

"You idiot!" I shouted at him. This guy I swear is getting on my nerves every time I'm with him.

"What? We are having a bonding moments." He said. I glared at him. We are in the other city. We decided to help the family that was reigning this city to help those people who was struggling to meet each other needs. But this idiot stomp his feet in the puddle and guess what the puddle was all over my dress and body. I looked at him and I just looked down. I don't want to deal with him.

"Miss Selena, let's get back and so you can change." A maid from the city said. I nodded and followed her back. I change into an another dress and I sighed. I got out and look for Harry. We were supposed to get home now. When I search for him he was gone.

"Oh, Miss. I thought you're with Prince Harry already. He leave earlier." A guard said. Really? Now, he left me. Right? I nodded and took off my heels.

"Where are you going, Miss?" He asks. I look at him and sighed.

"Going home. Don't worry I'll just walk. The kingdom was near here." I smiled faintly and he nodded hesitantly before letting me walk.

All of the people were looking at me. Some other recognize me and ask me why am I walking. I just tell a lie. That Prince is really infuriating. I don't get him. I'm tired dealing with him already. What more to come if we got married? He's a bad ass. I thought about what he said to me that he knows a girl and want that girl but I was on the way. I wonder who is that. She seems really lovely because she got the Prince head over heels for her.

"Is she the heiress? Why is she walking?" I heard one person said. I slightly look at them they are those rich bitch.

"I heard that she came from the poor side of the village. She's ugly." Her companion said. I looked down. They started talking as if I'm not listening.

I feel like I wasn't really welcome at all. I wasn't belong. The Prince was a jerk and insult me at the very first day we met. Sure, the staffs were nice to me but I feel like I don't deserve anything at all. A loud boom of thunder erupt in the sky and the rai started to pour. Look, at least the sky was agreeing with me. I walked in the rain drenched and tired.

When I reach castle, the guard notice me and open the gates.

"Oh, Miss Selena. You're wet." He said and tried to lend me his coat but I shook my head.

"I'm fine." I croaked. I wasn't belong here. I want to go home. By the time, I reach the front door, I was crying. I know I'm strong and all but I'm tired. The guards open the doors and look at me with questioning glares. Harry was walking down the stairs with a smirk. I stop at the bottom and wait for him.

"How was your trip?" He teased me. I looked at him and he just smirked. I stare at him and he just mimicked my actions.

"I had fun." I said dryly. He raised his eyebrows. Anger was rushing through my body.

"I had freaking fun!" I said and throw my heels at him. I took a step closer to him and punch his chest.

"I had a great time walking in the rain bare footed! I had a great time listening to those snobby rich bitch talking about me! I feel freaking fine! I fucking hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I said while throwing a punch on his chest. Tears were falling freely on my face. He stop me by holding my arms and I sobbed hardly.

"I'll get out of here. Don't worry. Tomorrow you will never see me. Go to that girl you're saying. I don't want to be here in the first place." I said while crying. He just looked at me.

"Do you think you're the only one who's suffering? Well, newsflash, I want to be with her but I can't because of you. So stop acting like a bitch and I'm glad that you will leave tomorrow." He said and leave me there.

"Selena, you can give him a chance. Come on." Nicole persuade me to stay. I shook my head and pack my bags. The King understand and allow me to clear my mind for a moment.

"The King allow you because you told him a lie but I know you." She said. "Please, stay." She begged.

"I'm sorry, Nicole but I'm not changing any decisions right now." I said and she nodded. I carry my bag and she help me.

"Oh, well, it isn't Selena." I look back and saw Kendall with Harry. Of course.

"Yeah, it's me. As if you forget me." I said sarcastically.

"I won't. Glad that you're going away." She fake a smile.

"Come on, Kendall." Harry whispered. I look at him and Kendall. They're really cute together.

"Have fun." I said and pull my luggage. I saw the King on the way to the front doors.

"Selena, you're leaving already?" He asked and I nodded.

"Just to let you know that if you're ready, you can come back." He said and I nodded.

"Thanks, King Jared." I said and he nodded. John help me with my luggage and open the door for me. I hug him.

"I'll miss you, John. You too, Nicole." I said and they nodded.

"Come back, Sel." Nicole said and I just shrugged. She step back and I climb back to the car.

After 2 weeks....

My mom and dad were happy that I decided to have a vacation. Again, I lied. I don't want to go back there. If Harry and Kendall will be there then no.

We were eating breakfast when a ring on the door snapped us out of our family bonding.

"I got it." Louis said and stood up. A couple of seconds, he looked at me. Harry emerged from the living room. My parents, Gigi and Louis' girlfriend bowed down.

"Where are your manners, Selena?" My dad scoffed at me.

"That guy doesn't need my respect." I said and my mom look at me. By the looks of her, I know that she has a feeling what happen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. They look all look at me shocked. Of course, I would be too if I wasn't the one talking to this jerk rudely.

"My dad wants you to come back. I'm here to get you. I'm sorry for what I've done. I'm such a jerk." He said. I raise my brows.

"As if and hate to break it to you but no, I'm not going." I said and go back to my room. I will not let him win. This is my house, the place I could call something I reigned.

♚Character's Every Chapter GIF♚

A/n: How was it? Only Angel was one of my favorite too. Don't forget to vote and comment.


