Ashton- Drums vs Y/n


Y/n and her father were with the boys at band practice when they were on break and eating lunch

Y/n and Lukes 9 year old daughter Gabbie were running around all the instruments

" Gab and y/n/n please get out of that room " Calum said anxiously

" yea guys we don't want you getting hurt or any of the instruments getting broke " Luke said

But as they left the room y/n tripped over stool where Ashton sits to play the drums and she landed wrong on the drums and both y/n and drums fell and she let out the loudest scream

Ashton ran to y/n picking her up and sitting her down on a chair as Gabbie and the rest of the boys watched

" daddy it hurts " y/n cried looking down on her lap sad and scared thinking she upset her dad

" what hurt baby I need to know so I know what to do " Ashton tried explaining but y/n was to busy crying

" look at me breathe " Ashton told her and she tried calming down

Once she was calm Ashton asked her again

" alright one more time babe what hurts y/n " Ashton said

" my wrist and my leg " y/n said crying again

Gabbie then ran to Luke holding onto him tightly crying quietly

" why are you crying gab " Luke asked her picking her up

" because she got hurt is she ok daddy " she said putting her head on Lukes shoulder as all the boys awed

" we might have to go to the hospital there gonna take x-rays"

" I'm sorry daddy I shouldn't have been in the room I'm sorry " y/n cried into her fathers chest as he picked her up bringing her to the car 
"It's alright baby don't worry I'm not mad " Ashton said kissing her head

" call us when you get there " Michael said as Ashton nodded

Once they got to the hospital Ashton texted the boys and waited for y/n to be done with x rays
The doctor came in saying they had to put her knee back in place so they made me hold her down
" alright this is going to hurt just a little bit " the doctor said putting her knee back in place as she let out a loud sob and scream
I held her tight as the doctors massaged her knee then the doctor told me about everything she was going to need and she walked out to get something

The Nurse came back in saying

" alright so from what the x rays show she dislocated her knee of course I'm really sorry about that how did it go " the nurse asked sweetly

" a few screams and tears but we did it " I said rubbing y/n's shoulder and she was almost asleep from all the crying

"Alright so she fractured her wrist and she's going to need a small cast I'll go get somebody to put it on and we're gonna get her a knee brace to keep on maybe for about 3 weeks or so"

" alright thank you " I said as she left as I was texting the boys to tell them about y/n but then y/n tapped me

" whats up baby " I said sending the message to the boys

" I'm really sorry I broke the drums please don't hate me it was an accident " she said starting to cry again

" awe baby I don't hate you not at all I know it was a mistake and I promise you I'm not upset " I told her cuddling her

" but I broke the drums daddy and you love the drums " y/n said looking up at Ashton

" y/n you are way more important then those drums I could care less about the drums you always come first" I told her kissing her head as the nurse came in the put a cast on her wrist and put her knee brace on

They put her knee brace on and her wrist cast and she made me carry her to the car going back home to watch tv all day and eat snacks.
