Important Note

Hi, guys! So I just want to thank you all for bringing this story back again in the charts. I'm very happy and I really appreciate it. I know this is not an update and this is my very first Author's Note in this story but I just want to thank you for reading this and loving it. But I want to tell you all something that will leave you sad or mad.

Unfortunately, since school year 2017-2018 began early in our country. I've been in a lot of stress lately. Homeworks, group projects, reports and such things and I can't even open this app to make a great chapter for you. I know that  you don't want me to make a great chapter everytime but I can't seem to think that you're gonna like it.

Lately, I found myself being stress about school and stuffs and I just want to take off Wattpad for weeks for awhile. Another reason, I'm gonna take on a hiatus is that exams are coming and I need to study very hard since I'm running for high honors again. As always.

I hope you all understand. I'll let you know if I am ready to come back. And I'll promise to come up with an update. I'm very sorry but I think I need to stop updating for a couple of weeks and when I'm free and okay again. I'll grant you an update.

Thanks for understanding,

