Michael- Scary Movies

||age: 10||
|| Jaelyn- your sister(16)||
||y/n- your name||
||summary: you and Jaelyn are home alone watching a scary movie when Michael said Not to||

Y/n Pov:

Daddy was gone leaving me and Jaelyn home alone, he said he would be back at 12 or 1 in the morning so that meant I could stay up past 9. Bedtimes suck!

We were watching a scary movie and in between the movie i got scared and I couldn't watch it anymore. It was a jump scare part that scary clown came out of no where and was going to kill that women, me and Jaelyn screamed at the same time but I just clung to her tightly hiding my face in her side

" y/n, are you scared " she said moving me to see my face

" mhm " was all I could say as I nodded my head

" we don't have to watch this anymore if your scared I don't want you to have nightmares and come crawling in my bed " she said turning on the movies to put a cartoon on

" come here we can watch this, dad said to have you in bed before 11 so maybe these cartoons will get that movie out of your head " she said holding me in her arms

She was a really nice sister, when she wanted to be...!

I remember checking the clock to see 11:28 then looking at Jaelyn to see her also asleep before my eyes completely shut

I don't know how long we have been asleep but maybe not to long
I felt Jaelyn move me and pick me up she was probably taking me to bed so I stayed asleep because I was to tired

Michael Pov:

It was 12:40 when I got home and found the girls on the couch watching cartoons with a mess of candy wrappers everywhere. I started cleaning up there mess when Jaelyn woke up

" oh, sorry for the mess dad " she said rubbing her eyes as I kissed her forehead " it's alright I got it go to sleep I'll take y/n up " I said as she nodded and said goodnight

Once I finished the mess I picked y/n up and brought her to her bed room kissing her forehead before I left her room.

I took a shower and got into my pajamas before staying up to watch my favorite show.

It was around 2 in the morning when I heard a loud scream and footsteps.

Y/n Pov:

it was dark there was a dark room and a bunch of clowns around me, I tried screaming for help but nobody came and got me then out of no where the scary clown ran towards me with a chain saw

" AAAAAAAHHHHHHH " I jumped up out of my sleep screaming holding my teddy bear I looked around and saw my closet was open and it looked like there was a clown in there
" AAAAAAHHHHH DADDY JAY JAY AAHH HELPPP PLEASE" I screamed and cried until somebody opened the door and it was Jaelyn. She was rubbing her eyes and came straight to me

" y/n what's wrong " she said worried as I cried and held onto her " I want daddy please go get him is he here " I asked crying as she nodded

Then we heard footsteps and it was daddy he ran to the other side of the bed and I climbed onto him holding him tightly as Jaelyn sat on the edge of my bed

" daddy don't let them kill me please don't let them " I cried

" y/n I need you to relax and tell me, who is them, I promise you nobody is going to kill you " I said as she tried to catch her breathe but couldn't then Jaelyn spoke up for her

"dad I'm sorry we watched a scary movie and she got scared so I turned it off and we watched cartoons because I thought it would take the movie off her mind" Jaelyn told me as I got furious

" and did it work " I said gritting my teeth as she shook her head

" what did I tell the both of you about watching scary movies " I said looking back and forth at them

" not to " y/n said wiping her tears still holding onto me

" and what did you guys do " I asked as Jaelyn looked down at her fingers

" watch a scary movie " she said sadly and quietly

" right, Jaelyn tomorrow morning I want your phone in my hands and y/n I want your tablet, you both will get them back when I feel like giving them back got it " I said as they both nodded and said yes

" Jaelyn back to bed thanks for trying to help your sister " I told her as she nodded leaving the room

" daddy can I sleep with you in your bed please I don't wanna be alone please " y/n asked hiccuping as I nodded and picked her up

I laid her down on the other side of the bed only for her to cuddle into me and leave me 10% of the bed

" I'm sorry we watched the movie after you said no daddy " she said as I kissed her forehead

" I accept your apology but I'm still taking your tablet " I said as she nodded and rubbed her eyes

" get some sleep and I won't let anybody hurt you I promise I said as she nodded almost immediately going back to sleep
