Luke- Tattoo's?

||age: 8||
| y/n- your name|
| your curious as to why your uncles have tattoos but not your dad |

Luke Pov:

we were all in an interview and explaining all of our tattoos but of course i didn't have any so i just sat there talking and laughing about the others tattoos and everything they had to say about it

i also brought y/n because i had nobody to watch over her and she had been clingy this whole week it! I could see in her eyes it was killing her that she wasn't next to me i kept turning to her giving her reassuring smiles as she stayed pouted the whole time

once the interview was over y/n didn't hesitate to run and crawl on my lap leaning into my chest
" daddy's girl " calum teased her as she blushed and hid in my chest.

we were all leaving and packing up when y/n stopped and asked
" why does uncle cally,ashy and mikey have tattoos but you don't "

" well i don't know it probably hurts and " i was cut off by ashton
" and your daddy's just a big baby "as y/n shook her head
" my daddy is very strong " she said crossing her arms as i quietly laughed

" dont get yourself into trouble with the big boss " Michael said as y/n just reached her arms up to be carried. I set her on my hip she quickly leaned her head on my shoulder yawning " somebody's tired " calum said as i nodded " it's only 1 in the afternoon nap time, i think i need a nap too " Ashton said as calum and Michael shook there heads being hyper

" how about we all go over to my house and let y/n sleep and when she wakes up we could go out somewhere " Calum said as me and the others just nodded and followed calum

once we got to Calum's house he took a sleeping y/n from me and laid her in his room slightly closing the door and when he came down we all decided to watch tv!

Once y/n woke up she quickly crawled on me, laying her head under my neck " come here i never get anymore hugs from you " calum said as she picked her head up looking at me and giggling " go " i smiled as she quickly went over to sit with calum until we decided to go out

" where does the princess want to go " calum asked with y/n sat on his hip " candy store " she cheered as we all smiled " i saw that coming " Michael said as we all nodded

we all put our shoes on and y/n quickly ran back to my side holding my hand, and that's how she stayed for the rest of the day
attached to my hips and hands
