Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Krystina's POV
Darkness, pain. That all.

'Krystina!' I open my eyes and see Aubrey. I can't move.

'Aubrey stay back!' I feel her beside me.

'Krystina I'm so sorry!' I open my eye again and see Aubrey crying.

'It's ok Aubrey. You're safe. You're alive.' I lift my arm and scream in pain.

'Krystina please stay with me.'

'I'm alright Aubrey I swear.' I stand up with much pain. I scream as I try to push myself up. I feel Aubrey arms wrap around me.

'Come on Krystina let's find you a place to sit.' I limp slowly with Aubrey on my side. Minutes later we reach a bench. Aubrey sets me down slowly and tears roll down my face, the pain is excruciating. She sits beside me still crying. 'This is all my fault! I'm so sorry Krystina please don't be mad at me I'm so so-'

'Aubrey. I'm not mad at you. You're safe, you're alive. That's all I care about.' I blink back a few tears, 'I need you to promise me you'll go straight home. And don't every think about doing this again. No matter what.' Her face drops. 'Promise me.' She nods.

'I promise.' I grab Aubrey's hand and we sit in silence. I see a piece of glass in my hand; I bring my hand to my mouth and pull it out with my teeth. It hurt so much but it felt so good to have it out. I spit the glass into my hand, God this thing is huge. I drop it to the floor and see bubbles, my dog, Aubrey and I pet him. I stop and pull my arm away in pain, just then it pops and I let out a tiny squeak. Just then Aiden walks up.

'The fuck is your problem emo girl! Are you rubbing your sick emo shit all over my sister?!' My heart broke into a million pieces, now all parts of me were shattered and broken. I stand up quickly no matter how painful it was and walk away. After taking a few steps I hear Aiden yell to me.

'BITCH IM TALKING TO YOU! ANSWER ME YOU PITIFUL EMO FUCK! YOU MADE HER WANT TO KILL HERSELF DIDNT YOU?!' I felt tears start pouring from my eyes. I sniff and drop my non-broken hand to my side. Completely broken. I don't care, he never cares, he never will now that I'm dead.

'I saved her life you dick fuck...' I start walking again. Walking until I reach death.

"KRYSTINA!!" I wake up screaming. I feel tears pouring from my face; I can't see who was yelling to me. "Krystina you're fine, it was just a dream." I pull whoever it was into a hug while I cried. What was this nightmare? Was it a memory from before? Was this one of my attempts? No it couldn't be, Aubrey was apologizing. What the hell happened?

I hear a door open and I hear someone running to my side. "Oh my god what happened?!" It's Hayden, I remember his voice. I grab onto him and cry into his chest, he wraps one arm around me and runs my head with the other.

"A nightmare, I kept screaming her name but she didn't wake up until I finally shook her awake." Who was this guy?

"Well, why didn't the nurses hear her screaming?" I feel Hayden pull me closer to him.

"I don't know. I was just about to ring the thing." I hear Hayden sigh and kiss the top of my head.

"It's alright Krystina, I'm here now. It's fine. You're not alone." His words soothed me for some reason. Slowly I felt myself calming down. After I felt better I pulled away and sighed. Hayden reached forward, cupping my face and wiped away my tears with his thumb. "What happened Krystina?" I shook my head.

"I don't wanna talk about it right now." I said with difficulty considering my breathing was still hitched. I looked over at the other guy. He's not a doctor is he? He looked about 35, he was a decent looking man.

"Krystina, this is Will. I hate to say it but he's the guy who pimps me off." I laugh a little bit and the other two seem to relax. "Need a tissue?" I nod and Hayden goes to the counter.

"I need the whole box." Hayden and Will laugh.

"She's a funny one." Will says while Hayden handed me the box of tissues.

"She definitely is." I blow my nose multiple times into about 20 tissues and I sighed.

"I'm good." Hayden nodded and held my hand, his fingers intertwined with mine. "Now can I ask why your pimp was in my room while I slept?" They both laughed.

"Well visiting hours start early today, luckily Aiden didn't know, so I asked Will to come."

"We have some things to explain." Will says smiling at me, "I know all about Hayden's past, I actually used to be his step daddy." Hayden hits Will's arm and I smile. "He came here to tell you the story. I honestly just came because he hasn't shut up about his friend in the hospital. I didn't visit when you were in your coma because I lost my first wife when she was in a coma." My smile faded and I grabbed his hand.

"Well I'm happy to meet you now Will." He smiles at me and gestures to Hayden.

"Story time Hayden." I smile and look at Hayden.

"Before you tell me, again, I just wanna say, thanks for being honest. You could lie and make yourself look good but instead you're telling the truth. So thanks." He smiles at me and pats my hand.

