Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Krystina's POV
I have no clue where we are going, I thought that maybe if I looked at what streets and stuff we were on, I'd remember something but no luck. It really upsets me knowing that I'll probably never remember much of my life before the hospital. I suppose I can't complain; I'm alive, I'm with Aiden, I have amazing friends.

"Penny for your thoughts," Aiden says randomly. I laugh and look at him admiring all his facial features; he's a really good looking guy.

"Just thinking," He laughs and looks at me; his eyes are a warming hazel.

"That's kinda why I asked for your thoughts. What are you thinking about?" I scoff at my stupidity.

"Sorry. I'm just thinking about the fact I won't remember much else other than the selected memories and the things people tell me about my life before the hospital. But I am actually pretty happy with life now. I have Aubrey-" I grip his hand slightly tighter, "and you. I have Hayden and your mom as well but I honestly don't know them entirely too well." He laughs and nods.

"Well you haven't really talked to them much. Hopefully soon you'll be able to get to know them again, on a personal level." Again he glances at me, he has dimples.

"You have dimples." He instantly puts on a straight face and bites his lips. "Why are you hiding them now? I think they're cute." He raises and eyebrow to me.

"Why? Cause they're on me or because you just have a feeling? No offense, but you haven't exactly been out to experience other people with dimples." I look forward with a serious face.

"Touché Aiden. Touché," After a few seconds of keeping that serious face and exact position he laughs.

"God you're a fucking dork." I laugh and lean back against the seat.

"I made you laugh so it's worth it." I use my free hand and push some hair behind my ear. "But you're right. You are also wrong though."

"How so?" I look at him just taking in all I can.

"Cause you're the only person I like to take in all the details I can. I don't really care much if I forget details about others, just yours." He looks at me seriously and I clear my throat and look out the window. "Sorry for making that awkward." I can feel heat rise to my cheeks.

"It's alright." He says it like he was saying it to a child. Caring.
After about 10 minutes of random talking we finally stop. Aiden gets out of the car and opens my door for me. "You know you don't have to keep opening the door for me." I still can't look him in the face after the awkward confession.

"Well in all honesty, I wasn't going to this time, but something changed my mind." I finally look at his face and give him a questioning look.

"What changed your mind?" He grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him after closing the door, my breath catches in my throat.

"What you said. What you thought was an awkward answer." Having him this close to me makes me feel as though my mind and body shuts down. "Believe it or not it actually meant a lot to me to hear you say that." I try looking away but his other hand cups my chin and tilts my head to look at him. "And I want you to know I do the same. Not all the time I'll admit but I did when you first woke up," he pulls me closer to him, my heart is beating so fast I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack, "just today when you came out of the hospital-" He releases my chin and as much as I want to look away I can't. He uses that hand and pushes hair behind my ear. "And as soon as I saw you outside dressed in clothes that would look normal on every other girl." I see him smile and I swear my heart stops. "Just the moments that matter, when you get closer and closer to being who you want. Not a hospital patient with amnesia." I swallow hard.

"I'm not too sure but I think that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me this time around." Aiden smiles wide and laughs.

"Well I'm honored." He pulls away from me and opens the trunk of the car. I take the time to catch my breath and recompose myself.

After taking a few seconds to myself I walk over to Aiden. "Do you need help?" He smiles and throws a blanket over his shoulder.

"Yeah, you can stabilize me while I walk." I raise an eyebrow.

"Sorry, so what now?" Aiden closes the trunk of the car and holds my hand.

"Nothing, come on." He pulls me away from the car and soon we reach a paved path. We walk on silence hand in hand.

"Oh my god, I get it now!" I say looking up at Aiden.

"What do you get?" He asks with slight laughter in his voice.

"Stabilize you while you walk! Like hold your hand!" Aiden laughs loudly.

"Are you fucking serious? You just got that?" I push him lightly but never let go of his hand.

"Shut up. I have my moments." He laughs and gives my hand a light squeeze.

"Yeah, I see that now. You sounded so happy when you figured it out." I laugh and sigh.

"It was a big moment for me."

"What?! How so?" Aiden says still smirking at me. I shrug my shoulders.

"So where are we going?" I ask changing the subject to prevent myself from further humiliation.

"Well I'd tell you but then of have to kill you." I stop in my tracks and pull away my hand.

