All- Tantrums


Calum Pov:

Me, y/n and Mali were at the mall when y/n saw the build a bear store and wanted to go in so she let go of my hand and ran towards the store

" y/n get over here " I said chasing her and then picking her up before she got anywhere near the store

" dada wan it " she said reaching for the stuffed animals she saw

" you already have to many " I said kissing her cheek as we continued walking out

" y/n how about for your birthday auntie Mali will take you " Mali said as y/n just threw her head back and whined

" wan it now " y/n said full out crying

" y/n stop crying we're gonna leave if you don't stop " I told her sternly and watched as everybody was staring at us

" WAN IT " she said crying and kicking and hitting my shoulder

" y/n you don't hit dada that's a time out when we get home " I said sternly as she kept crying

" no timeout " she said wiping her eyes crying more

" yea time out " I said putting her in her stroller

" NOO DADA NO " she said screaming and trying to get out her stroller

" OUT OUT MAWI " she said turning around trying to reach for Mali

I hit her thigh but not to hard, as she stopped immediately " stop crying y/n that's it no stuffies were going home " I told her as she hid her face on the side of her stroller crying more

" Cal she's a baby she doesn't know any better she just wanted a stuffed animal- " Mali said before I cut her off

" no, we're leaving " I told her sternly taking y/n's stroller away from her as I walked to the car going home where y/n would sit straight in time out.



Ashton Pov:

" y/n no leave the drums alone before something happens " I told her for the 6th time as she just stomped whining

" I wanna play daddy please " she said throwing her self on the ground

" y/n stop it " I said picking her up and sitting her in the corner

" your gonna sit there until you finish your little tantrum " I told her sternly before walking out the living room

" DADDY NOOO " she said screaming and getting out from the chair in the corner

" sit down now y/n I'm not playing around, your not a baby you shouldn't be throwing tantrums " I said as she stomped around crying more

" but I wanna play the drums " she said pulling on my arm

" and daddy said no, so it's no, you could either stop crying and go watch tv or go cry in the corner and I'll take your iPad for 4 days " I said as she whined holding onto my leg

" no take my iPad away daddy " she said putting her face on my leg

" then get up and wipe your tears stop crying " I told her as she got up from the floor wiped her tears and made grabby arms

" look at me, when daddy says no it's no alright I don't like to see my princess cry ok " I told her as she nodded " okay daddy " she said sniffling and putting her head on my shoulder as I rocked her back and forth



Luke Pov:

I've been trying to get y/n to let go of the pacifier but she was to attached to it

" dada paci " she said as I shook my head " you don't need it princess " I said but she didn't like that answer

" PACI " she said pulling at my pants

" no paci y/n " I told her as she threw herself on the floor and started crying and screaming bloody murder

" y/n stop " I said picking her up as she kicked and screaming

" NO " she said pushing me away from her

" PACI WIGHT NOW DADA " she said crying even louder

" I think it's nap time " I said holding her head at my shoulders bouncing her around as she tried to pick her head up

" shhh no more crying stop y/n " I said bouncing her around as her cries slowly turned into sniffling

" dada paci " she said wiping her eyes

" You dont need it baby, your a big girl no more paci " I said as she whined but I quickly shushed her

" otay dada I be big girl " she said as I kissed her cheek

" if you take a nap with no paci when you wake up we can go get some treats about that " I said as she lifted her head and smiled nodding. She put her head back on my shoulder as I walked to her room setting her down as she quickly fell asleep with her stuffed animal in her hands

Michael Pov:

The guys were over and we were all working on new songs we were working on when y/n walked in the room

" hi uncle cally, hi uncle ashy, hi uncle lukey " she said as they said hi and hugged her

" daddy can I play on your phone " y/n ask as I told her no but she didn't just let it go

" please please please I love you very very much daddy please " she said as the guys awed

" I love you very much to but I need my phone baby " I said as she started getting tears in her eyes

" awe baby don't cry I'm sorry I would give it to you but I need it " I said as she just broke down and sat on the floor with her knees in her hands

" y/n it's alright don't cry here you can have my phone " Luke told her as she shook her head

" you d-don't have daddy's
g-games on h-his phone " she said crying and hiccuping

" here you can download one I don't mind " he said passing his phone to her but she didn't take it

" I want daddy's phone " she said kicking her legs against the floor

" y/n if your gonna throw a tantrum go to room " I told her as she only screamed at me saying NO

" alright I'll be back " I said putting my guitar down and picking her up from the floor taking her to her room sitting her on the bed as I kneeled infront of her

" there's no need to cry for my phone you have your tablet " I told her as she shook her head

" it's dead I WANT YOUR PHONE  PLEASE DADDY " she said getting louder as she kicked her feet

" y/n stop, you can take uncle Luke's phone baby he was giving it to you " I said as she shook her head

" then sit here and cry, and when your done you can finish crying here " I said getting up as she made grabby arms

" fine, don't leave me I won't cry anymore " she said wiping her eyes as I picked her up bringing her back to the living room

She ran at sat next to Luke and calum, " want to download a game? " Luke asked her as she nodded and thanked him cuddling into him

She looked over at me and I blew her a kiss and she smiled and blew one back
