Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Nina's POV
I finish the dishes and feeding bubbles around 9:30, I'm happy the kids are having fun; I just hope they don't get into trouble. I start to walk upstairs when I hear knocking on the door. I walk downstairs with a sigh, who is out this late? When I open the door I see a boy about Aubrey's age with a puffy eye and bloody nose.

"Oh my god, come in hunny." I grab his hand and pull him into the kitchen.

"I didn't mean to disturb you." He looks really sad.

"It's no trouble at all, what happened?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you Aubrey's mom?" Does he go to school with Aubrey?

"Yes I am." I wet a paper towel and lightly wipe all the blood off of him. "Do you do to school with her?" He nods.

"I'm Leo. I'm new-ish." I sigh.

"Why did you come here? Did someone at your house do this to you?" He nods his head. "Was it your dad? Or-"

"Actually, it was my friend. I'm living with him. He beat me cause he found out I stole some pills." I sigh.

"Why would you steal pills?"

"They were his mom's antidepressants." I stop wiping the blood and look at him. "I can't afford to buy my own. My depression is getting worse." I sigh.

"How much do they cost?" He shrugs his shoulders. "I'll tell you what, if you promise to never steal again, I'll buy you the antidepressants."

"Really?" I nod.

"If Aubrey was at someone's house beaten up for taking something she feels she needs to survive but can't afford it I'd hope someone helps her. In the mean time, I do have a lot of people in this house for now but if you want I can go to the store and buy an inflatable bed so you can sleep in the living room with my son and his friend." He smiles at me thankfully.

"You're an amazing person." I smile.

"It's what my husband wanted me to be. Giving to people who need it. And I wouldn't live with myself if I found out you harmed yourself because of your depression. If the pills help then I won't have to worry." He nods and yawns. After I finish wiping the blood I hand him a sandwich bag of ice wrapped in a towel.

"My name is Leo by the way." He holds out his hand.

"I'm Nina." I shake his hand and grab my keys off the counter. "Now I have two children upstairs, if they wake up, tell them I'm letting you stay over tonight and that I'll be back shortly ok?" He nods.

"Thank you so much." I pull him into a hug. When I pull away I pat his head.

"When I get back you can shower if you want. I'll find you some clothes from one of the boys closets." He nods and follows me into the living room. "Feel free to watch TV. And if you're feeling hungry just grab something from the panty or in the fridge."

"Thanks a lot. It really gives me hope knowing there are supportive and helpful people in the world." I smile and nod.

"That's great to hear. I'll be back shortly." I walk out the door and into my car.

As I'm driving to the store I can't help but feel happy. I'm helping Hayden change his life for the better, Aubrey is happy, Aiden is happy, Krystina is going to have a supportive home, and now this boy is saying I give him hope. The only thing that could make this better, is hearing an 'I'm proud of you' from Jack.

Jonas' POV
When I get up for a glass of water I see a kid sitting on the couch watching TV. He looks up at me and smiles. "Hey, I'm Leo. Your mom said she'd be right back."

"Thanks but she's not my mom." His face drops.

"Oh, sorry, I just thought-"

"Its fine, she's like my mom but I think she'd be my grandma soon." He tilts his head to the side and I laugh. "So what are you doing here Leo?"

"Oh, I kinda came to see Aubrey. I had a bit of a bad night." I nod and cross my arms over my chest.

"Well you know Aubrey has a boyfriend right?"

"Oh yeah, I know. Are you Hayden?" I scoff and shake my head.

"No, Hayden's my foster brother." He gives me a confused look.

"Jonas?" I take a step back.

"Yeah?" He smiles and laughs.

"Oh man! You don't remember do you?" I shake my head. "We used to be in foster care together, the Simpson house?" I think back, I haven't remembered much of my past homes before living with Hayden. "Well you were the quiet one, you always stayed in your room. I'm not surprised you don't remember me. How are you?"

"I'm good, Hayden's great. Soon he's gonna adopt me and his daughter."

