Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Hayden's POV
Aubrey, Ms. Masters and I were waiting on the first floor for Aiden. "Do you think he's ok?" Aubrey asks looking between her mom and me, I shrug my shoulders and Aubrey's mom sighs. Just then the elevator door opens and we see Aiden walk out. "What happened is she ok?" He smiles lightly.

"She's strong, she'll be fine." I tilt my head slightly.

"Something's not right." Everyone looks at me. "Aiden what happened?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Dude we all care about her! No secrets!"

"She kissed me!" We all were taken back. "She kissed me, it's actually amazing, and I wasn't expecting it. That was the good thing. The bad thing was that she told me about her nightmare."

"Well spill it out!" Aubrey yells.

"She relived Brody's suicide." Aubrey sighs an 'oh my god', Ms. Masters grabs Aiden's hand and I just wipe my face with the hand that isn't holding Aubrey's hand.

"Dude." Everyone looks at me, "She's reliving her worst moments. If that wasn't the last or the worst, just imagine what could go wrong." Aiden shakes his head.

"She never explained the whole story. All she said was she come home from a little trip and he was hung in his room." Aubrey and I nodded. "Mom?" We all look at Ms. Masters. "You got the papers right?" She smiles and holds up the signed adoption papers.

"Yes I do. Why?" Aiden looked down at his feet and sighed.

"Wouldn't it be weird? Her living with us? I mean with the situation that I really like her and stuff?" Ms. Masters laughs and pats his shoulders.

"It's only weird if you make it weird. We are helping her, there's nothing wrong on you wanting to be with her while she lives with us. As long as there's no sex."

"Good God mom! Really?!" I can't help but laugh, Ms. Masters looks at us and laughs.

"What? It's not like you two haven't done it." My eyes grow wide and now Aiden starts laughing.

"OH MY GOD, MOM!" Aubrey says letting go of my hand and covering her face."

"We haven't done anything!" I say trying to defend myself, "Holy shit everything just got extremely awkward." I feel heat rise to my face.

"Wait." Ms. Masters says in all seriousness. "You two haven't-"

"MOM! STOP! We haven't done anything! Oh my god can we just leave now?!" Aiden couldn't stop laughing, Aubrey started walking out of the hospital and her mom followed her. Aiden stood beside me and pat my back.

"It's alright dude. Get over it." I push him away and he starts laughing.

"Shut the fuck up. Dude your mom is fucking blunt talking about sex." I say rubbing the back of my neck. Aiden laughs and shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, do you blame her? You obviously aren't pure dude. I wouldn't be so blunt like my mom but I'd say shit about you possibly deflowering my baby sis-"

"DUDE!" I yell hitting him in the stomach, he hunches over and groans.

"Well that didn't feel good. Thanks asshole."

"No problem." I say proudly. I walk outside leaving Aiden behind and I see Aubrey and her mom talking. Aubrey looks really embarrassed. I walk over close enough to hear their conversation.

"I just don't want grand kids yet, Aubrey."

"My god mom! I'm not gonna have sex with Hayden!"

"Well you don't know that. Things happen. I just want it to be protected." I shake my head, good god this is gonna be a fucking awkward ride home.

"Mom! I'm not gonna do it with him!" There's a silence.

"What's wrong?" More silence.

"I think I should end it between us." I feel my heart getting ripped out of my chest. "Too many secrets. I don't wanna talk about it mom. Can we just go home?"

"Aubrey." I look over and see Aiden walking up to me. "Are you sure you wanna end it with Hayden? He really cares about you."

"My mind isn't made up but, I might. Let's just go now please." Aiden stands beside me.

"What's up?" I sigh and bite my lip.

"Aubrey might dump me."

Aubrey's POV

I drove home with my mom just thinking about my decision. Hayden is keeping too many secrets from me, granted I kept secrets from him but I kept them from everyone. When we got to my house I went into the kitchen and grabbed a pint of ice cream and two spoons. I walk out back and Bubbles comes running up to me.

"Hey bubbles!" I say petting him and kissing him. "I got us strawberry. Is that ok?" He walks over to the chair I normally sit at and sits down. I walk over and open the pint of ice cream, I take both spoons and get two big wads, I hold one spoon down to Bubbles and I eat from the other one.

