Cal & Ash- disrepectful

{ ages- 5&7 }
C- 5 / A- 7


" your going to sit here until you learn to respect " i told y/n as i put her in the corner " no " she responded crossing her arms and pushing my hand off her shoulder

" do you want me to add 10 more minutes, your already at 10, do you want 20 " i asked as she gasped " then respect, what does daddy say about talking back "

" that it's rude " she mumbled as i hummed in response walking away as she sighed swinging her feet in the timeout chair.

—5 minutes later

" can i get up now " she asked as i shook my head " quiet " i said as she pouted and whined " out " she said reaching for me " no y/n " i said sternly as the water works started " wan' cuddles " she said holding her balled fist to her eyes letting tears drop

I sighed not wanting to give in but i hated to see my princess cry,
" you still have 3 minutes, you can do it " i said as she shook her

" you can get cuddles after timeout and we can watch movies " i did trying to cheer her up as she turned around and said
" im not talking to you anymore "

I silently laughed because i knew how to get her to talk to me. So i quickly got up to get 2 bowls of ice cream ( your favorite ) i bought them to the living room seeing her still facing the wall

i sat down and turned the tv on to her favorite cartoon and coughed as i started eating the ice cream
" ugh, this is so good " i said as she turned around and gasped

" can i have some daddy " she said quietly making me look at her
" i thought you were going to talk to me " i said as she pouted " im sorry " she said sadly as i smiled and held my arms out for her, she didn't hesitate to run into my arms and take her bowl of ice cream " i love you " she said cuddling into me as i smiled back " i love you you too "


" y/n get up now " i told her sternly as she sat there on the floor in Walmart crying because i told her she couldn't have a certain toy, she already had to many and i always ended up cleaning after her!

" I WANT IT " she shouted kicking her legs against the floor as i sighed watching everybody else in the toy aisle watching her throw a whole tantrum. " im not gonna say it again get up " i said getting down to her level as she then decided to hit my arm " you don't hit, your old enough to know that " i told her as she whined kicking at my leg, i decided i had enough i left everything and picked her up as her little fist hit my back repeatedly until we got back to the car where she started calming down but kept crying silently

Once we got home i decided i needed to cool down have a break, i took my hoodie off setting it to the side and grabbing a pack of
y/n's fruit snacks with a cup of water. " i walked to the living room to see y/n writing something on paper

When I sat down she gave it to me and ran upstairs, when i read the note it made my heart melt and break

to daddy:

im very sorry i was being a bad dawter (daughter) and if you don't want me no more I get it, im very sorry for making you upset with me please don't hate me, i love you very much and hope you can forgive me -y/n irwin

I walked upstairs to see her in her room playing with the mini drum set i brought her for her birthday and she's been obsessed

I knocked on her door making her look up and look back down at the drums " hi y/n " i said leaning against the door frame as she looked at me with a sad smile
" hi daddy " she said putting the drumsticks down

I walked over to her picking her up as she leaned her head on my shoulder " you are not a bad daughter, your the best and i love you, but you know throwing tantrums doesn't get you what you want right!? " i asked her as she nodded

" im sorry daddy " she said as i kissed her cheek making her giggle " i forgive you " i said as she smiled " you know we could go get ice cream just me and you " i said as she gasped but then frowned
" but i don't deserve it " she said as i sighed tickling her until she begged me to stop

" say you'll come get ice cream with me and I'll stop " i said as she giggled until she said she would come " good " i said walking to the car with her to go get some ice cream
