all- whos your favorite

Calum- Daddy
Ashton- Papa
Luke- dada
Michael- baba
y/n- your name /\ age: 3

the 5SOS boys adopted y/n when she was just 5 months old, now she was 3 and y/n absolutely loved her daddies, she did have one favorite but she never said who, well the boys decided today's the day to get it out of her and find out who's the favorite!!

Calum Pov:

We were all sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast when we heard
y/n on the baby monitor,

" d-daddy " she whined as I smiled
" be right back " i said jogging up the steps all the way to y/n's room
" hey princess " i said as she made smiled " daddy up " she said making grabby hands for me,

I picked her up kissing her temple and carried her downstairs sitting her in her high chair as she blew kisses to all the boys, " hi papa " she said leaning over to ashtons side " hi baby " he said making her giggle

" what we do today " she asked as i shrugged and Luke chirped in " let's go to the mall, i need new clothes " he said as y/n groaned
" dada take too long " she said making us all laugh

" how about we go to game stop " Michael said as we all just stared at him " nope " y/n said making us laugh again

Ashton Pov:

" well, where does the princess wanna go " i said as she just shrugged " gotsa think " she said putting her hands under her chin thinking, calum brought over pancakes cut up into hearts and strawberry pieces in a separate tiny bowl

" thank you daddy " she said puckering her lips and kissing calum's cheek, she grabbed her little fork eating a strawberry and smiling,

" papa, we go swimmin' " she said pointing to the backyard, " sure if you want to " he said as everybody nodded

" but no crying when it's time to get out " Luke said as she nodded
" no crying dada, p'omise " she said as he nodded

we finished our breakfast and i quickly wiped y/n's sticky mouth, even though she kept squirming around trying to get away from

" okay okay okay we go now " she said as i looked at the boys and they nodded

I helped her out her high chair setting her on the floor as she started running in circles

Michael Pov:

" your going to get dizzy munch " I said as she stopped and looked at me " I no munch baba, you much " she said grabbing my leg " munch munch " she said as we all laughed

" double munch " calum said as we all smiled and laughed at the two, " up up " y/n said making grabby hands for me, i picking her up and putting her on my hip

" come on we go swimming now " she whined kicking her feet as I smiled kissing her cheek " alright alright, let's go before she throws a tantrum " I said as everybody nodded and smiled,

I brought her to her room and changed her into her bathing suit

i tied her hair in a bun and put her bow on, and walked out the room bumping into Luke

" take her im gonna get changed " I said as he nodded and y/n giggled hugging him,

Luke Pov:

i took y/n from Michael kissing her cheek making her giggle, we past by the hall mirror and y/n reached out for it " dada, picher " she said as I smiled, I stepped back and took my phone out, " smile " I said as she did hugging me and I took the picture

" now swim come on " she said bouncing as I smiled walking to the yard where calum and Ashton were already splashing each other with water guns

" only 11 in the morning and you guys are acting like this, and to think I'm the youngest " I said shaking my head at y/n and she giggled, but then they sprayed us making y/n squeal and giggle

Nobody's POV/\ Time Skip

the boys were all in the pool with y/n watching her swim around with her life vest giggling at how crazy her daddies were

" daddy no get hurt " she told calum as he was about to attempt to jump over michael into the pool!

" i won't " he told her as he proceed to jump in the pool making a splash, y/n kicked her short chubby legs all the way to calum and clung to him

" no do dat again " she said putting her forehead on calums
" okay okay " he said giggling

" y/n let's do a challenge stay right here and me, daddy, papa and baba are gonna go over there " Luke said as she nodded

The boys swam to the shallow side of the pool and all turned to face y/n giggling

" alright now come here " Luke said

" come to me " Michael said

" come here princess " calum said

" hey you, get over here " Ashton said as y/n stayed looking at her daddies, she didn't know which one to go to,

" I'm your favorite come here " the boys all said surprisingly in sync, nobody saw that coming

" I have no favorites i love all of you " she said giggling then swimming over to them

" but i love daddy alittle more " she said swimming all the way to y/n making the others grown

" who's your second favorite " Ashton asked as y/n pointed to Micheal making Luke and Ashton groan

" then papa and dada " she giggled as Luke gasped

" why dada last " Luke asked as y/n swam out of calums arms and into Luke's

" dada say no too much, " she said making all the boys laugh

" I don't say no a lot " he said as y/n pecked his lips, " yes you do, but i still love you dada " she smiled hugging Luke putting her head on his shoulder as all the boys awed

" now let's keep playing, let's race " y/n smiled as all the boys got in swimming positions, of course letting y/n win, but if y/n was happy so were the boys!
