

The car came to a halt once we arrived to the palace. I have to force myself not to gush about how big and beautiful it was. Regular people weren't allowed to go in there. Some rich people were allowed so I was amazed that I got the opportunity to come here. The car door suddenly opened and I was greeted by a smiling John.

"Are you ready, Selena ?" He asked. I nodded and got out. The camera flashes from photographers were wild. All of the people in the village were here. I hope I can see my family before I go to the hotel.

"This way, Selena." John said and escorted me to the castle. I widened my eyes and leaned into John.

"Are we really going inside the castle ?" I whispered and he chuckled.

"Yes, miss. I believe you're one of the contestants." He said and I smiled.

"It feels so surreal." I whispered and I heard him chuckling again.

"It is, Miss." He said and the guards at the entrance nodded at John before opening the doors.

"Wow !" I said. This place is so beautiful. I can't believe I'm seeing this with my own eyes.

"John, am I dreaming ?" I asked him again.

"You are silly, Miss Selena. You're not dreaming." He said. All of the girls that were in the top 50 were confidently walking around the palace.

"Aren't they afraid that they'll break something ?" I asked him.

"I believe that some of them have been here before." He said and I nodded. "But don't worry, Miss Selena. It feels good to escort someone who hasn't been in the palace before." He said genuinely. I smiled.

"I'm sorry, Sir John. I'm late." A girl said and I looked at her.

"Hi, I'm Selena." I said and lend my hand for her to take. Her eyes widened and she looked at John. John just nodded at her.

"Hi, I'm Nicole. I'm your personal maid for the activity." She said. I have a maid.

"I have a maid ?" I asked John and he nodded.

"Yes, Miss. She will help you with all of your things at the hotel and keep you beautiful always." He said and smiled at me.

"But I don't have maids at home." I mumbled and they chuckled.

"Sure, you don't. I'm really sorry, Miss Selena. I was helping Miss Jones." She apologize.

"It's okay. John was showing me around here. It's really a beautiful palace." I said and she nodded.

"Well, Miss Selena, I'll leave you to Nicole now and she'll be escorting you to the event room." He said and I nodded. We walked towards the hallway while I was gawking at every single detail of this palace. Well, if I didn't get picked, I need to remember every single thing in here and again, i'm lucky to have an opportunity to be here.

"Here you go, Miss." She said and I was greeted by girls who were complaining about how sweaty they were, how their makeup was ruined and how they were hungry.

"Why are they complaining so much ?" I asked Nicole.

"These rich girls sure love to complain." She said and I giggled. I spotted Kendall talking to her maid irritatedly.

"I saw your name, Miss. There's your seat." She said and I followed her. I saw a girl sitting there casually talking with her maid. She noticed me and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Pia Hill." She greeted. I smiled and told her my name.

"You're very lovely." She gushed while looking at me.

"Thanks, you're lovely too." I said and she giggled.

"I swear if the Prince saw you, he'll be gawking at you all day." She said. I frowned.

"Have you met him already ?" I asked. She nodded.

"Well, I know that you haven't seen him yet because you're new here. I mean, I have met most of these girls at the annual ball. It feels nice to have someone who's not part of the people you regularly meet." She said.

"Oh, well how does he look like ?" I asked but before she answered me, a clearing of throat interrupted all the talking girls. We all stood up and bowed down. It was King Jared who was looking at us.

"Today is the day where your life will take a turn and change. I'm really happy to see 50 beautiful women sitting before me but only one has the potential to be the next heiress." He started. King Jared was the best king i've known. He is a gentleman and he helped a lot of people who were struggling for a living. I hope his son is worthy enough to be a king like his father.

"As you can see, this box is filled with all of your names, but only one of you will be throned as the next heiress of this kingdom. My son, which is Prince Harry, is looking forward to this event to find his girl." He said. So, that is his name. Harry. I like his name.

"Some of you know him, some of you don't. Girls that will be picked out of this box will go on a test with him. I hope you all will be on your best behaviour." He said and  goes behind the box.

"The first name that is picked is Holly Brentman." He announced and the girl screamed. I looked at her and damn, she was beautiful. I am sure that the Prince will like her.

"All of you ladies will be escorted to the hotel and will stay there until the Prince finds his girl. Thank you and we hope the best for you." The King said and got off.

"I can't believe I wasn't the first pick." I heard Kendall complain. Good for her.

"Hey, do you want to be my roommate ? I mean, if you want to." Pia asked.

"I'd love to." I said and followed her out. When we were outside the palace, I found my family at a corner.

"Hey, Nicole. Can I go there and meet my family ?" I asked her and she looked at the mass of people.

"Just be careful, Miss. I know how it feels to not have them by your side." She said and I smiled. I walked towards the corner and a guard stopped me.

"Where are you going, Miss ?" He asked and I frowned.

"I'm just going to say goodbye to my family." I said and he looked at me amusedly.

"Did you see the amount of people ? You'll be hurt if I let you out. Off you go." He said and I glared at him.

"Don't you have a family ?" I asked him. "You know, i'm going to be in the hotel for God knows how long and you're not allowing me to go and say bye to them. You're a heartless guy." I said and he shrugged.

"It's for your safety, Miss and King's orders." He said. I noticed that we gained a little audience because of all this.

"I just want to say goodbye to them and I promise you i'll not get hurt." I told him. My dad made eye contact with me as if saying that "It's okay go ahead we'll meet again." But I'm not going to give up.

"Miss, I can have you eliminated immediately." He warned me and I shrugged.

"It's okay. My family matters the most." I said and that earned some gasps from the villagers. They all suddenly bowed down including this jackass guard. I looked back and saw an amused King Jared. I bowed down too.

"What's the matter here, Hans ?" He asked with authority lacing his voice.

"This miss here wants to meet her parents. It's against the law, My King." He said and I secretly glared at him.

"Where are your parents, Miss Selena, right ?" He asked nicely and I nodded.

"They are there. I just wanted to meet them one last time before I go." I told him.

"Let the girl out and if any of you harm her, you'll be imprisoned." The king said and I smiled.

"Thank you ! Thank you !" I said and bowed down before going to my family.

"You are crazy, Selena." Louis said and hugged me tightly. I smiled.

"Don't do that again, Sel." My dad said and I hugged him. I hugged my mom and she tightly hugged me back.

"I love you, Mom." I said and she nodded. I hugged Cara and Gigi too before going back again.

"I told you i'll be fast." I told Hans the guard and the King chuckled.

"Off you go, Miss." He said and I bowed down again.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me." I said and he nodded. Nicole was smiling at me and John was also.

"I hope you're content now, Selena." She said and I nodded.

"Then, off we go." John said and we both entered the limo. This day is memorable and I'm happy.


♚Character's Every Chapter GIF♚

A/n: How was it? In a scale of 1-10, how much do you want them to meet already? Let's welcome two characters that will play a slightly important role in Selena's life, Vanessa Hudgens as Nicole and Taylor Hill as Pia Hill. 🎉🎉 Don't forget to comment and vote.