"Guess what Bubbles." I say after swallowing my ice cream. "Krystina is gonna come back soon! She's gonna get fixed then she'll be back. She's gonna live with us so she will see you again." I see Bubbles tail wag. I laugh and start to get another clump of ice cream when I hear the door open.

"Why are you feeding Bubbles sweets?" I look over and see Hayden smiling. I stand up.

"Just- I don't know. I wanted some and I decided Bubbles deserves a sweet treat." He smiles at me and walks over to me grabbing my hand.

"Can we talk?" Oh my god, this is the moment he breaks up with me or tells me he's cheating on me with Kitty.

"Sure." Keep yourself together Aubrey. You were gonna dump him anyway.

"I don't wanna keep secrets from you." Here it comes, I'm cheating on you. "So, I wanna take you to my place." What?

"What?" Hayden swallows hard and sighs.

"I want you to come to my apartment and meet my foster brother... And my daughter." I stay silent and blink, I just gotta process this. "Can you say something please?"

After a few moments of stammering I finally manage to speak. "Yeah, sure. Of course." Hayden sighs in relief.

"I should have told you a long time ago, I should have at least told Aiden but I was ashamed. I still am but, I don't wanna keep secrets from you." I smile at him.

"Good. So when are we going?"

"Tonight, its 6 now so I'll pick you up about 7:30 so I have time to clean up and get things situated." I smile and nod.

"Alright, what should I wear?" He laughs at me and pulls me in for a kiss. I sigh after the kiss just enjoying his presence.

"What you're wearing is perfect." He kisses my forehead and walks to the door.

"I'll see you in an hour and a half." I nod and he walks into the house. I smile and look down at Bubbles.

"Bubbles, I don't even know anymore." I grab Bubbles' spoon and feed him another spoonful of ice cream.
About an hour and a half later I walk out front and Hayden is opening the passenger door for me. "Such a gentleman." I say getting in. He laughs and goes around to the driver's side. When he gets in he grabs my hand.

"Not a gentleman, just nervous as fuck I don't know what to do with myself." I laugh at him and he starts driving.

About 20 minutes later we are in the neighborhood I swore he lived. "Yeah I kinda lied when I said I didn't live here." We pulled into a driveway of a worn-down apartment. I got out and I walked over to Hayden. "I'm sorry if the place is dirty or if the kids are naughty." I smile at him and kiss him.

"It's fine Hayden. I'm just happy you're being honest with me." He smiles and we walk up to the front door. Hayden opens the door and motions for me to go in. I walk in and see a little boy sleeping on the couch; Hayden shuts the door behind him and wakes up the boy.

"Crap! I'm sorry Hayden! I fell asleep and-"

"Its fine Jonas, I'll take care of it later ok? But here-" Hayden walks me over in front of the couch and Jonas stands up, "Say hi to my girlfriend Aubrey." Jonas smiles at me and shakes my hand.

"Hi Aubrey, I'm Jonas." I smile back at him.

"Hi Jonas." Just then Hayden walks over to the right and looks down the hall.

"Where's my Ellie-phant?" Just then a little girl about 3 or 4 runs down the hallway, Hayden crouches down and the little girl runs into his arms and he picks her up.

"Hi!" She says waving at me. I smile and wave back at her.

"And this is my little Ellie-bug. She's has a lot of nicknames, I prefer Ellie-phant but she doesn't like it." Hayden says tickling her. I can't help but smile at the sight.

"Because I'm not fat!" She says hitting Hayden's hands away and laughing. Hayden stops tickling her and pats her belly.

"If you keep eating junk food you will be a little Elephant." She laughs and points at me.

"No, I'm gonna be her. Not elephant." I can't help but feel flattered, an honesty kid just called me skinny. Hayden looks at me.

"Nah, I think she's too skinny." My jaw drops and I playfully glare at him.

"No!" We both look at Ellie again. "Pretty!" She says pointing at me again. Hayden grabs her hand and laughs.

"No!" Again I glare at him. "Beautiful." I can't help but smile when he said that.

"Yeah!" Ellie yells. Hayden and I laugh.