"Why the clichés?!" Aiden rolls his eyes and grabs my hand pulling me forward, "Cliché's ruin everything." Aiden laughs and shakes his head.

"For you maybe, I love cliché's."

"Why? It's predictable! I'd prefer something like-"

"Like what we have?" He looks down at me smiling.

"Well, yeah. A girl with amnesia who was well, crazy for lack of the better word, and a guy who's apparently a hockey star-"

"No!" He says cutting me off. "Technically, I was the baseball star, Hayden took the hockey star spot, just to even out the score." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. You know what I mean though. You wouldn't really expect us to end up together or something. Hayden and Aubrey's relationship is sorta cliché."

"How so?"

"A sister and her brother's best friend." He nods.

"Yeah I guess that is true, but keep in mind you got them together technically." Aiden and I round a corner and I see a beautiful pond.

"Oh my god, this is amazing." I can't take my eyes away from the glistening water and perfect landscape.

"I thought you'd like it. Come on. There's a dock a little farther down." We continue walking for another 2 or 3 minutes and I see a dock that is out in the water. We walk all the way to the end and Aiden releases my hand, I instantly walk over to the railing. I hear Aiden behind me putting the stuff down, "Here," I look at him and see him step over the railing and sit down.

"Are you crazy?! You're gonna fall in."

"I've done this many times, never with anyone so let's try it. Come here." He holds out his hand, I sigh and take off my wedges. I grab his hand and slowly climb over the railing. "Luckily it's wood and flat enough to sit on without worrying." I finally sit down and sigh in relief.

"Well not to be a downer but I'm still worrying." He laughs and scoots closer to me.

"Don't worry," he wraps his arm around my waist and holds me tight. "I'll make sure you don't fall in." I feel a smile cross my face. I am probably gonna regret this.

Aiden's POV
"Thanks, where's your phone?" I raise an eye brow.

"Um, on the blanket over there, why do you need to make a call?" She smiles at me.

"No, just making sure I don't break anything." Before I can say anything I feel her push me, my hand is still around her waist so I just hold her tighter and pull her closer. A few moments later we both are submerged in water, we both swim up and she laughs. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." I splash water in her face and she laughs again.

"That wasn't nice." I say pulling her close.

"Yeah, well. Now we don't have to worry about falling in." She smiles at me and I can't help but laugh.

"You got a point. Now let's get outta here before some water monster steals you away." She pushes me lightly.

"Why me?! You're the one with the muscle, I'm sure you're more appetizing than me."

"I might taste better but I could fight it off, you probably can't." She raises her eyebrows and smirks.

"Are you assuming I can't fight? I told you what I did to that one nurse. And I'm slightly offended that if I was captured you wouldn't fight for me." She starts to swim away when I grab her hand and pull her to me again.

"In my defense I'm not the best swimmer. Believe me I'd try but I doubt I'd be much help." She shakes her head and looks away from me.

"Understandable but still not forgiven," She pulls away and swims to the shallow waters, I follow after her still trying to defend myself.

"What do you mean not forgiven? It's the thought that counts." She turns to me but keeps swimming to the shallow water.

"If I'm to get dragged down by a water monster, I want actions! Screw thoughts at that point." I laugh and swim faster to her.

"I'll tell you what-" I grab her waist and manage to stand in the water at this point. "If it was even slightly possible you were in danger of a water monster, or any monster at all, I'd do anything to protect you." She smiles at me.

"Thank you. Now tell me, what monster should I avoid because you know for a fact you can't beat them?" I sigh with a smile on my face.

"I'm sure I can manage to beat them all for you but stay away from all of them."

"Got it, monsters; bad." I shake my head.

"You're just something." She licks her lips and looks up at me.

"Is that a good thing?" I move her hair off her face and hold her face. She puts her hands on my shoulders to keep herself afloat.

"It's a great thing." I pull her lips to mine. I feel her hands tighten on my shoulders and drift closer to me. This girl is absolutely crazy and will drive me insane but moments like this make it worth it. I pull away from the kiss and take my hand off of her face. Before I can say anything she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me again, I bring my hands to her waist and pull her closer to me. I start walking to the edge of land.

When I manage to get calve deep in the water I slip, "Shit!" I yell and turn so I fall on my back and Krystina falls on top of me. She laughs into my chest.

"Nice going, now you're muddy." I laugh and run my hand in the mud.