"His daughter?" I laugh and nod.

"Long story, but anyway, how are you?" He shrugs.

"I've been better, but right now I'm living with my friend. I ran away from my current foster home. They don't seem to care that I'm gone either." I nod understandingly, I know how it is.

"Well, since I'm up and apparently we have some catching up to do, you wanna play a game?" He nods.

"Sure. I'm staying the night tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I can go back. If not then I'll go to social services and ask for another foster family."

I pat his back and walk over to the game system. "How about COD? It seems like you could use some violence." We both laugh and sit on the floor.

After hearing about his foster family it took me back to the foster families I've had before living with Hayden and his mom. Sure his mom didn't care but Hayden treated me like his son. I don't show it much but I do appreciate Hayden for everything. He's going to adopt me! I don't have to worry about going back into the system. I can help but think of what my life would be like if I never turned in my foster family before Hayden. I'd probably be dead now. Crack dealers who fed us once a day and even that wasn't enough to get nutrients we needed.

I lucked out being sent to Hayden's house. I think I know what I'm gonna do now. I'm gonna adopt kids like me, kids like Leo. And I'll be a social worker so I can give the best possible home to kids. That's what I want to do with my life. That's what I feel I should do, that's what I feel I'm capable of now that Hayden has changed mine and Ellie's lives.

Jack's POV
She's gotten more beautiful over the years. I wish she could hear me, see me, even feel my touch. I just wish I could have done something differently to make her happy. What's the use of being her guardian angel if I can't help her. She wants me to tell her I'm proud of her, I'd do that and more. When we get to the store she steps out and yawns, she's such a giving lady. She's the lady I love, the woman I married.

She walks over to the air mattresses and sighs; they're on the top shelf. 'Get help Nina.' She looks side to side but stands on her tip toes reaching to the top shelf. 'Nina love please don't be stupid.' She jumps lightly and manages to pull it to her slightly. 'Nina it's heavy! Get help!' She smiles and reaches for it again. She manages to hit it again and it falls down toward her, I reach for it and it stops.

"Oh god, thank you," She smiles and moves her hair out of her face. "Hi."

"Hi." I turn around and see the security guard that works in her building. "I believe this is yours." She smiles and nods grabbing the box. "Careful it's heavy."

"Thanks. So what are you doing here Justin?" That's right. Justin.

"Well I came to get some dog food then I saw you reaching for something heavy on the top shelf and I knew if I didn't I didn't intervene then you'd be a pancake." She laughs and moves hair behind her hair. She really is beautiful. I can't help but feel jealous of Justin. He can help her, talk to her, comfort her. I'm just here. Watching silently. It breaks my heart that I get to see her every day but she can't see me.

"Yeah I guess it was a stupid move, it's just one of my daughters friends showed up at my house and he got in trouble. He was beat pretty bad."

"Really? Damn, what happened?" She sighs and bites her lip.

"Well he stole his friend's mom's antidepressants. I don't feel he should be in so much trouble because it seems like he genuinely needs it." Justin nods and grabs Nina's shoulder.

"You're a very thoughtful lady Nina." I see the color rise to her cheeks. She really likes him.

"Thanks. I just wish I could do more to help him." Justin's hand never leaves Nina's shoulder.

"Well did he mention why he's living with his friend?" She shakes her head.

"Well you're rubbing off on me. What if I go over there and see if I can help."

"You don't-"

"I don't mind Nina." She smiles up at him and I can feel how comfortable she is around him. I can't hold her back forever, my death was so long ago. She deserves to move on and be happy.

"Alright, yeah, let me just pay for this and you can follow me to my house."

"Ok, I suppose I should pay for this dog food too." They both laugh and walk over to the cash registers.

"Dad?" I look behind me and see Ashton, "You alright?"

I nod and smile, "I'm fine; I just wish your mom would finally be happy again."

"You actually want her to marry that tool?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he laughs. "I'm kidding."

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be watching over Krystina?" His face goes serious.

"Yeah;we have a problem."

