Calum- Pizza Night

||age: 5||
||y/n- your name||
||summary: you,calum and ashton were having a pizza night when...||

Y/n POV:

" alright pizza time " daddy said bringing pizza into his room making me and uncle ashy cheer

He gave me a plate and helped me eat the pizza since it was to much and with the pizza we were watching (whatever movie you want) I loved this movie

In between the movie uncle ashy threw a napkin at made head

" heyyy how rude " I said giggling as he put his finger to his mouth and pointed at my dad and when I looked I saw he fell asleep

" daddy's sleeping " I said poking his stomach

" I think so " uncle ashy said laughing

" he fell asleep with the pizza on his tummy " I said giggling while moving the pizza off of him

" here " I said passing it to uncle ash

" we hafta cover him up " I said putting the blanket over his body and kissing his nose and his fluffy cheek

" goodnight daddy " I said giggling as uncle ashy carried me to go brush my teeth

Once we finished he put me in bed with my daddy and he went to the spare room
The next morning _______________________

Calum Pov:

I woke up looking at the clock it was 10, I don't remember anything that happened last night so I went to check up on ash and y/n but Ashton and y/n both weren't in there rooms so i went to the kitchen and saw ash cooking pancakes and y/n at the table coloring something

" morning sleepy head " Ashton said turning to me making y/n look up and giggle at me running towards me

" daddy you fell asleep last night so I tucked you in like you do to me " she said squishing my cheeks around

"you did, well thank you princess" I said kissing her cheek as she ran back to her drawing

" yea man you fell asleep with the pizza on you " Ashton said as we both laughed

"Ima go brush my teeth and I'll be back " I said as I nodded

Once I came back y/n ran up to me with a picture in her hand

" here daddy I drew you this " she said handing me a picture of what seemed like what happened last night since she was giggling

" look it's me and uncle ashy next to you and then you with the pizza on your tummy " she said giggling

" it's amazing ima gonna put it on the fridge so I don't forget about that night " I said as she jumped around happily

We sat down to eat breakfast and watched a few more shows until Ashton had to go home while me and y/n spent the day cuddling