"You wanna hold her? She's not that heavy." He asked me.

"I don't know. I mean-" The next thing I know, Hayden I putting Ellie in my arms. Ellie wraps her arms around me and gives me a hug. I smile and hug her back. A few seconds later I see a flash, I look up and see Hayden taking photos of us. I look to my left and see Jonas standing beside me. Hayden walks over and shows me the picture.

"That's so cute!" I say holding his phone. He grabs Ellie and takes her into the kitchen.

"Time to eat!" Hayden says opening the oven. Jonas walks over and sits beside Ellie. Hayden walks over to me. "So, I'm gonna tell Jonas the truth that I'm Ellie's dad. Ellie's probably too young to understand. And then I have more secrets that I'm telling you all for the first time. Think you can handle it?" I smile and pull him in for a kiss.

"Most definitely." He hugs me and we walk into the dining room area.

"Well-" Hayden says placing baked ziti on mine and Jonas' plates, "I have some stuff I need to tell you Jonas and Ellie. Aubrey already knows." Hayden walks over and makes a tiny plate for Ellie that is cooled off.

"Ok." Jonas says stuffing his mouth. I can't help but laugh at him. Hayden places the plate down on front of Ellie and hands her a child's fork.

"Well, I guess the first thing to tell you is that, Ellie is actually blood related." Jonas looks up shocked.

"Really?! Whose?!" Hayden looks down at his food and back up at Jonas.

"She's mine Jonas." Jonas sets his fork down and wipes his mouth.

"Like your little sister?" Hayden shakes his head. "Your baby cousin?" Again Hayden shakes his head. After a few seconds of silence Jonas clears his throat, "Like your kid?" Hayden nods.

"I wanted to tell you Jonas but I was too-"

"I'm happy about that Hayden." We both look at Jonas shocked. "She has a dad. You've always acted like one to us anyway. It's just good that she can know who her real dad is." Hayden and I looked at each other.

"Wow, I was expecting you to get mad." Jonas shook his head.

"Nah, I don't mind going back into foster care."

"What?!" Hayden says throwing his silverware on the table. "Jonas I'm not gonna let you go into foster care. You're my little brother period. I'm not gonna let anyone take you ok? I'm not giving you up just because you're not blood. You understand that?" Jonas looks up at Hayden and smiles nodding.

"Yeah." Hayden sighs.

"Alright, now it leads to the next thing. The people from social services are planning to take you both away from me if I can't find a real job and a nice stable place to stay in the next week. And I have to adopt you both as my kids." I look over at Hayden, he's finally saying it. Now all he had to admit was the prostitution. Jonas nods his head.

"So you won't be my brother but my dad?" Hayden laughs.

"You can still call me your brother Jonas, but legally I'd be considered your dad. I don't want either of you to be put back in the system. I care about you two too much to let that happen." Jonas nods and smiles.

"What can I do to help?" I smile at Jonas' reaction and so does Hayden.
"Just watch Ellie for me. I need to get a stable household and a stable job. It's gonna take a lot of time for me but I'll do it." I feel a lump in my throat. I grab Hayden's hand and he looks at me.

"I'm gonna help you."


"No Hayden, listen to me." He keeps quiet and I start talking. "I really care about you Hayden, and just seeing how much you love Ellie and Jonas made me see that you need them. And they need you. I'm gonna help you. I'll get a job and I wanna live with you." Hayden starts to say something but I cover his mouth. "I can watch Ellie and I can help Jonas with homework and stuff. I won't let them take them away because they mean so much to you, Ellie and Jonas me a lot to me too." I pull my hand away from Hayden mouth and he grabs my face and kisses me.

"Ewwie!" Ellie yells covering her eyes. I laugh and pull away.

"I'm sorry Ellie. It's over." I say to her, she peaks between her fingers and checks to be sure I was telling the truth. She smiles at me and continues eating. I look over at Jonas. "Are you ok with that Jonas?" He nods and smiles at me.

"Yeah. You make Hayden happy. I'm sure you'll make me and Ellie happy. I think it's awesome." I smile and grab Hayden's hand under the table. We all start eating and finally it seems like things are working out for the best.

