him. He has kids to look after.

            "Hey! Aiden lets dance." Krystina says pulling my hand.

            "Yeah, let's go Aubrey." Hayden grabs her hand and kisses it.

            "But our bags?"

            "Don't worry! Frayia and Duncan will watch them." Hayden says nodding at Frayia and Duncan sucking face. I'm pretty sure Frayia is drunk and Duncan had about 3 shots; he's aware of what's going on and he's savoring the moment.

            "I think they're too busy sucking face to watch our stuff." Aubrey says to Hayden.

            "Come on, let them work it out. This is a great song." I nod and walk with Krystina to the dance floor.

            "What's this song called?" I yell over the music. Krystina starts dancing seductively against me.

            "Fuck U Betta!" I laugh and sigh.

            "How would you know?" I say as the lyrics make sense, 'She can fuck you good but I can fuck you better.'

            "Oh trust me." She turns to face me and my lips are right over hers. "I know I can." She laughs and turns again so her back is to me. This girl. I pull her to me and she laughs. "Finally done keeping your distance I see." I laugh and bring my mouth to her ear.

            "You know it's not nice to tease a guy." I hear her laugh and turn her head.

            "Well I'm a nice girl. Just might be a naughty one at night." I can't help but laugh.

            "Yeah you're drunk." She laughs and turns around and pulls me into a hug.

            "Yeah, but you're here to protect me from creepy guys." I laugh and pull away from the hug.

            "So who's a better dancer? Me or Hayden?"

            "Hayden! He doesn't keep his hands to himself." I close my eyes and shake my head.

            "Yeah I didn't wanna hear that." She laughs and grabs my hands.

            "No! That's now what I meant." She laughs and sighs. "Ok, he moves to the music and makes the sexy music exert into dancing."

            "That made little to no sense." She laughs again and lets out a groan if frustration.

            "Just move to the music no matter how sexual! Turn it from sexual to sensual! Don't keep your hands to yourself, you got me." I feel heat rise to my cheeks. Is she seriously asking me to touch her in a sexual way? "Come on. It's no fun. Just look at Aubrey!" I look over and see her dancing against Hayden.

            "That's a little uncomfortable to see." She laughs and pulls me to her.

            "Come on, just do. Let your body feel the music." Music starts and Krystina laughs. "PERFECT! Flesh by Simon Curtis, one of the most sexual songs I can think of. Now just follow my lead until you feel comfortable enough to take control." She winks at me and laughs turning her back to me again.

            She grinds against me and I feel uncomfortable, I feel like everyone is watching. "Aiden, no one is watching I promise." I laugh and finally as soon as I hear the chorus; 'push up to my body and sink your teeth into my flesh'. This song is so sexual. Krystina is dancing against me like a pro and oddly enough, I'm not turned on. "It's because you're having fun in a different sense Aiden! Not sexual fun, sensual fun!" I laugh and move to the music with her. In the spur of the moment I grab her hand and spin her to face me, she smiles and in that moment I felt like some sort of animal. 'Hold me tight and make me scream.' At that part I finally understood why it was fun to dance with your sensuality pouring.

            Krystina pulls my head down and whispers into my ear. "It's about adrenaline, not wanting sex." I smile and move her hair out of her face.

            "It's a release of stress." She nods and we continue to dance together, not caring who thought we were basically having sex on the dance floor. With all the stress I've had, it's finally being let go. I never thought it would be from dirty dancing and grinding in a club.

Aubrey's POV
             After Hayden and I danced we went back to the booth, I look over at Krystina and Aiden. It looks like Aiden is actually having fun, and not in a sexual way. He and Krystina are smiling like happy motherfuckers, even while grinding against each other. "Krystina really knows how to dance huh?" I ask Hayden as he licks his lips after drinking a sip of beer.

            "Oh yeah, Aiden doesn't dance, let alone dance like that." Hayden gestures his head over to Krystina and Aiden. I look over and see Krystina run her hands through Aiden's hair and his hands gripped her hips and turned her forcefully. Krystina ran her hands down his legs as she was grinding against him; his hands were still on her hips. She really knows how to use hip movement. They're smiling and laughing, still not sexual between them.

            "Well at least he's having fun with her." Hayden nods and grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into a kiss. I pull away a little disgusted. "What the fuck Hayden?" He looked to his left then back at me.

            "Sorry Princess. Some guy was eyeing you." I raise an eyebrow.

            "You were claiming me?" He shrugs and holds my hand.

            "Well I could brand you."

            "Like you did at the hospital? No thank you." I cross my legs and he kisses my hand.

            "You know you loved getting a hickey from me. It's like a prize." I laugh at him and pinch his hand until he let's go of my hand. "Ow! Damn, someone's feisty tonight."

            "Don't think so highly of yourself. A hickey from you means nothing." Hayden flashes me his cocky smile.

            "Wanna bet then?"

            "What's there to bet?" He looks behind me and points. Sky, Danni and Talia are coming back from the dance floor. "You guys have fun?"

            "It was amazing!" Danni says sliding a hand through her hair.

