
Calum:(4)- Shy Like Daddy
Calum Pov:

I brought y/n to the studio with me because I had nobody to watch her, once we got there all the boys were there and y/n immediately gets shy and hides behind my leg

" I know your not being shy with uncle Mikey " Michael said tickling her as she giggled

" my one and only favorite niece " Ashton said getting up to steal y/n from Michael.

We all played around until we all went to record our parts but when it got to my turn y/n just clung to me

" y/n I have to go I'll be back " I said as she whined and shook her head

" no you don't hafta go daddy " she said whining as I passed her off to Luke and she immediately screamed making me turn around and take her to a corner

" y/n you do not scream like that in here, you hear me, now your gonna stay in this corner until I get back got it " I told her as she sat herself down looking away from me

" understand hoodie " I said sternly as she nodded still not looking at me

I went in to record my part, it only took about 20 minutes when I came back I saw Ashton sitting with her in the corner

" meanie " Ashton said like a child as I rolled my eyes and picked y/n up. I brought her back to the couch to sit next to Luke but she immediately crawled on my lap and leaned onto me

" hey I didn't get to say hi to you " the music producer said as y/n his her face in my chest

" you must be y/n hood huh " he said poking her shoulder as she nodded

" are you shy and quiet like your daddy " he asked her as she nodded and I kissed her cheek

" like father like daughter " I said as everybody laughed

Michael:(6)- No girlfriends
Michael Pov

My new girlfriend Crystal was coming over we've been together for a few months as I thought it was time for her to meet y/n

It was around 1pm when she came around me and the guys were hanging out in my living room and y/n was upstairs doing whatever she was doing

The doorbell rang and everybody greeted crystal they boys have already met her but I was scared thinking what y/n would think

"y/n comedown here really quick" I yelled from uo the stairs

" coming " she said as we all heard little footsteps coming down the steps

" y/n this is Crystal, daddy's girlfriend " I said as I picked her up putting her on my hip

" girlfriend " she whispered to me as I nodded my head and she hid her face in my neck

" can you say hi " I said tickling her as she gave a small wave

" let's go sit down see what your uncles are doing " I said holding crystals hand with y/n still in my arm

I sat her next to calum where she immediately crawled in his lap looking away from everybody

" y/n come sit over here " I told her but she only shook her head and held on tighter to calum

Calum Pov:

Michael had told y/n to sit with him and crystal but she shook her head and held my shirt tighter

" hey why don't you wanna sit over there " I asked as she only looked at me and started crying quietly

" y/n what's wrong " Luke said as Michael quickly looked at us

I wiped her tears and excused us as I took her to the back yard to sit down

" what's wrong " I said as she cried more " daddy has a girlfriend " she said as laughing quietly and felt bad for her

" S'not funny uncle cally " she said as I sat there and hugged her

" you don't want daddy to have a girlfriend " I said as she shook her head and wiped her eyes

" daddy won't pay attention to me anymore i wanna be daddy's only girl " she said sounding upset

" y/n you will always be the only gurl your daddy loves with ALL of his heart " I said as she shook her head

" no I don't want her here " she said wrapping her arms around my neck

Just on time Michael came out with crystal and it only made y/n more upset

" what's the matter " Michael said taking her from me as I stood up and watch her give crystal a death stare.

" uhh crystal how about we go inside give these two some time...alone " I said as she nodded and walked back inside

Michael Pov:

" wanna talk " I said as she shook her head

" nothing to talk about " she said wiping her eyes tiredly

" yes tell me why are you upset or who are you upset at " I said as she pointed to me

" why are you mad at me " I said confused

" because I don't want you to have a girlfriend, only love me " she said starting to cry again

" y/n you know I'll always love you more then anybody else right I wouldn't want any other girl but you " I said as she shook her head

" so then why do you have a girlfriend " she said crossing her arms

" I don't like her and I won't be her friend never ever " y/n said as my eyes went wide

" alright you don't have to be her friend but you have to be nice can you do that for me " I said pouting at her kissing her cheek as she smiled and giggled

"fine but I don't wanna talk to her" she said as I rolled my eyes shaking my head tickling her as we walked in the house

She sat back down next to calum and Ashton and kept glancing over at me and crystal

I had my arms wrapped around crystal and y/n gave me a mad face so I took my arm off of crystal and y/n smiled leaving crystal confused

" what's wrong " crystal whispered to me as I shook my head focusing back on the screen

Crystal then got a text from her mother saying she needed help with something

" I'm sorry guys I've gotta go my mom needs me " she said getting up putting her jacket on

" doors over there walk yourself out bye " y/n said grinning and shooing her off with her hands as the boys laughed but I gave them stern looks to stop

" alright then " Crystal said as she walked to the doe and I followed after her knowing y/n will be mad that I did

" she doesn't like me " crystal said with a sad face

" she thinks now that I have a girlfriend that I won't love or pay attention to her " I said letting out a deep breath

" she's got you wrapped around her finger huh " she said laughing as I opened the door

" you have no idea " I said kissing her until y/n let out a fake cough

" oh uh right bye guys " crystal said leaving quickly shutting the door

" your in big trouble mister " she said waving her finger

" let's go " she said grabbing my hand taking me to the corner to sit on her little chair which was pretty uncomfortable

" awe man not timeout " I said as she nodded

I sat there for like 3 minutes

" this is boring " I said as y/n scoffed " how do you think I feel when you put me in time out daddy " she said as the guys laughed

" ya mike how do you think y/n feels " Luke said as they all laughed again making me roll my eyes

It was about another 3 minutes until y/n said I could get out

" you can't kiss her, or hug her, or hold her hand, got it " she said with her fist on her hips

" yes ma'am " I said laughing as I picked her up tickling her

" I love you and ONLY you y/n " I said making her smile

" I love you to but I will put you in timeout again if I see her here and I will put you in timeout right in front of her " she said giggling hugging back

" yea yea yea " I said sitting down on the couch as she cuddled into me
