
Read author's note below.xx


I headed to the bathroom once Harry said that the bubble bath he made for me was done. He left me on my own once he saw that I was nicely settled in.

Harry was so nice to me since we made a deal. I'm glad that he's being nice to me after the deal and I like it. The feeling that Harry feel the same way as I did was great and I'm not regretting the fact that I gave myself to him.

"Sel, are you finish? The breakfast was served." Harry called and he open the bathroom. I look up and smiled at him.

"You still feel sore?" He asks while getting the robe from the rack. I nodded and he handed me the robe.

"I'm sorry." He said and I smiled and lean in to kiss him.

"Thank you." I whispered and he smiled lending his hands for me to take. He left me in my dressing room to dress. I pick out a blue sleeveless dress that ended up to my thigh. I left my hair down, put on a little make up and grab my white heels. 

When I came out from my walk-in closet, Harry was sitting at the edge of my bed probably waiting for me.

"You took so long to get ready." He stated and stood up.

"Well, sorry for being a girl." I said and rolled my eyes at him. I immediately regretted it.

"You should've not done that." He said at me coldly.

"Sorry." I mumbled and he sighed before slipping his hands in mine.

"Just don't do that again." He said and I nodded. We came out of my bedroom and headed to the dining room. The food, I mean, foods were place at the table. My mouth automatically waters at the sight.

"You like it?" He asked and pull the chair for me. I sat and thank him.

"I love it, I mean, look at this foods. They look delicious." I said and he chuckles.

"Go on, let's eat." He said and I smiled before eating. I'm really hungry. Harry really worn me out.  "I really worn you out, do I?" He smirked and I glared at him.

"Don't flatter yourself." I said and eat the pork in my fork. It rhymes. I'm such a weirdo.

"Yeah." He replied and teasingly laugh at me. But, I ignored him and continue eating.


"What are we doing today?" I asked him while we were roaming around the castle. We were in the part where you can see the lawn of the castle.

"What do you want for us to do?" He asks and I shrugged.

"I don't really know." I told him and he smiled.

"How about we go to the garden and just hang out there?" He asks and I smiled.

"That's sounds fine to me." I said and he nodded before leading our way to the garden.

"We can plant flowers there if you like." Harry said and I look at him.

"Really? Well, let's hurry." I excitedly said aside from helping people my next goal is to have a garden. I know it's a little bit low goal for me but I really want to have a garden that has different varieties of flowers planted on it.

Harry called the maid on the way to the garden to help us with the utensils and tools for gardening. We made it immediately to the garden since I was hurrying Harry for us to be there immediately. Of course, I earn a chuckle of amusement from him but I ignore him.

'Now, what we will do first?" I asked and he handed me the gloves that was being used for gardening.

"Of course, you will dig a little hole for the plant to grow in." He said and I nodded as he dig a hole using a shovel. I asked him if I can do it but I get a 'Only boys can do it.' I shook my head and just watch him dig a small hole.

"Now, put these seeds and you bury them." He said and leave me to do it.

"Done." I said happily and he nodded. He give me the sprinkler.

"Pour some water on it and wait for it to grow." He said and I nodded. I smiled.

"Thanks." I said and he look a t me confusedly.

"For what?" He said while he was removing  the gloves that was place in his hands.

"For teaching me how to plant a flower. Aside from helping people, my goal is to have a whole garden of my own. I just love the idea of having those and it has a lot of flowers planted on it." I said dreamily. He chuckled and pull me towards him.

"I'll do anything for you, Sel." He said and I sighed. I'm lucky that I settle things with Harry immediately because if not I don't know how I will. "You have so many goals." He said when he pulled away.

"Yeah, wanna see it?" I asked and he nodded. Harry was the only person who will see those goals. Cara knows it but she didn't bother to see it.

"You're the only person that I get to share with it. It's pretty personal." I said and he smiled before wrapping his arms around me.

We finally arrived my bedroom and I immediately rummaged my suitcase. I always bring it with me because I don't anyone to know or even see it.

"Here it is." I said and join Harry that was now sitting on my bed comfortably. I open my so called 'diary' but actually it was a binder full of my memories. I get the paper and unfold paper, the writing were written sloppily since I wrote this when I was 11 years old.


1. Help people. (In any possible way) ✔
2. Learn how to plant a flower or tree
3. Have a garden of my own
4. Help my family
5. Meet the person who was looking at the star at the same time I was looking it
6. Marry that person
7. Go to Paris
8. Have my own baking shop
9. Be a successful baker
10. Have twins as a child

"This is pretty awesome. I feel honored that you made me see this." He said and I smiled then lean in to kiss his cheeks. "You can cross out the #2 and #3." He said.

"Why the #3 though?" I ask him as I get a pen and sat beside him again.

"Because you can have the garden that the palace has. You're going to be the next queen so it's yours until we go down." He said looking intently at me.

"No way." I said and he chuckled as I hugged him tightly.

"So I assume that your dad told you about the star thing too." He said and I nodded.

"I hope I met him. But not marry him because I have you now." I said and he smiles.

"That's so sweet." He said and I check the numbers 2,3 and 6. "Include #5 also." He said and I look at him.

"You met that person now." He states and I smiled when I remembered that we're both love to watch the stars. That made my cheeks blush.


1. Help people. (In any possible way) ✔
2. Learn how to plant a flower or tree ✔
3. Have a garden of my own ✔
4. Help my family
5. Meet the person who was looking at the star at the same time I was looking it ✔
6. Marry that person ✔
7. Go to Paris
8. Have my own baking shop
9. Be a successful baker
10. Have twins as a child

"Can we have a different paper for us too?" He ask and I smiled. I get a new set of paper and a sharpie.

H & S Goals:

"1. Go to Paris
2. Have a baking shop
3. Have three children " he said and I wrote that down.

"4. Reign the kingdom in a nice way
5. Help more people
6. Go to Mexico" I said while writing it down.

"Mexico?" He asks and I nodded.

"I heard that it's good place to visit." I said and he nodded.

"I think that's all for now." He said and I nodded. I stared at it and he sighed.

"We'll do both together." He whispered.

"Just please don't leave me." He said and I look at him.

"I won't." I said and he kiss me deeply.

♚Character's Every Chapter GIF♚

A/n: How was it? Don't forget to comment and vote. Hope you like it.

And I'm starting school tomorrow, expect slow updates at the middle of the year and lastly, pray for my soul to survive this year.


