Chapter 31


Chapter 31

Aiden's POV

            "It's really cool that the nurses are letting us stay for an hour." I say wrapping my arm around Krystina's shoulders.

            "Yeah, awesome," She smiles up at me but I'm not convinced.

            "So are we gonna talk about what happened last night?" She chuckles and sighs.

            "I was just upset for a minute. I didn't mean to cause all you guys trouble."

            "Are you sure it was just a moment of sad? Because depression is in your file and-" she covers my mouth.

            "Aiden, I don't remember things that caused my depression. I'm perfectly fine. It was just a moment of sadness. I promise." She takes her hand off my mouth and intertwines her hand with mine.

            "Okay. I just worry about you sometimes." She smiles and leans against me.

            "That just means you care. Just try not to worry so much alright?" I kiss the top of her head.

            "Fine, but I'm still gonna worry in private." She laughs and we sit there in silence just enjoying each other's company. "So Halloween is coming up. Do you think you can come out into the real world and dress up in a sexy maid outfit?" She laughs and hits my chest.

            "I'm not your maid. You can clean up your own shit." I laugh and pull her into a tight hug.

            "PLEASE! I don't wanna make my own sandwiches! I hate cleaning my room. Please!" I say in a whiny voice. I hear her laugh and pinch my side. I release her and grab the spot she pinched. "That wasn't nice. Now you have to be my maid." She laughs and rolls her eyes.

            "I'll make you sandwiches; you're stick with your own chores. I don't have to be nice, I'm your girlfriend." She says bringing her knees to her chest.

            "Sandwiches and you stay my girlfriend? I'll take it." She laughs and moves hair out of her face. "So how long until Frayia leaves? Duncan mentioned the other night she's leaving pretty soon."

            "Oh yeah, she leaves in four days. Duncan leaves a week after her and Talia leave on the 23rd of October."

            "And you're not sure about when you get out?" She shakes her head.

            "No clue. They haven't told me when I can get out. Sky leaves here on New Years, but he only knows that because he looked in his records."

            "Hey Krystina." We both look over and see a guy about 6'3 walking up to her.

            "Hey Trevan, why are you here?" He looks at me and sighs.

            "It's gonna sound weird but can I talk to your boyfriend here for a second?" She gives him a worried look.

            "Um, sure if he's cool with it," Krystina and Trevan look at me.

            "Yeah sure," Trevan walks over to the window and I follow behind him. "So Trevan, I'm Aiden." I hold out my hand and he shakes it.

            "Listen you really need to watch out for Krystina."

            "Why?" Trevan looks over at her.

            "When I came here, I hated her. I had to hate her." I raise an eyebrow.

            "Why did you have to hate her? More importantly if you did what changed?" He looks at the floor and licks his lips.

            "She doesn't remember anything, that's why I don't hate her."

            "And why did you have to hate her in the first place?" He looks over at Krystina and so do I. She's playing with Ellie while Hayden and Aubrey are sitting on the couch.

            "There's nothing wrong with me mentally." I looked back at him.

            "Then why are you here?" He sighs.

            "I'm Josh's step brother. He made me fake being schizophrenic so I would be sent here and get close to Krystina."


            "He's determined to get her back." I feel a lump form in my throat.

            "Get her back for what?"

            "For what happened in her past."

Aubrey's POV
             Krystina's gonna make a great mom, watching her play with Ellie proves it. I mean I play with Ellie too but Krystina has a natural connection with kids. I remember one day we went to the park together to talk and a little boy was trying to pay for ice cream but was too short, the guy was being an asshole and refused to give it to him. Krystina went up to the little boy and gave him the 5 dollars she had in her pocket. He bought his ice cream and hugged Krystina. In many other situations too, Krystina is just great with kids.

            Aiden walks back over to us with a serious look on his face, Krystina looks up at him.
"What did Trevan say to you?" Aiden smiled at her.

            "Nothing I don't already know. Josh is an asshole." Krystina bites her lip and looks back down at Ellie and her face turns playful once again. I scoot away from Hayden and sit beside Aiden.

            "What happened?"

            "When we get home, you need to tell me everything you know about Krystina." I'm taken back from the harshness in his voice.

            "Alright, why?"

            "Just do it. You don't need to know the reasons why." I sigh and scoot back to Hayden. Whatever that guy was talking to Aiden about, it got him in a bad mood.

            "Krystina?" We all look over at a nurse holding 3 notebooks in her hand. "Your psychiatrist told me to give you these so you don't have to visit him tomorrow." Krystina stands up and grabs the notebooks with a smile on her face.

            "Thank you." The nurse nods and walks away. Krystina holds the notebooks close to her heart.

            "What are those?" Hayden asks.

            "Notebooks to write stories and poems in," Hayden and I look at each other and even Aiden looks over at us. "What?" I smile and sigh happily.

            "You wrote amazing poems and short stories before the accident too." I stand up and grab the notebooks out of Krystina's hands. The top one has a cover with multiple hearts meshing together to create a bigger heart, the next one is a picture of a sunset and a couple sitting on a bench, the third one was a beautiful view of a pond; it was surrounded by trees and the water glimmered from the sunlight.

            "This one's really pretty," I say tapping on the one with a pond on it. Krystina nods, smiling.

            "I agree, it's my favorite," I hand them back to her.

            "So what story came to your mind?" Her smile fades for a split second but she catches herself and smiles wider.

            "A love story. A girl and boy meet, they fall in love and their love is so strong, they'd do anything to protect each other. The boy protects her and helps her all the time, but she has to protect him at some point in time. My psychologist said it's like a new aged Romeo and Juliet." She's definitely is a creative person.

            "I'm looking forward to reading it." Krystina laughs and nods.

            "I'm looking forward to writing it."

            "Well I think Hayden, Ellie and I should be going. I still have school, but after Christmas I'll have graduated."

            "That's actually a good thing to ask." Krystina says looking at Hayden, "How did you manage to get enough credits to graduate earlier?" I look over at Hayden and he raises his eyebrows.

            "What are you a mind reader now?" He ask picking up Ellie. Krystina laughs and shakes her head.

            "No I promise I'm not. I just felt a connection from you which made me assume we thought about the same thing."

            "Ok weird-o." I hit him and we all laugh, "But really Princess, how did that happen?"

            "I went to summer school one summer. I decided to get it all over with and hopefully graduate early hit after that summer and going back to school I decided against it again. So I got half a semester of credits." Hayden and Krystina nod.

            "Makes sense," Krystina says with a yawn.

            "Party too hard yesterday?" Hayden asks looking at Ellie in his arms about to fall asleep.

            "Yeah I did."

            "Hey." We all turn to look at Aiden, "Krystina would it be alright if I left with them?"

            "No of course not; I'll see you guys soon anyway, hopefully this week sometime I can have all you guys over for visitation anyway." Aiden walks past is and kisses Krystina.

            "Alright, we'll see you then." She smiles at him and nods. "Ready?" Hayden nods and we walk to the door, I hear Aiden mutter an 'I love you' to Krystina. As the doors buzz we walk out and head to the elevator. When we get in Aiden sighs loudly. "Now tell me everything you know about her Bree."

            Isigh and nod. This is gonna be a long night and a long interrogation.
