

Time passes by and I can't even imagine that three months has already passed and I was nine month pregnant now. Any moment I could bring this twins in this world. Things were..... Okay I guess. Harry still hasn't forgive me yet. I understand. I cheated on him. I still try to reach out to him and he always push me away but when months passed he seems to melt a little but we're still not in good terms.

I was currently sitting at the balcony with a scrapbook in my hand. I was doing this thing for like a weeks now. I plan to put pictures of the babies here and some good memories. I sighed happily when I finish the front page.

"There you are. I have been looking for you." A familiar voice said and I look up to smile at him and he didn't return it.

"Sorry, I just want to finish this." I said and stood up.

"Well, hurry up we gotta go." he said and I nodded as I made my way to my room to drop the scrapbook there and followed Harry downstairs.

"Where are we going again?" I asked him as he just look at me and ignores me. I bit my lip feeling myself getting emotional. I sighed and look at the window like it was the most interesting thing in the moment.

We arrived at a cool looking beach. A lot of photographers were ready to take a picture. Harry walked out and I followed him. I look down and feel overwhelmed by the amount of photographers.

"I feel.... Not good." I whisper at Harry and he looks at me before putting his hands in my waist.

"Can you please stop taking picture? Your future queen is pregnant. Give respect." he said and some photographers stop but others won't budge as he protectively guided me to the entrance of the beach. "Fucking media." he mumbled and I look down. He is mad again. I don't want him to get mad because he will ignore me again.

The meeting was mostly about the economic state of the kingdom, how well the kingdom cope up with poverty for a year now, and some proposals. I made a few speech but it was not long considering I was pregnant. It was now the after party.

"Why are you out here alone?" A voice told me and I look at it and smiled.

"Luke." I said and hugged him tightly.

"You're so big now. That twins will pop out any moment by now." he said and I smiled.

"So, you and Harry got back together now?" he asks and I shook my head and sadly bowed down. "He was being a dick. He is missing something great in his life." he uplifts my emotions and I slightly smiles.

"Thanks for that." I replied and scan the whole beach and saw Harry looking at us. "Well, you need to go." I told Luke and still has my eyes on Harry. Luke followed my gaze and he cursed quietly.

"Well, nice meeting you again." He said before walking away. I'm in trouble again.

The whole ride was quiet. Harry looks like he could burst if I say something so I decided not to speak at all. When the car halts, he speaks.

"I'll talk to you in the balcony. Meet me there." he coldly said and I saw him clenching his jaw. I sighed and nodded before following him out of the car. I made my way to the balcony and saw him standing there.

"So, did you have fun reuniting with Like earlier?" he said and I sighed.

"I told you me and Luke were nothing." I calmly said feeling myself angry because he is again accusing me.

"Yeah, lie. That wouldn't help." he said and I furrowed my brows.

"Look, I'm not lying. Me and Luke were friends. Sure, he has feelings for me but it doesn't mean I consider it." I explain controlling my emotions.

"Yeah. Because last time I check, you are kissing him in that damn hospital! What the hell?! Put yourself in my shoes Selena! I'm not the only one who's been going through a lot!" he yells and I look at him.

"Well, I told you for the past three months that we have nothing! You're the one who always keep pushing it." I said raising my voice also.

"I'm jealous! Okay! Now, the truth is out! I saw the way you look at him! It's the way you look at me before! You may think your feelings didn't change but I feel like it!" he said and his eyes were glossy.

"Well, I told you too that I love you so much! Why can't you just understand me too?! You've been ignoring me for a couple of months! I'm struggling too! I'm hurt too! You're acting like a jerk to me every single day! Push me to do things I cannot do!" I said and those days flashes in my mind.


"Can you make me a coffee?" I said feeling tired after he made me bake two cakes.

"You have hands and feet. Make them. You're not a person with disabilities." he said without looking up at me. He was reading this paper for an hour now.

"Come on, please." I begged and he angrily look at me.

"Selena, you're not a PWD person! You can do it!" he yells as I flinched. A tear escape my eyes. I just want his attention.

"Well, I'm just hoping that you'll give in. But you know what I'm just going to make them." I told him and stood up. I made my way to the kitchen and made my own coffee while crying.

End of Flashback

"You've been treating me shit! Feels like I was nothing to you! Do you ever think that sonetimes I miss your attention! I miss the way you go out of your schedule just to spends time with me! But I guess when you got that accident you also changed because I don't know you now!" I angrily yells and tears were flowing out. He raised his brows at me. Feeling a little pain in my stomach

"No! You're the one who changed! Since that Luke came! Fuck! Why do I even fall in love you?!" he said and that stung. I look at him and he widen his eyes.

"Huh?! Now you spill the truth. You regret it. Well, truth be told I did too." I said and leave him there but before I make my way to my room. I feel the water trickled down my legs. Oh my god! My water's broke. I feel a shoot of pain and I can't help but yelp.

"Go and trash all the things there! Clean that afterwards!" Harry yelled and I groaned.

"Harry! I---Fuck! My water's broke!" I sqid and he immediately rushes and he looks at me. He is nervous and looks like he will go crazy. "What?! Get me to the hospital, idiot!" I said as I scream in pain again. He nodded and carry me in bridal style as he didn't say any word. He carefully places me in the back seat and he roared his car to life.

"You're like.... A day advance! How's that possible!" he panics as he sped down the streets to the hospital.

"I don't know, idiot! Ahhhh! Just fucking drive!" I yell. "Drive faster!" I added.

"Fuck! I'm trying okay! Hold on! I don't want to get us into some accident!" he yells back and I know he is panicking and that amuses me and I can't help but to broke out into laughter.

"Why are you fucking laughing?!" he frustratedly groans and I stop.

"Nothing, just fucking drive faster!" I said still has a smile on my face.

*to be continued*

A/n: How was it? Cliffhanger and the twins is coming their way. Sad chapter. What gender of the twins will it be? The next chapter would be very long because it is an epilogue and the chapter itself combined. So, Don't forget to comment and vote.

1 chapter to go...