            "Holy shit," Talia says pointing at the dance floor. I look at Aiden and Krystina again, still grinding.

            "Yeah that's been going on for a while." I say shrugging my shoulders.

            "I smells me some babies!" Talia yells taking out one side of her earrings.

            "How the fuck do you smell babies?" Hayden asks from behind me. Talia shrugs her shoulders and soon Krystina walks up with Aiden behind her. She points at Talia.

            "You do not smell babies cause it wasn't sex." I laugh and shake my head. Aiden kisses Krystina's cheek and walks over to Hayden.

            "Well, grinding can cause pants to wear thin. Then, BOOM!" Talia 'boops' Krystina's nose, "Babies," Krystina laughs and looks at me.

            "Come on girls let's dance!"

            "You won't grind on us will you?" I ask with a smile Krystina shakes her head.

            "Not unless you ask." We all laugh and soon Danni, Talia, Krystina and I are headed to the dance floor. I look back at the tables. Where the hell are Frayia and Duncan?

Sky's POV
             Seeing Krystina and Aiden dancing like that was a shock. I didn't know Krystina was so sexual, and I was jealous of Aiden getting to experience an intense moment like that. I sat beside Hayden and Aiden was sitting across from us.

            "Have you guys seen Duncan?" Aiden looks around the club.

            "I don't see him. Did Frayia go with the girls?" I lean back in my chair, I see Krystina, Danni and Aubrey, and I just see the top of Talia's head.

            "I don't see her."

            "Should we go look for them?" Hayden asks. We all exchange looks and stand up. "I'll check outside, Aiden check the bathroom and Sky why don't you look around on the dance floor?" Aiden and I nod and we all go our separate ways. I walk straight over to the girls.

            "Hey, is Frayia with you girls?" They all shake their heads.

            "Why are we looking for them?" Krystina asks. I nod and Danni steps in.

            "It's getting late anyway. Sky and Krystina check around for them would you? Talia and I are gonna get our bags and get ready to go."

            "Ok, we'll meet you guys at the bar." Krystina says pulling me with her. "They shouldn't be too hard to find, they're sucking face." I laugh and nod.

            "True." I feel someone bump into me and when I turn I feel someone's elbow hit my chest, "What the fuck?!" I grab the guys shoulder and turn him to me, "Watch where you fling your arms man!"

            "Fuck off!" He pushed me and turned back to the girl he's dancing with. I'm about to grab him again when I feel Krystina grab my hand.

            "Sky don't."

            "He's an ass!" I say yelling so he can hear. He turns around and looks me dead in the eye.

            "You're the asshole man I'm just having fun!"

            "That doesn't mean you can throw your arms around like a fucking idiot!" He walks to me but Krystina steps between us. She's short compared to the both of us. She puts her hands against my chest.

            "Sky stop, let's go!"

            "Listen to your little slut!" I am about to curse him out but Krystina grabs my face and forces me to look at her.

            "Sky! It's not worth it! Please don't do anything you're going to regret." I feel myself calm down. Her deep down eyes in this light look to have a yellow hue to them. I see her pupils dilate and I feel completely care free. She let's go of my face and places her hands lightly on my chest.

            "Are you alright?" I nod.

            "Never better," She smiles and before I know what I'm doing I grab her face and kiss her. Her body stiffens and I pull away, she gives me a worried look. "I'm sorry." I take my hands off her face and she steps back.

            "Why did you do that?" I shrug my shoulders and she hits my chest, "Why did you do that Sky?!" I sigh and look down at my feet.

            "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I see a tear run down her face. "Krystina-"

            "Stop," She takes a step back from me. "We can't be friends." She turns her back to me but I manage to run in front of her.

            "Krystina I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean to. I don't know what happened."

            "Sky, if Aiden saw that I don't know what would have happened. I can't risk it happening again." She tries to walk past me but I grab her.

            "I promise it won't. Please Krystina. I'm sorry." She looks me in the eyes and I see her eyes dilate again, this time they seemed to have a grey hue.

            "Never again Sky or I swear to god."

            "I promise." Just as I said that Aiden walked up.

            "Hey, Danni and Talia found them."

            "Where were they?" Krystina asks.

            "Damn near having sex in the van." Krystina laughs and sighs.

            "Poor Frayia, I wonder if she'll remember any of this." Aiden laughs and grabs Krystina's hand. She looks up at me then pulls Aiden's head down for a kiss. I clear my throat and they pull away smiling.

            "Well it's time for you guys to go back to Crazyville." Aiden says pulling Krystina through the crowded dance floor. I didn't pay attention to their conversation, the only thing on my mind was the kiss. I enjoyed it, I shouldn't have but I did.

            Aiden, Krystina and I walk outside and everyone gets into the van, Duncan is in the passenger's seat and Frayia is sitting in the very back with Talia, Aubrey and Hayden. I have to sit next to Aiden.

            "So did you guys have fun today?" Danni asks looking in the rear view window. Everyone mumbles an answer and I just nod looking out the window.

            I Get Krystina is bipolar, but why did she freak out that bad when I kissed her?
