

It turns out that Harry were just kidding me about the whole surprise thing which leads me to ignore him a bit. Prince Luke and his family was still here for some things to finish. I was waking in the hallways when someone call my name.

"Hey!" I look back and speaking of the Prince, he was now walking towards me. Even though, I am a little bit afraid of him I manage to give a small smile as a sign of respect and acknowledgement.

"Hey, do you need anything?" I ask nicely. He smiled and shook his head.

"I see that there's no Prince Harry by your side." He stated the obvious. I nodded and awkwardly smile.

"He's finishing things." I said and he nodded.

"So, can we have a coffee? It's not because I like you more like I want to know you as the next leader of my kingdom I need to know everything about the kingdom that was now my allies." He said and I think for it for a moment. Harry was out of the castle for some appointments. One coffee won't hurt.

"Just once." I said and his whole face lights up.

"Yeah, just once."

We were driven by his personal driver to a fancy looking coffee shop that I'm sure that could cost my family's life including mine. We entered the shop and the amazing aroma of the coffee beans being brewed were the first to greet us. People recognize us and show some respect by bowing. I just smiled because again, I'm not use to this kind of thing yet. Luke pulled out a chair for me and I smiled.

"So, what do you want?" He asks and I scan through the menu.

"Uhhm, I'll have vanilla frappe and bagel, please." I said and he nodded.

"Same with mine please." He said to the waiter who serves us. "So, how long have you and Harry were together?" He asks. I look at him.

"We're not together. At least not yet. We like to take things slowly." I said and he nodded.

"You two don't know each other?" He asks and I nodded.

"It's a lottery draw. So, we don't know each other." I answered.

"Is it hard?" He asks and I shook my head.

"Harry was the best thing that ever happens to me." I said and he nodded. Our orders came and we eat in silence.

"Vanilla frappe is life." He whispered and I look at him.

"We are the same." I replied and he looked at me. "But the vanilla frappe here and in the place where me and Harry hang out was delightful." I said and he nodded.

"I can totally agree with you. It's a total crap." He said and I giggle.

Luke wasn't bad at all. That's all I conclude after the coffee we had. We got home by 8 in the evening and surprisingly, Harry never did cross my mind and now that we are nearing the castle, I can feel my heart thumping harshly against my chest. I can already see Harry's face. I saw him standing in front of the front door.

"Oh, shoot." I sighed when I saw a flash of anger when he saw Prince Luke's car slowly approaching him. The guard open my door as I immediately got down with my head hanging low. Harry's hard gaze were on me as well as Luke.

"We'll talk later." He whispered angrily when I pass by him. I immediately went to my room to clean up and to practice some lines.

As I was brushing my hair, Harry enter my room.

"Harry, I-" he stop me by looking at me intensely.

"Stop. Why are you with him?" He asks controlling himself not to go rage on me.

"He asks me if I want to have a coffee. One coffee won't hurt." I said and he sighed.

"I warned you about him. He's no good." He said and I look at him.

"I'm sorry, I know you will get angry but one coffee won't hurt and I won't do it again." I said and he sighed and motion for me to come.

"Did you have fun?" He asks looking at me directly.

"Ye--" he stop me again by asking another question.

"Did you have fun with him more than when I was with you?" He asks. I furrowed my brows.

"Why are you saying that? Harry, you're  the best thing that ever happen to me." I said and caress his cheeks gently as he leans in to my touch.

"I'm afraid, Sel." He whispered vulnerably.

"I am too. But if we always have our fear in front of us we will never succeed." I wittily said.

"I want to tell you who the girl is. Because I feel like I know more about you than you know about me." He said.

"Then tell me." I persuade.

"Promise me first, you won't get angry and you won't interrupt me." He said and I nodded. "Use words." He commanded and leans closer to me.

"I will." I said and he pecks my lips.

"I trust you, Sel." He said and I smiled.

Harry told me everything and I feel like we were closer than ever. He was the most beautiful thing that God ever made me have. I was wide awake while Harry was sleeping deeply beside me. Having his arms around me, tightly. His soft snores were like music to my ears. The calmness of his chest while rising up and down were a good view to watch. He made me feel new by the information told me. I feel like I love him more. I want to tell Harry badly but I'm afraid. He just got hurt and I know he cares for me but I don't want myself to be hurt by him. The girl he was referring to was shocking. Why did I never think of her before?

Why did I never think of a girl named

Pia Hill.

A/n: Shook? Me too. How was it? Comment and Vote. Hint for the story: Every characters has role.