"No problem. You're one of my best friends, and soon maybe one of my best mate's girlfriend." He winks at me and I smile. As he's telling me the story I can't help but think about why I would like Aiden after he said such horrible things to me, why he would like me after all that. Did he like me just out of pity?

Aubrey's POV
I wake up and shower excited to see Krystina. She's finally awake; I have my best friend back. I finished putting on my shoes when Aiden bursts through the door.

"LET'S GO!" He jumps on my bed that I just fixed and let out and aggravated scoff.

"Aiden I just fixed my bed!" He jumps off the bed and nearly pulls my arm out of its socket.

"Then let's go! Mom's in the car!" I laugh at how childish he's acting. It's really cute how excited he is to see Krystina. We got outside and in the car, as soon as Aiden closed his door he yelled at my mom to hit the gas. We both laughed at him.

A few minutes later we reached the hospital and Aiden ran out of the car as fast as he could. My mom and I walk into the hospital and click the elevator button, I feel arms wrap around my waist. I look up and see Hayden.

"Sup smelly?" He smiles and let's go of me.

"Well that's just rude Princess." The elevator door opens and a guy walks out quickly. I walk in and Hayden stands on the other side of the elevator pouting.

"Why are you pouting?" My mom asks.

"She called me smelly!" He says in a childish, tattle-tale kinda way pointing at me. I smack his hand away and laugh.

"Yeah I did tattle-tale." My mom smiles and pushes me into Hayden.

"Kiss and make up." I look at her shocked and Hayden laughs.

"Good enough for me." He tries to kiss me but I pull away.

"Not in front of my mom!" Hayden comes toward me and grabs my face.

"She's the teacher she said we have to kiss and make up." He leans in and I put my hands on his face pushing him away.

"Mom! Why did you say that?!" She laughs at me and the elevator doors open.

"Because I'm the teacher and I won't take my students fighting." She's following along with Hayden's jokes now?!

"You heard the teacher Princess!" I push him away and run out of the elevator pushing my mom to the side, I hear her laugh and just as I reach Krystina's room door I feel Hayden lift me up and pin me to the floor. "Gotcha!"

"Hayden! The floor is dirty." He looks at the floor and laughs.

"It's a hospital Princess, you can eat off these floors."

"Not recommended." Doctor Reyes, Krystina's doctor, says walking into Krystina's room along with my mom. She laughs as she walks past us.

"You heard him, no eating off the floor, it's dirty." I say trying to get up but Hayden holds me down and leans down closer to me.

"Well kiss and make up or you're staying on the floor." I sigh in defeat. Hayden starts making kissy noises.

"Jesus! Fine!" He laughs and gives me a quick kiss. He stands up and picks me up and kisses the top of my head. We walk into Krystina's room, finally and I see Aiden standing on the other side of the room and the doctor is standing beside Krystina.

"Can you tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how realistic was it?" She shrugged and sighed.

"I don't know like a nine maybe? It all happened fairly quickly." The doctor nodded.

"What happened?" I asked my mom.

"She had a really bad nightmare." The doctor says turning to me, he heard me. "We are assuming it might be her suicide attempt." The night I pushed her. My heart fell. "It's normal and actually a very good thing to have dreams of your memories. That means you can get your memory back." Krystina nods and looks at Aiden. She looks sad.

"You ok Krystina?" She nods never looking away from Aiden.

"What happened in the dream?" Krystina finally looks away from Aiden and looks at the doctor.

"Umm, it was just me falling and waking up. Then I walked away."

"You just walked away?" She nodded and the doctor closes the folder.

"You need to be completely honest with me." The doctor sat on the bed beside her and grabbed her hand, I noticed Aiden gets tense. "Was that it? No details?" She glanced at Aiden and then at me.

"I fell and Aubrey helped me. She told me I should come here but I didn't. So I walked away." She looked back at the doctor, "That's all I remember from the dream."

"So you remember Aubrey being there?" Krystina nods and the doctor gets up and walks to me.

"Do you think we can talk?" I swallow hard and cough.

"Yeah, sure." I pull away from Hayden, "I'll be right back." The doctor and I walk out of Krystina's room.

"Aubrey, can you tell me everything that happened that night she was talking about?" I pushed her.

"Yeah, um, she fell. We were talking and then she fell. I went to get her and I brought her to a bench." I pushed her and I just watched until I saw her move again at the bottom. "Then we talked, I begged her to go to the hospital, but she just started walking away. I don't know why I didn't force her to go or why I didn't follow her." The doctor nodded.