"Well it's not entirely my fault. And not to mention-" I bring my hand up and smear mud on her face. "You're muddy too." She playfully hits my chest.

"That was unnecessary." I laugh and move her hair behind her ear.

"So is the fact that you're still on top of me and that I'm still in the mud." She laughs and stands up. I manage to get up without dirtying myself more. I hear her laugh loudly. "What?"

"How are you gonna get in your car without making a mess?"

"I don't mind driving in my underwear." I give her a smirk and her face grows serious.

"You're not joking are you?" I shake my head.

"You've seen me half naked already, what's the harm in doing it again. Its better than getting my poor car dirty." She laughs and walks to the dry dock, I follow behind her carefully.

"Well even then, I'm still wet." I see her flip her hair to the side and wring it out.

"Well I suppose you're gonna have to get half naked as well." I wink at her and she flips me off. "Feisty. I love it." She rolls her eyes at me and walks to the blanket. "I'm kidding." I get to the dock and take off my shirt, when I look back up I see Krystina looking the other way blushing. I smile and take off my pants. "You know you're bad at hiding your feelings for me."

"Shut up, it's not my fault you're hot." I hear her sigh and shake her head, I don't think she meant to say that. I finally get my pants off and set them to the side with my shirt. "Why must you get naked now?!" Krystina yells and looks over at the water. I sigh and walk over to her.

"Well why wait, it's just gonna waste time later, I'll tell you what-" I grab her hand. "You can sit in my car soaking wet. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." She looks at me and sighs. She pulls her hand away and walks to the blanket pointing at it.

"You mind?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Um, sure," I'm about to sit on the blanket when she pulls it off the floor and hands it to me.

"Hold it up." I tilt my head in confusion. She raises my hands to hold the blanket over her. "Like this."

"What are you doing?" She doesn't answer. The next thing I see is a pair of pants land next to mine. "What the fuck are you-" I feel the blanket get snatched from me. She hands me her wet shirt and smiles.

"I'm comfortable. I just didn't wanna give you a strip tease for free." She lays the blanket back down and sits on her knees, she's in her underwear and bra.

"Ok what in your right mind made you strip?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm comfortable, I don't want to sit around in wet clothes, and I figured, hell; let's make this a naked party." I shake my head and sit down beside her.

"Well, if that's the case I should say; One I was actually gonna call this our first date. And second, I love your underwear." She looks down and laughs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles underwear.

"Well I watched them on the television at the hospital; they're some fucking awesome mutant turtles who happen to be teenage ninjas."

"Wow you went way too into that; you could have just said I like the show." She laughed.

"Too simple, I like making some things complicated." She smiled at me and bit her lip. "So our first date huh?" I nod.

"Yeah, I was hoping you would agree."

"Well-" She looks down at herself and back at me scanning my body. "I normally don't get naked on first dates but I guess it's something new." I scoff.

"Excuse you; first off, you don't remember if you've had any other dates and two, you caused us both to end up naked." She laughed and pushed my shoulder.

"You're mean." I pull her into tight hug.

"I'm sorry!" I feel her patting my chest.

"You're forgiven, now let me go." I release her and she sighs heavily.

"Jesus, I'm not ready to be smothered." I laugh and pull out the food from the bag I put them in.

"I wasn't too sure what you'd like-"

"Pizza," I look up at her.

"Yeah? Aubrey mentioned that. Next time I'll take you out for real pizza. Not the cheap hospital kind. Pinkies and promises." I hold up my pinky.

"That sounds really familiar." I smile and grab her hand.

"It was something you said all the time. Aubrey, Hayden and I all said it in tribute to you. Aubrey said you told her that your little brother made it up when he was small and you've been saying it ever since." She smiles and nods. She licks her lips and holds up her pinky.

"Pinkies and promises," I laugh and wrap my pinky around hers.

"For now however, Aubrey told me you like PB&J sandwiches so I made us some." She let's go of my pinky and as I lean forward she wraps her arms around and her hands are on my chest.

"Thanks for this amazing day Aiden." I look over my shoulder and smile at her.

"Well thank you for sharing it with me." She leans forward and gives me a tiny kiss. When she pulls away she grabs a sandwich out of my hand and sits back. I look at my phone to check the time, 4:56. I don't get much more time with her. I need to make this last.

We sit together talking and eating out sandwiches, it's nice to get to know her on a real personal level. It's just nice to be here with her.