"Alright. Thank you Aubrey." He walked away and I go back into Krystina's room. Aiden is still sitting away from her and Hayden and Nina are over talking to her. I walk over to Aiden.

"Penny for your thoughts." He looks down at me and sighs.

"She remembers me as an asshole. You know what happened that night. I let her walk away after calling her trash, emo, bitch and a lot of other shit." I hug him and he hugs back.

"Prove to her that you didn't mean it." I look up at him. "Show her you've changed and that the nightmare was just you at your worst time when you didn't understand. I can get mom and Hayden out of here for a while." He smiles and kisses the top of my head.

"Thanks baby sister." I chuckle and punch his stomach, he lets out a grunt.

"I'm not a baby." He stands straight and exhaled.

"Nope you're a bitch." I smile at him and walk over to Hayden and my mom.

"Can we let Aiden have a few minutes with Krystina?" They look at me and stand up.

"Sure thing. I should go get the papers for you to sign anyway Krystina." My mom said grabbing her purse. "I'll be back in about half an hour." She walks out of the hospital and Hayden grabs me and throws me over his shoulder.

"Hayden what the hell?!" He smacks my ass and I yell, "HAYDEN!" He laughs and starts walking to the door.

"Sorry I needed some revenge from the other day." I look up and see Aiden looking at us, I give him thumbs up and Hayden walks out of Krystina's room and closes the door. I hope Aiden will be alright.

"Hayden where are we going?" He laughs and sighs happily.

"You'll see in a few seconds." I can't see where we are going, we went past the elevators. A few seconds later Hayden sets me down on a couch.

"What's this doing here?" He laughs and sits beside me.

"Well I learned they have a waiting room on this floor. No idea why." I smile and lay my legs on his lap.

"You went exploring and found a nice spot where no one comes; did you bring a hot nurse here by any chance?" I ask teasingly. He puts his and on my knee and I put my hand on top of his.

"Nah, I ruined my chances when I ended up being carried out of the room like I was crazy." I laugh and lightly push him.

"You'd so have a hot nurse here with you if you didn't mess that up huh?" I say calling his bluff. He shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. You got a hot nurse outfit?" He smirks at me and I laugh.

"Wow, that was so cheesy." He looks away looking sad.

"I thought it was kinda cute." I laugh and pull myself onto his lap.

"Aww, it was cute. I'm sorry. Kiss and make up?" He smirks and shrugs his shoulders.

"Teachers not here maybe I can reach second base." He hits my boob and laughs. I laugh and try to sound serious.

"That's not funny Hayden!" He smiles at me.

"Then why are you laughing dork?" I keep laughing and hit his shoulder.

"Shut up. It was mean. You just violated my right boob." He smirks again and licks his lips.

"Left one feeling left out?" He hits my left boob and laughs.

"Hayden!" I hit him on the head, "What is wrong with you?!" I say laughing along with him.

"Well a lot but you have to admit it's pretty funny." I scoff and look away.

"You know what would be funny? Giving you a lap dance and walking away." He grabs my chin and makes me face him.

"Are you offering me a lap dance?" I laugh and hit his hand away.

"No you sicko!" He sighs and pats my thigh.

"Damn. I was hoping you could give me that lap dance in your hot nurses' outfit." I hit his chest and laugh.

"You are just something Hayden Reed." He smiles and kisses my nose.

"I could say the same for you Aubrey Masters." I smile and sigh while brushing my hand through his hair.

"I don't understand you at all."

"What makes you say that?" I feel his hand sliding up and down my leg in a comforting way, nothing sexual, just nice.

"You're perverted and asking for a lap dance one moment then you go cute and kiss noses and all that stuff." He laughs and looks down.

"Yeah well-" he looks back up at me, "You did offer the lap dance." I hit the side of his head lightly. He laughs and pulls me closer to him and buries his face in my neck. "But really, I think it's nice to have a good balance between cute and romantic and playful and perverted." I feel him kiss my neck.

"I like the balance." I pull away and let him look at me, "It makes you unique and one of a kind. Makes you who you are." He smiles at me and kisses me lightly. I lay my head on his shoulder while I play with his fingers. "I love you." He kisses my forehead.

"I love you too." It feels amazing to actually have someone say they love me the way he does. After my supposed to be suicide attempt, self harm and eating disorders, he still cares about me. I'm 18 and I shouldn't be saying I love you to a guy I haven't been dating long. But something's that are supposed to be wrong can mean something great in the moment.
I close my eyes and listen to Hayden's steady breathing. I feel him slide his hand up and down my leg in the comforting way like he's always done so. Soon enough I end up feeling sleepy, but happy because now everything seems to be going right.
